Child-Centered Learning: Activities, Methods, and Play

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Interest-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education

Interest-based learning is a pedagogical method that organizes educational content around a core based on the needs and interests of children. This approach focuses on presenting activities in various situations, motivated by the environment. For example, introducing the concept of fruit through engaging activities.

Organizing Activities for Success

Activities are organized to encourage children to think and pursue success. Choosing an axis of interest that sparks their curiosity is crucial. This method can be implemented with children as young as 18 months old.

Learning Corners: A Key Pedagogical Resource

Learning corners are a valuable pedagogical resource that involves creating organized play spaces within the classroom. Materials are grouped according to the children's ages. This approach is based on the concept of symbolic play, which allows children to actively adapt to real-life situations. Everyday, real-world scenarios are recreated.

Educators use learning corners during educational playtime, allowing children freedom of choice within a structured environment. The duration of these activities should be extended over a long period to achieve predetermined objectives and content. Objects and materials should not be excessive but sufficient, with additions made over time. Educators can use learning corners to stimulate language development, ask questions about the games, and create dialogues. This method is appropriate for children from 2 years old, as they begin to represent reality.

Workshops: Fostering Exploration and Experimentation

Workshops involve practicing a specific subject or technique for a set time. They allow children to explore, experiment, and find solutions, contributing to the acquisition of technical skills. Workshops also promote interaction and spontaneous expression.

The necessary resources to support an educator during workshops include materials that are initially unidentified by the children, designed to motivate them to engage in activities. The duration of workshops should be tailored to the children's ages, avoiding excessive length. The time required for setup and cleanup of each activity should also be considered. Workshops can be implemented with children as young as 12 months old and can also be organized for children of different ages.

Free Play: The Cornerstone of Early Childhood Education

Free play is a fundamental technique in early childhood education, occupying a significant portion of playtime. It can be implemented in both open and closed spaces.

Experimental Play: Fostering Independence and Discovery

Experimental play involves games that children under 2 years old can prepare themselves by utilizing materials found in their environment. Examples include:

  • The Treasure Basket: Involves the manipulation of different objects offered by the educator.
  • Heuristic Play: Based on manipulation, exploration, and discovery. The child organizes objects and space spontaneously. This method promotes the initiation of manipulation, observation, concentration, attention, and fine motor skills.

Heuristic Play Guidelines

  • Maximum of 8-10 children.
  • Duration: 1 hour.
  • Frequency: 2 sessions per week.
  • Consists of two parts:
    • Exploration: Spontaneous and active exploration.
    • Collection: Guided by the teacher.
  • Suitable for children aged 12-24 months.

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