Baroque Composers and Musical Forms: 17th-18th Centuries
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was a German composer and organist, and an important member of a family of musicians. He began his musical training with the help of his father and his brother. At 18, he began his professional life. At 38, he was appointed music director of a Leipzig church and remained there until his death.
Secular Vocal Music
The secular vocal music component still includes madrigals. Opera was born, which has sung parts in theatrical productions. At the end of the Baroque period, operas buffa appeared, with comic arguments, and were very popular in France. The opéra-ballet also appeared.
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643) was a composer from Cremona, Italy, chronologically located in the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque. His works clearly show this stylistic change. He constantly signed his works. His later works are diverse. One highlight is Orfeo. From 1613 to 1643, until his death, he served as maestro di cappella of San Marco in Venice.
The Beginning of Opera
How and when did opera begin? Opera began with groups that met with instruments, but always with a variable composition. During the 17th century, composers increasingly required a string section, which would become the foundation of the Baroque orchestra.
Recitative and Aria
What is a recitative? What is an aria? A recitative is a procedure that is the practical application of reciting voice singing. The most common accompaniment to recitative are bass agreements. It allows the plot to move more quickly. An aria is the appropriate time for singers and composers to show off their skills. Composers of the era sought to write arias to the size of the voice that had to sing. Singers often improvised ornaments and added great showmanship.
Comic Opera
What is a comic opera? Comic operas presented insignificant arguments and comic situations close to village life, with musical styles near the public.
The Zarzuela
What is a zarzuela? A zarzuela is a musical play with spoken and sung parts.
Joan Cererols
Joan Cererols (1618-1680) was born in Martorell. With very little income, he became a monk at the Escolania de Montserrat. At the end of 1646, 78 compositions remained until his death at 62 years old.
Trio Sonata and Solo Sonata
The trio sonata and the sonata for solo are fragments with the same vocal characteristics as arias, but are interpreted by three soloists.
Concerto Grosso
How does a concerto grosso work? A small group of solo instruments (e.g., violin) and an orchestra are involved.
Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) stood out as a violinist and composer. He was also a chapel master. He was a professor and director of a hospital. He composed many works.
The Suite
The suite is a set of dances for French courtiers, in counterpoint to the music of the Italian sonata.
Dance and Instrumental Music
Dance had great importance in the ballet de cour. In these balls, the geometry of the dance was more important. During the Baroque period, music continued to be written for a single instrument without any accompaniment. The favorite instruments at this time were the harpsichord and the organ.