Baroque Art in Europe and Spain: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting

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Baroque Architecture

  • Bernini: Colonnade of St. Peter's Square; Canopy to the Basilica of St Peter's; Church of San Andrea del Quirinale.
  • Borromini: The Oratory of St. Philip Neri; Church San Ivo; Church Santa Ines in Piazza Navona; San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.

Baroque Sculpture

  • Bernini: The Rape of Proserpina; Tomb of Urban VIII; The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa; Fountain of the Four Rivers; Tomb of Alexander VII; David; Apollo and Daphne.
  • Gregorio Fernández: Pietà; Made numerous altarpieces; Christ Recumbent.
  • Salzillo: Eight processional statues (The Fall, The Prayer in the Garden, San Juan, The Kiss of Judas, The Last Supper, The Painful, Jesus Bound to the Column, The Ordeal); The Belén Riquelme family; Holy Family; St. Jerome Penitent; Prayer in the Garden.

Baroque Painting

  • Caravaggio: Young Bacchus; Crucifixion of St. Peter; Calling of St. Matthew; Conversion of St. Paul; Death of the Virgin.
  • Peter Paul Rubens: Descent from the Cross; The Garden of Love; The Three Graces.
  • Rembrandt: The Slaughtered Ox; The Night Watch; Woman Bathing in a Stream; The Syndics of the Drapers' Guild; The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp.
  • Vermeer: The Milkmaid; The Geographer; The Art of Painting.

Spanish Baroque Painting

  • Ribera: The Bearded Woman; The Clubfoot; Saint Andrew.
  • Zurbarán: Still Life; Santa Casilda; Saint Hugh in the Carthusian Refectory.
  • Murillo: The Good Shepherd; Lamb of God; The Holy Family of the Little Bird; Children of the Shell; Child with Lice; Children Eating Melons and Grapes; The Immaculate Conception of Soult.


Seville Period (until 1623)

The Waterseller of Seville; Two Young Men Eating; Christ in the House of Martha and Mary; The Supper at Emmaus; The Immaculate Conception; St. John on Patmos; Adoration of the Magi; Old Woman Frying Eggs.

Court Discovery (1623-29)

The Expulsion of the Moriscos; The Triumph of Bacchus (Los Borrachos).

First Trip to Italy (1629-31)

Vulcan's Forge; Joseph's Tunic.

Consolidation at Court (1631-49)

The Surrender of Breda (Las Lanzas); Mars Resting; Aesop; The Crucified Christ; Equestrian portrait of Count-Duke of Olivares; Portraits of dwarfs and buffoons of the court.

Second Trip to Italy (1649-51)

Portrait of Innocent X; Portrait of Juan de Pareja; The Rokeby Venus.

Last Years (1651-60)

Mercury and Argus; The Spinners (Las Hilanderas); Las Meninas.

Characteristics of Baroque Painting in Spain

  1. Absence of some features of the Italian Baroque. The Renaissance legacy is evident: the heroic, grandeur, and choral aspects are replaced by intimate Spanish painting.
  2. Dominance of religious themes, especially mystical ones.
  3. Absence of sensuality due to the relentless surveillance of the Church. No nudity.
  4. Tenebrism is used not only as a technical resource but also to display settings in a "spiritual" way.
  5. Most representative painters: Murillo, Zurbarán, Ribera, and Velázquez.

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