Classical Music Era: Composers, Forms, and Masterpieces

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Characteristics of the Classical Music Era

  • The Realm of Melody: Emphasis on symmetry, with favorite models being 8 measures (divided into periods of 4 and sub-periods of 2) and 6 beats (3+3).
  • Tonal Language: Tonal hierarchy featuring I, V, and IV chords.
  • Harmonic Filling: Use of harmonic tones to emphasize scales, arpeggios, etc.
  • Alberti Bass: Accompaniment featuring a broken chord or arpeggiated figure, where the notes of the chord are presented in a specific order, usually low, high, middle, high.

Key Composers of the Classical Period

Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

A master of character and aristocratic taste, despite drawing inspiration from popular works. He composed oratorios, including The Creation and The Seven Last Words of Christ, and 104 symphonies.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Renowned for his symphonies, quartets, and concertos for various instruments. Among his 41 symphonies, the last three are particularly notable, as are his major concertos.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

A transitional figure from Classicism to Romanticism. His career can be divided into three periods:

  • Until 1800: Focused on piano works, including Sonata Pathétique, and his first and second symphonies.
  • Up to 1815: Early Romantic period, featuring his third, fifth, and sixth symphonies, and the Emperor Concerto.
  • Until his death: Fully Romantic period, including his Ninth Symphony and Missa Solemnis.

Contributions: Beethoven significantly influenced not only musicians but also painters and writers. He elevated the symphony to new heights, emphasizing the expression of feelings over strict adherence to rules.

Opera Reform in the Classical Era

Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) and Mozart

These composers brought greater importance to the chorus. Gluck utilized a larger orchestra and focused on the dramatic qualities of the libretto. Gluck's Orpheus and Euridice exemplifies the transition between Baroque and Classical opera.

Mozart combined the best of Italian, French, and German operatic traditions. He cultivated the German Singspiel in works like The Magic Flute.

Classical Music in Spain

Notable Spanish composers of this period include John Chrysostom Arriaga (1806-1826) and Vicente Martín y Soler.

Masterpieces of the Classical Era

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Mozart

This piece showcases symmetrical musical phrases and a popular character. It is an example of sonata form and an instrumental music genre.

"Che farò senza Euridice" from Orfeo and Euridice - Gluck

Text by Calzabigi. This aria is in aria form and belongs to the opera genre. Its features include an introduction, ABA'CA structure, coda, simplicity, classic beauty, lack of ornamentation, clarity of tone, and music serving the poetry.

"Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja" from The Magic Flute - Mozart

Text by Schikaneder. This strophic aria is also in the opera genre. It features an orchestral introduction, followed by the baritone singing. The same music is repeated in each of the three stanzas (strophic aria). A five-tube pan flute motif is played. The aria is symmetrical, divided into subsections of 2 bars and 4 semi-phrases.

Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight" - Beethoven

This sonata does not follow the typical sonata pattern. It has an AA'BA structure, with an introduction, AA'B, pedal, and coda. It is part of the Romantic piano music repertoire, free in form, with a simple theme, and full of melancholy. The accompaniment is maintained obstinately throughout the movement.

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