Building Terminology and Urban Planning Concepts

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References Own Building

  • Plan of facade: Vertical planes above the ground separating the built-up area inside the edifice. It does not contain all the elements of the elevation of the building constructed, with the exception of authorized outgoing elements that are considered (balconies, terraces, eaves, cornices, etc.).
  • Semi-detached or party wall facade: A common parameter of a building with an adjoining construction or building in contact with it, or detached buildings that separate a parcel of adjoining buildings. When facades could not fully assemble, so that fragments of this stand out, treaties should pay attention to their aesthetic.
  • Building Line: Intersection of the planes of the ground floor facade of a building site.
  • A fence located on the boundaries demarcating the plot is called the closing of the plot.
  • The virtual alignment in higher plants is defined as the lines marking the sorting to the position of the building's facade in plants above the floor.
  • Setback: The distance or width of the strip of land between the building line and the external alignment, measured on a line perpendicular to it. Occasionally, you can also use this same concept in relation to any of the boundaries of the parcel. In the latter case, it is often called separation boundaries and usually requires the fulfillment of a certain minimum value. As a result of applying all or some of these concepts of the position of the building on the plot, what is called the motion area of the building on the plot is defined as part of the plot occupied that may be subject to building.

Building Type

Residential use within the building, we can find:

  1. Collective housing (apartment buildings)
    • Block line
    • Blocks or in closed court
  2. Single Family:
    • Isolated: This family house is located within a parcel without one of their planes of this contact facade adjacent properties.
    • Terraced (row): That in which two of their facades were coincident with attached or adjacent parcels (also may be the case in which only one side matches: corner)
    • Paired: These homes are clustered or share only one of the medians.

The rules always limit the way to build on these plots and give minimum parameters of blocks apart, heights, etc.


  • Residential: Is the intended use for housing.
  • Tertiary: Is one that incorporates all those buildings to service the locality in which it stands. Among the land used tertiary, find:
    • Office: Low can be installed in buildings or combine residential and office.
    • Shops around roads need extensive and often have transportation nearby. The proper use of commercial plot depends on occasion (large commercial) of the disclosures we have.
    • Applies to envelopes-government development. They are schools, hospitals, etc. and to plan appropriate to the community. These spaces are assigned to local municipalities, such assignments are often marked by a land law. It is often marked by the percentage of the net area of the parcel, in addition to these plots should be used for public use. They come in every case of a loan for which the project (developer).
    • Industrial: These soils are planned in areas where industrial activity disturbed as little as possible to the proper development of the city.
  • Green Zone: (Normally included within the zoning use of tertiary). They usually have a local character, and also are areas that are given to the council for free.


Any space not bounded by walls built inside the buildings or any space not built inside the outer alignments whose surface is surrounded by building. The remaining space not built is often called free space plot. The dimensions of the yard will come generally determined by the height or the number of exits (windows, rooms, etc.) going to give that court. Thus, if many windows are going to give the court, it will have a better dimension. Thus, we can talk about:

  • Yard plot: Is that which is located inside the building or its perimeter.
  • Backyard apple: Is that management that has defined its shape and position in the parcel with other parcels adjacent that form the block, forming a space for them all.
  • English garden.

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