Administrative Functions and Sales Contracts in Business

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Administrative Functions of the Company

Administrative functions are one of the basic functions necessary for support in all kinds of businesses. They are defined as all activities necessary to achieve optimal performance of the organization. They are carried out in two areas:

  • Strategic: Including the direction of the company.
  • Management: Developing administrative processes to support other business functions.

Administrative Processes

Administrative processes involve business processes and document control information flows that are generated in any business activity. This can include purchases, personnel, production, logistics, etc.

Contract of Sale

A contract of sale involves the sale of movable property for resale, either in the same form as purchased or in a different form, with the intention of making a profit on the resale.

Elements of the Contract of Sale

  • Personal: Seller, buyer, and the goods.
  • Real: The price and terms of sale.
  • Formal: The form of the contract.

Obligations of the Buyer

  • Receive the goods under the agreed conditions and take charge of them. Otherwise, they may be denied the right to collect them.
  • Pay for the goods at the time and place agreed upon.

Obligations of the Seller

  • Care for the goods for sale until the goods are delivered.
  • Deliver the goods in perfect condition.
  • Deliver the goods at the place, in the form, and in the amount agreed upon.
  • Guarantee the purchaser's enjoyment of the product.

Types of Sales Contracts

Supply, hire-purchase, leasing and renting, franchising, and trade on the internet.

Model Contract

A model contract includes the place and date it is performed, the relationship of the parties involved, an expression of the will of the parties, clauses or a relation of the real elements, and a closure.


The order is the request for goods that the buyer makes to the seller, previously under agreed-upon conditions.

Order Contents

  • Identification of parties: Data for both parties.
  • Identification of document: Document number and date it took place.
  • Identifying the product: Code, units, description, unit price, and total price.
  • Conditions of purchase: Date, place, and manner of delivery, payment, discounts, and observations.
  • Statement of intent: Signature.

Three copies of the order are issued:

  • The original for the seller.
  • A copy for the store to check the goods that arrived.
  • Another for the sales department to control business operations.

Delivery Note

The delivery note is the document issued by the seller that relates to the goods shipped for a particular order. It accompanies these goods and is intended to prove delivery.

Contents of the Delivery Note

  • Identification of parties: Data for both parties.
  • Identification of document: Document number, date of request, and date it took place.
  • Identifying the product: Code, units, description, unit price, and total price.
  • Terms of delivery: Identification of the delivery.
  • Preparation and format of the removal: Signature.

Four copies are made:

  • The original for the purchaser.
  • Another for the store to confirm the product left.
  • One for the sales department to check the trade.
  • The buyer must sign, stating they are happy with what arrived.

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