Common Idioms and Phrases
Classified in Medicine & Health
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- Class Clown: A pupil who frequently makes jokes or pokes fun.
- Make a Clown of Yourself: To make yourself appear foolish or stupid.
- To Be in the Limelight: To be in the center of attention.
- Museum Piece: Something that is very old-fashioned and should no longer be used.
- Dog and Pony Show: A show or other event organized to get people's support or persuade them to buy something.
- The Show Must Go On: Something we say which means that an event or activity must continue even if there are problems or difficulties.
- To Run the Show: To be in charge of an activity.
- Show Stopper: An event that provokes such a strong reaction that it stops whatever is happening.
- To Sing Your Heart Out: To sing with vigor or intensity.
- Star Studded: With lots of famous people.
- To Steal the Show: To win the greatest praise and be better than anyone else.
- To Bring the House Down: To make everybody laugh.
- To Be Laughed Out of Court: To make a fool of oneself.
- Ask Somebody Out: Invite someone to go with you to the cinema.
- Break Down: To be so overwhelmed by emotion as to have no control.
- Call Something Off: Cancel an event.
- Chip In: Contribute something as one's share of a joint activity.
- Come Down with Something: To become or be sick with some illness.
- Rely On: Count on.
- Do Away with Something: To remove it completely or put an end to it.
- Drop Off: Very large decrease in level or amount.
- Drown Out: To get rid of something.
- Fall For: Fall in love with.
- Get Over: Start to feel happy or well again after something.
- Get On Well: How much success they are having with what they are trying to do.
- Give Away: Reveal something secret.
- Hold Something Back: Prevent or restrict the progress or development of someone or something.
- Keep Up: Continue a course of action.
- Look After: To take care of someone.
- Make Up: Compensate for something lost or missed.
- Payback: Repay a loan to someone.
- Run Into: To touch or strike something or someone.