Christmas Sales Surge: Spanish Consumers Embrace E-commerce for Holiday Shopping
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Christmas Sales Surge in Spain
These are going to be the most prosperous Christmas for the consumer goods sector in Spain since the economic crisis. Sales in food are expected to increase significantly.
Sales Projections and Market Analysis
According to data from the Nielsen consultancy, food sales will grow by around 3%. The Asociación Española de Distribuidores, Autoservicios y Supermercados (Asedas) predicts an even greater increase, between 3% and 5%. These are notable figures, as the consumer goods sector is typically very stable and doesn't often experience such substantial growth.
Nielsen estimates that products worth €11.5 billion will be sold during the Christmas season, representing 20% of the entire year's revenue. Ignacio García Magarzo, CEO of Asedas, believes that "the Christmas campaign will confirm the consumer recovery which has been observed throughout this year".
Consumer Spending Habits
The average checkout bill at supermarkets during the Christmas season is 12% higher than the rest of the year. According to the Deloitte consultancy, consumers allocate a quarter of their holiday budget to gifts.
The Rise of E-commerce
This year is poised to see a significant shift towards online shopping for Christmas gifts. Amazon's influence has been instrumental in driving this trend, facilitating the logistical flow of goods from retailers to consumers' homes.
Several studies highlight the remarkable growth of e-commerce during the holiday season. A Christmas consumption habits survey by Showroomprive reveals that nearly 30% of Spaniards plan to do more than 75% of their Christmas shopping online. Additionally, 32% will purchase half of their gifts through this channel. In essence, over half of the Spanish population will conduct at least 50% of their Christmas shopping online.