Baroque Art in Europe and Spain: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting
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Baroque Architecture
- Bernini: Colonnade of St. Peter's Square; Canopy to the Basilica of St Peter's; Church of San Andrea del Quirinale.
- Borromini: The Oratory of St. Philip Neri; Church San Ivo; Church Santa Ines in Piazza Navona; San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane.
Baroque Sculpture
- Bernini: The Rape of Proserpina; Tomb of Urban VIII; The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa; Fountain of the Four Rivers; Tomb of Alexander VII; David; Apollo and Daphne.
- Gregorio Fernández: Pietà; Made numerous altarpieces; Christ Recumbent.
- Salzillo: Eight processional statues (The Fall, The Prayer in the Garden, San Juan, The Kiss of Judas, The Last Supper, The Painful, Jesus Bound to the Column, The Ordeal); The Belén Riquelme family; Holy Family; St. Jerome Penitent; Prayer in the Garden.
Baroque Painting
- Caravaggio: Young Bacchus; Crucifixion of St. Peter; Calling of St. Matthew; Conversion of St. Paul; Death of the Virgin.
- Peter Paul Rubens: Descent from the Cross; The Garden of Love; The Three Graces.
- Rembrandt: The Slaughtered Ox; The Night Watch; Woman Bathing in a Stream; The Syndics of the Drapers' Guild; The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp.
- Vermeer: The Milkmaid; The Geographer; The Art of Painting.
Spanish Baroque Painting
- Ribera: The Bearded Woman; The Clubfoot; Saint Andrew.
- Zurbarán: Still Life; Santa Casilda; Saint Hugh in the Carthusian Refectory.
- Murillo: The Good Shepherd; Lamb of God; The Holy Family of the Little Bird; Children of the Shell; Child with Lice; Children Eating Melons and Grapes; The Immaculate Conception of Soult.
Seville Period (until 1623)
The Waterseller of Seville; Two Young Men Eating; Christ in the House of Martha and Mary; The Supper at Emmaus; The Immaculate Conception; St. John on Patmos; Adoration of the Magi; Old Woman Frying Eggs.
Court Discovery (1623-29)
The Expulsion of the Moriscos; The Triumph of Bacchus (Los Borrachos).
First Trip to Italy (1629-31)
Vulcan's Forge; Joseph's Tunic.
Consolidation at Court (1631-49)
The Surrender of Breda (Las Lanzas); Mars Resting; Aesop; The Crucified Christ; Equestrian portrait of Count-Duke of Olivares; Portraits of dwarfs and buffoons of the court.
Second Trip to Italy (1649-51)
Portrait of Innocent X; Portrait of Juan de Pareja; The Rokeby Venus.
Last Years (1651-60)
Mercury and Argus; The Spinners (Las Hilanderas); Las Meninas.
Characteristics of Baroque Painting in Spain
- Absence of some features of the Italian Baroque. The Renaissance legacy is evident: the heroic, grandeur, and choral aspects are replaced by intimate Spanish painting.
- Dominance of religious themes, especially mystical ones.
- Absence of sensuality due to the relentless surveillance of the Church. No nudity.
- Tenebrism is used not only as a technical resource but also to display settings in a "spiritual" way.
- Most representative painters: Murillo, Zurbarán, Ribera, and Velázquez.