Business English Vocabulary and Meeting Phrases

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Lunes(ON) Mes(IN) Meses+fecha(ON) por tarde/maña(IN)  Estaciones(IN)      2ºCONDIT (If/Unless+ past Simpl, would+infitv)   3ºCOND (If/Unless + Past perfet,would/might/could+ have+past)  

PASSIV(Pres.Simpl: Is/are conducted)-(Past Simpl: Was conducted)-(Futur:Will be conductd)  (Pesen.Cont=Is/are being conductd)-(Past.Cont= was/were being conductd) Present.Perf(have conductd=HAS been conductd)      

REPORTD (Pres Simpl: eat=ATE)-(Past Simpl: ate=HAD EATEN )-(Futur:will eat=Pesen.Cont=are eating=WERE EATING)-(Past.Cont=were eating/= ) Pres.Perf(have eaten= HAD EATEN) Pres.Perf.Cont(have been eating= HAD been eating) Past Perf.Simp(had eaten=HAD EATEN)                                                                                                                                                    Absenteeism (falta a práctc)  At peak times=(en ls horas puntas)=Rush hour   Assure(asegurar persona esté bien) Avoid pitfalls(evitar tramps)  Afterwards(después)  Achieve(lograr, conseguir)   Accountability (responsabilid)  Agenda(cosas a discutir meeting)  Bias(prejuicio)   Boot up( iniciar, arrancar)  Branch of copyright (derechs autos)  Cash in on(aprovechar) Court (corte/tribunal)  Deal with (tratar con)  Duties(deberes)   Eventually(finalmente)   Ensure(asegurar algo funcione)   Feature(característica q hace algo diferente)   Foretelling(predecir futuro)  Foreseeable (previsible ants d q pase) Get off to a dreadful start (empezar malamente) Handle an awkward customer(encargars d un cliente díficl) Idle (ocioso)  Keep up with( seguir)   Loyalty programme (progrm fidelizcn)  Meet(cumplir, satisfacer)   Prosecute(procesar)   Praise(alabar)  Promotion prospects(posibild promocn)   Put up with(soportar)  Resign(renunciar)   Review (reseña)  Sick leave(baja enfermedad)   Sue(demandar)  Search engine(buscadr)  Update(actualzr) Draw up(elaborar)     Wide range(amplia gama)         *Meeting( set up=organise   chair=lead or suervise  call off=cancel   put off= postpone   adjourn=stop temporarily   skip=not attend  interrupt=disturb)       *Paperless office(oficina sin papel sólo ordenador)  Anti-pollution law   Clean air legislation   Climate Change  Get staff involved    Environmentally friendly  Service charge( servicio limpiez y repar)  Waste(desperdicio, basura,residuos)  Waste power(pérdid energ)Cut down on (reducir)  Implement change (implantar cambio)  On schedule(fecha prevista)  Staff turnover(rotación personl)  Working conditions    Lack of peopl skills(falta d habilids)  Rapport(buena relación y comprensión)

A.I'm writingto arrange a time for the meeting next week/*/to arrange a meeting for tomorrow to discuss our business plans /*/to arrange a meeting wiht our suppliers next Monday in order to discuss the financial require/*/to you because we are interesting in your services about... /*/ I would like to suggest holding the meeting in the small conference room in the Hilton Hotel, Madr on Thursday morning at.. ./*/ it has been decided to cut our training budget by../*/Due to the suggestions that our staff given us, we have decided to promote this fact.This action will take place during the next months. /*Im writing to apply for the job about personal assistant to overseas sales manager. As requested, Iattached my job application                                  B.I would be grateful if you could (give us a sample inform)-(send us details of your services ) Furthermore, if you can tell us how much it will cost and the time that would take to finish/*/We would be pleased if you could inform us about how /*/We would appreciate it if you could let me know as soon as possible/*/I apologize again for the changes and I hope we can met in the near future ./*/   If you are interested in  working with us, please contact me at the above number to arrange a meeting where we can discuss our /*/Please let me know what time would suit you /*/ If you have any question don´t hesitate to write us.          C.Yours sincerely, /Thanks in advance/I look forward tostyle="font-size:7.5pt"> (hearing from you)-(meeting you next week))    *In my presentation I have to explain 3 points about my business idea.First, I will talk about the structure of the product and its essencial characteristics.Then I´ll tell you our suppliers that can give us the necessary raw materials. Finally,I´ll show you the financial requirements and plans about costs and prices about this product.    *Following our discussions, I´m just writing you to confirm the details we agreed about the purchase of this product.  We agreed that we will give you 20 pieces at 10E each one.But the condition is that you would take back the bottles. In addition to this, we agreed to give you a discount about 10% if you will sell 20 boxes in two months.  We could  give you one box of any type of wine,as a gift.//We will achieve this order as soon as we receive your agreement.                                   meeting clients: essential for building relationships,liking you,trust and persuasion,   Expanding business: explore new markets   Get to know each other, builts team spirit, exchange ideas and communicate values. // New ways to reduce the cost of printing wth maximising the use of paper.    Paperless office Anti-pollution lawClean air legislation Climate ChangeGet staff involvedEnvironmentally friendlyWaste(desperdicio, basura,residuos)  Waste power(pérdid energ)Cut down on (reducir)  Implement change (implantar cambio)Staff turnover(rotación personl)  Working conditions  Lack of peopl skills(falta d habilids)  Rapport(buena relación y comprensión)

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