Computer Hardware, Software, and Peripherals: A Comprehensive Look

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Computer Basics

A computer is a device that processes data according to a set of instructions known as a program.

Hardware and Software

Hardware: The equipment. Software: The programs and data.

Operating System

The operating system is a special set of programs that provides an interface for the user and allows application programs to communicate with the hardware.

Application Programs

Application programs include:

  • Word processors (for creating and editing texts)
  • Spreadsheets (for calculating mathematical formulae)
  • Databases (for storing data in a way that allows the data to be sorted and searched)

Antivirus Programs

Antivirus programs are used to detect and remove viruses (harmful programs that can reproduce themselves and attach themselves to other programs).

Graphical User Interfaces

Graphical (user) interfaces allow the computer user to select items from menus and to start programs using an input device called a mouse.

Input and Output Devices

Keyboard: The main device for inputting data.

Monitor: A screen that looks like a small television screen.

Types of Computers

Personal Computers

PCs are designed for use by one person at a time. Personal computers include:

  • Desktop computers (for use on an office desk)
  • Handheld computers that can be carried around by the user

Expansion and Smart Devices

Expansion cards: Electronic circuit boards that can be plugged into special sockets called expansion slots.

Smart cards: Are able to store information such as health records, driver's licenses, bank balances, etc.

Smart devices: Devices that include a computer circuit.

Multimedia and Advanced Systems

Multimedia computer: Can process different forms of data including text, graphics, audio, animation, and video. This enables computer systems to be used for a combination of education and entertainment, sometimes referred to as edutainment.

Advanced systems: Known as expert systems, enable computers to think like experts.

Computer Peripherals

Peripherals: A variety of devices can be added externally to a computer.

Printer: Used for printing the computer output (the processed data or signal that comes out of a computer system) on paper.

Digital camera: Allows photographs to be input to a computer for editing.

Networking and Internet

Internet: Networks connected together form it.

Email: Electronic mail for sending and receiving text messages.

IRC: Internet relay chat, allows users to communicate using text messages in real time, without any delay, while the users are logged on (connected to a network system account, normally using a password).

FTP: File transfer protocol, is used for transferring data or program files between the powerful server computer that provides the network services and the client computers that use the services.

Downloading: Copying data from a larger server system to a client.

Uploading: Copying from the client to the server.

Website: A set of related webpages stored together on a server computer.

Internet Concepts

Information superhighway: Internet system designed to provide free, interactive access to vast resources for people all over the world.

Telecommute: Use their computers to stay in touch with the office while they are working at home.

Videoconferencing: A form of communication over a network that uses video cameras so that people taking part can see and hear each other.

Storage Devices

CD-ROMs: Compact disk read-only memory, commonly referred to as CDs, are storage devices that use laser light for reading and writing data.

Hard disk: A set of aluminum disks coated in a magnetic material and enclosed in a vacuum-sealed case used for storing the operating system and application programs.

Computer Types by Size and Power

Supercomputer: The most powerful type of mainframe.

Mainframe: Large, powerful multi-user, can be used by many people at the same time, can run many programs and process different sets of data at the same time.

Minicomputer: Smaller than a mainframe, powerful, multi-user, multi-tasking.

Workstation: Most powerful type of desktop used for graphic design, etc.

Portable Computers

Portable: Can be carried around, can operate with batteries.

Laptop: Large portable, can be rested on the user’s lap.

Notebook: Size of a sheet of notebook paper.

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