Common Body Parts, Sleep Patterns, and Social Interactions

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Common Body Parts

Belly button, Blood vessel, Braincell, Calf, Cheek, Chin, Eyebrows, Eyelash, Fingernail, Forehead, Hairline, Heart, Lung, Muscle, Thigh, Heel, Jaw, Hip, Rib

Sleep Patterns

Cheer up, Cope with, Get by, Go ahead, Pay off, Pick out, Soak up, Switch off, Work out, Doze off, Drop off to sleep, Fast asleep, Rest, Sleep deprivation, Sleep pattern, Sleepy, Snore, Take a nap, Unconscious, Wide awake

Social Interactions

Bad manners, Blink, Blow your nose, Blunt, Bow, Handshake, Impolite, Lack of respect, Nod your head, Stare, Take offence, Whistle, A pack of lies, A red flag, Lead someone up the garden, Lie through your teeth, Look someone in the eye, Make a break for it, On the level, Practice makes perfect

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