Bowed Instrument
Classified in Music
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2-DURATION: Is the quality that enables us to distinguish between a long and short sound. Duration refers to how long or short notes are.
2.1-MUSICAL FIGURES: Figures are a set of signs that indicate the duration of the sound in a piece of music
A DOTTED NOTE (puntillo):has a small dot written to the right of it, which increases its duration by half of its original value.
A TIE (ligadura): is a curved line that connects two figures and combines their durations in a single sound.
3_STRING INSTRUMENT or chordophones, produced sound through the vibration of one or more strings.
3.1_ BOWED STRINGS INSTRUMENT (cuerda frotada): Are played by vibrating the strings whith the friction of a bow. Ej: violin, viola,cello and double bass. Ej: violin/viola/cello
3.2_PLUCKED STRING INSTRUMENT (cuerda pulsada): Plucking is a way of pulling and releasing a string, causing it to vibrate. Can be done with the fingers r with a plectrum.
ej: guitar / harp.
3.3 STRUCK STRING INSTRUMENT (cuerda percutida: Are played by striking their strings. Ej: piano/cimbalom.