Chemical Bonding and Atomic Structure: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Chemistry

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  • Metal + nonmetal = ionic bond

  •  Nonmetal + nonmetal = covalent bond  

  •  Metal + metal = metallic bond

  • Electron filling pattern: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f

  • Physical Changes

    • Do not create a new substance.
  • Chemical Changes - Do produce new substances.

  •  Ions - Atoms can gain or lose electrons to form ions (atoms with a charge. 

  • Anion - Atom with a negative charge. 

  • Cation - Atom with a positive charge.

  • quantitative= number/amount, qualitative= observation of physical change

  • alkali metals the column of elements from lithium to francium.

  • Alkaline earths the column of elements from beryllium to radium.

  • Halogens the column of elements from fluorine to astatine.

  • The Periodic Law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements recur in a systematic and predictable way when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

  • Mendeleev arranged the elements to atomic mass

  • Isotopes are elements with a different amount of neutrons

  • Atomic mass=Proton and neutrons

  • The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength

  • The greater the energy, the larger the frequency

  • 656.2red
  •   Ionic Compounds

    1. Write the symbol and charge of the cation (metal) first and the anion (nonmetal) second.Al3+N3Al3+N3−Li+O2Li+O2−
    2. Use a multiplier to make the total charge of the cations and anions equal to each other.

    total charge of cations = total charge of anions

    1(3+) = 1(3-)

    +3 = -3

    total charge of cations = total charge of anions

    2(1+) = 1(2-)

    +2 = -2

    3. Use the multipliers as subscript for each ion.Al1N1Al1N1Li2O1Li2O1
    4. Write the final formula. Leave out all charges and all subscripts that are 1. 
Atomic radii increase while you go down a group

Ionic radii decrease while you go across a period

Ionization energy increase from left to right

 Electronegativity increases from left to right

Atomic mass of a element=(percent abundance of isotope 1 x mass of istope 1)+(percent abundance of isotope 2 x mass of isotope 2)

ZAAC- Zn Al Ag Cd don't use roman numerals

Phase Change: Evaporation, Condensation,Freezing, Melting, Sublimation & Deposition. 

Intensive- mass doesn't matter

Extensive- mass does matter

Alpha- particles can be referred to as a Helium atom containing two neutrons and two protons.

Beta- Any nucleus that contains an unstable ratio of neutron to protons may decay and emit the electrons known as beta particle.

Gamma-These are extremely high energy photons that can travel through various matters

SPDF Orbitals:S-1 P-3 D-5 F-7
Shorthand Electron Configuration- Abbreviated electron configuration
Isoelectronic- Same amount of electrons

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