Autopsy Procedure: Step-by-Step Process

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Autopsy Method

Scissors: Between the thumb and the index finger, the heart is cut. External review, there are gutting and joint dissection.

External Review

External review involves the inspection and palpation of the body from head to toe. The pathologist and the technician must assist in mobilizing the body, annotating data in the autopsy report, and having the necessary equipment for the collection of samples. The pathologist will be placed on the right of the body and the technician on the left.


  • Signs of death: Stiffness, lividities, putrefaction.
  • External Review: Sex, age, height, weight, and head circumference (in children), muscle development, color, skin changes and hair distribution, natural orifices and external genitalia, palpable nodes, adiposity (abdomen).

Skin Incision and Subcutaneous Tissue

Can be done in several ways, but the most used is the "T" incision. In "T", a cut is made from the left shoulder to the right, under the clavicles and the manubrium. From the middle, a perpendicular cut is made, extending below the navel to the pubic symphysis. If sutures or staples are present, they should not be removed. Measure the thickness of subcutaneous tissue at the level of the navel and record. Examine the rectus muscle and skin in the initial incision.

Ribcage Extraction

Cut the costal cartilage with a costotome until the second rib. The diaphragm is separated. If there is fluid in the pleural cavity, take samples. Examine the rib cage and the inside, and take samples if affected.

Neck Dissection

Remove the entire block along the thoracic cavity.

Thoracic Cavity Review

External Review

The thorax can be divided into two areas, which are subdivided into several regions:

  • Ventral or Front
  • Back

In both areas and regions, examine breast skin and lymph nodes.

Internal Review

Examine the breasts in women by making several parallel cuts to check for lumps, taking samples for microscopy. Observe the skin and muscle, the expansion of the lungs, emphysema, mass coloration, and pleural adhesions. If pleural effusion is present, take samples and measure the volume using a large syringe.

Removal of Organs and Dissection

This can be performed separately. The thymus and the heart can be felt in the heart spot examination. Examine the aorta and pulmonary artery. Weigh them and measure their diameters and the thickness of the ventricular wall.

Abdomen Organ Removal

External Review

After studying the front of the abdomen, rotate the body 90 degrees on its side to examine the back. Based on their shape, the abdomen can be plain, carved, or globular. Check the condition of the skin and palpate.

Internal Review and Inspection

If there is fluid in the abdominal cavity upon opening, take a sample for bacteriological study in a sterile vial to study sediment and cytology density. Try to soak a sponge and measure the remaining fluid.


  • If there are surgical scars.
  • Whether the top of the abdomen is occupied by the liver.
  • The rest of the omentum that hides the other abdominal organs.

Liver / Omentum / Bowel: Lifting the omentum, the intestines are in sight.

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