Company Structure, Pricing, and Legal Aspects

Classified in Economy

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Sales Organization

Our company, operating in the tertiary sector, is dedicated to providing services directly to the customer. Therefore, we utilize a direct distribution channel: Manufacturer to Final Consumer.

Pricing Policy

Our company aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Establish a permanent presence.
  • Generate market returns in the short term.
  • Promote and position our products and services, and defend against competition.

Pricing: The price of our products and services is set by studying the following three methods, so we consider:

  • The maximum price that can be set on the market, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the company against the competition.

Legal Form

The legal form is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The share capital is divided into indivisible and irreversible shares. The minimum number of members is 1, and there is no maximum. The social capital, consisting of members' shares, shall not be less than €3,005.06. In our case, the members contribute €1001.70 each, with a relatively low disbursement, which benefits us.

Economic Aspects

The initial share capital must be entered, in the case of cash contributions, into a bank account in the name of the company. A certificate must be requested, and the entry must be carried out at the bank.

Tax Aspects

These companies are taxed on income tax, on profits made in the society. We utilize the simplified VAT since we are in the general scheme.

Labor Aspects

This involves inclusion in the social security system and affiliation of the promoters.

Administrative Aspects

The General and Board of Directors is the organ that expresses and develops the social will.

Formalities Required

  • Application for Certificate of Title Social
  • Opening a Bank Account
  • Drafting and signing of Memorandum
  • Transfer Tax Payment
  • Registration in the Register
  • CIF Application, Declaration and Census Business Tax
  • High in the autonomous regime and / or General Partner and trabajadores
  • Request Guestbook

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