Chloride: Properties, Uses, and Health Effects

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Chlorine, as an element, has a huge tendency to form the chloride ion (Cl-, a chlorine atom with a negative charge). This ion, in turn, will tend to form salts with other positively charged elements or cations (Na+ sodium, K+ potassium, Mg2+ magnesium, etc.). The chloride ion is one of the main inorganic anions in natural water and wastewater. The chloride content of water is variable and is mainly due to the nature of the terrain traversed. Typically, the chloride ion content of natural waters is less than 50 mg/L. In drinking water, the salt produced by the Cl- is variable and depends on the water chemistry.

Chlorite and Chlorate

These are salts derived from chloric acid and chlorous acid. These compounds tend to form chlorine gas, especially in acid. Bleach is sodium hypochlorite, and its disinfecting power is because it forms chlorine gas. If an acid such as vinegar or hydrochloric acid is added, chlorine production is very violent and dangerous.

Chlorides in Nature

The chloride ion is widely distributed in nature, mainly as part of sodium chloride. In water, the chloride content can usually be found next to 250 mg/L of sodium cation. Water can also be found with 1000 mg/L of chlorides, and in this case, the predominant cations are calcium and magnesium. In oceanic waters, the sodium chloride content average is about 2.6% by weight.

Chloride Ion Toxicity

Toxicity in the chloride ion itself is null. The problem, in any case, comes from another ion (the cation) of the salt in question. The problem of salt (sodium chloride) is given by the sodium. Magnesium chloride or calcium hardens water because of the Mg2+ or Ca2+, but not the chlorine. Although sodium chloride is not toxic, it should be noted that the toxicity of a substance is closely linked with the route of entry into the body, the amount, and the period of exposure.


Chloride is essential for good health. It preserves the acid-base balance in the blood, helps in the absorption of potassium, and contributes to the ability of blood to carry carbon dioxide.

How Do We Use Chloride?

Sodium chloride is popularly used as a seasoning for meals and as a preservative. It is considered a food additive and used as such in the food industry.

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