Communication and Management Theories: Key Thinkers and Concepts
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Defining Communication
One possible definition: "To create and interpret messages that imply a potential answer" (Em Griffin)
Shannon-Weaver Model (1948)
In 1948, Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver developed the Mathematical Theory of Communication.
Elements: Sender, Message, Receiver, Code, Channel, Context, and Noise.
Organizational Theory
"An organization is a social institution in which its members carry out a series of activities, has a relatively stable structure over time, and tends towards certain goals" (Bernard Kliksberg)
Management Guru
Pioneers of Public Relations
Eduard Bernays
- Created the concept of "Public Relations advisor."
- Active career of 40 years working for large clients (Caruso, Eisenhower, General Motors...).
- First professor of Public Relations.
Spiral of Silence Theory
The Tyranny of Public Opinion - Theory by German thinker Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann.
Bernays and Behavior Manipulation
Session 16-20
Bernays' theory suggests that to manipulate behavior, one must understand the group mind and connect emotions to the product.
Quote: "In almost every act of our daily lives... we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses."
The Public Sphere
Jürgen Habermas
Jürgen Habermas, a German philosopher and sociologist, defines the public sphere as a domain of social life where public opinion forms through rational discourse, independent of government or economic control. Now in the digital age.
Grunig's Four Models of Public Relations
James E. Grunig
- Asymmetrical Communication: Focused on persuasion.
- Symmetrical Communication: Focused on mutual benefit (win-win strategies/cooperation).
Relationship Management
Stakeholders are strategic assets. PR is strategic and should be connected to top management.
Strategic means:
- Important
- Instrumental
- Long-term oriented
Strategic also means: