Common English Idioms and Expressions for Health, Education, and Everyday Life

Classified in Medicine & Health

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(excruciating/Nagging pain)-(full/miraculous recovery)

(internal/massive bleeding)-(contagious/mysterious disease)
(on-the-spot/outpatient treatment)-(lighting/automatic reflexes)
(rigorous/annual test)-(sport/nasty injury)
(be over the hill)-(be given a clean bill of health)
(be black and blue)-(be fit as a fiddle)-(have butterflies in one´s stomach)
(kick up one´s heels)-(scare the life out of someone)
(be of sound mind and body)-(have nerves of steel)-(keep a stiff upper lip)
(hold= up, on, out, off, back)-(clear= up, out, away)
(under=age, pressure, suspicion, circumstances, normal conditions)

(be the teacher´s pet)-(mind one´s ps and qs)-(learn s/thing by heart)
(be as easy as 1,2,3)-(be of the old school)-(make the grade)
(know s/thing like the back of one´s hand)-(pass with flying colors)
(first class/master´s degree)-(higher/first-rate education)
(correspondence/refresher course)-(compulsory/formal schooling)
(postgraduate/2 years diploma)-(long distance/accelerated learning)
(tuition/registration fees)-(school leaving/medical health)
(keep=back, to, up with, s/one on, on)
(drag=on, s/thg out of, in, s/one down)
(by the wayside(wasted))-(by word of mouth(spread people's words)
(by law)-(by chance(coincidentally))-(by the way(consequently))
(by the book)-(by and by)-(by and large)

(well-defined features)-(changing room)-(cosmetic surgery)-(skin-care)-(ups and downs)-(down and out(poor))-(down the drain(wasted))
(down payment(deposit))-(down in the mouth(depressed))
(down to earth(be realistic))-(down at heel(shabby))
(hand-me-downs(used clothes))-(see eye to eye)-(sink one´s teeth into)
(bite one´s tongue)-(keep up appearances)-(smack one's lips)
(pull a face)-(have s/one´s ear)-(come out of one´s ears)
(go=over(revise), up(increase), on(keep going), under(bankrupt))
(pick=out(choose), on(bully), up(give a ride), at(eat a little portion))

(buyer´s/flea market)-(best-selling/household products)
(celebrity/government endorsements)-(aggressive/effective marketing)
(subliminal/code messages)-(pop/religious icons)
(go from rags to riches)-(cost an arm and a leg)-(save for a rainy day)
(have a nest egg)-(tighten one´s belt)-(foot the bill)-(be one´s meal ticket)
(earn one´s bread and butter)-(keep one´s head above water)
(make and meet)
(call= off(cancel), upon(request), in on(visit), for(demand))
(draw= on(use knowledge), s/one in on(involve), out(lengthen), up(write))
(carry s/thg too far)-(carry an illness)-(be cash and carry)
(carry a lot of weight)-(carry the motion)
(carry the weight of the world on one´s shoulder)

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