A320 Cockpit Components & Flight Operations

Classified in Language

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Autoflight - Automatic Flight

Captain Seat - Captain's Seat

Glareshield - Autopilot Panel

Center Pedestal - Central Panel

Circuit Breaker - Automatic Circuit

Display - Screen


Flight Deck - Flight Cabin

FWD Section - Forward Section

Lever - Control Lever

Overhead Panel - Upper Panel

Pitch Wheel - Nose Wheel

Push Button - Pressure Button

Sidestick - Control Lever

Windshield - Aircraft Windshield


Headwind - Opposing Wind

A wind that is blowing in the opposite direction to your direction of travel.
Strong headwinds can cause delays for approaching aircraft.

Runway Excursion - Aircraft Veering Off Runway

When an aircraft veers off the active runway surface.
The nose gear steering failed and the aircraft veered off the runway, causing a runway excursion.

Adverse Weather Conditions - Inclement Weather

Bad weather, such as fog or hail.
Long delays are expected due to adverse weather conditions at the destination airport.

Contaminated Runway - Wet or Icy Runway

The runway has more than 25% of its surface covered in water, snow, or another liquid.
Braking action is poor due to the contaminated runway.

Runway Incursion - Unauthorized Runway Entry

When an aircraft, vehicle, or person enters the active runway without clearance.
The maintenance vehicle didn't have clearance to drive across the active runway and was responsible for a runway incursion.

1. Who will benefit most from the new AIRBUS design?

Everyone involved will have better benefits: the businessman, the cabin crew, the ground crew, the pilots, and management.

2. What kind of airplane is the A320?

The A320 is a state-of-the-art commercial aviation airplane with advanced fly-by-wire technology and a new approach to the man-machine interface.

3. How many seats does the A321 have?

The A321 has 190 seats.

4. Which is the most economical airplane of the A320 family?

The A319 is the most economical airplane of the A320 family.

5. Mention three things that the A320 offers to customers.

The A320 offers ease of handling, reliability, and reduced maintenance costs due to the benefits of the aircraft family.


First Officer Reading Light

First Officer Reading Light.

Power Supply Cable

Power Supply Cable.

Landing Gear Control Lever

Landing Gear Control Lever.

Ambient Cabin Lighting

Ambient Cabin Lighting.

Map Table Light

Map Table Light.

Lint-Free Cotton Cloth

Lint-Free Cotton Cloth.

Support Equipment

Support Equipment.

Main Instrument Panel Light

Main Instrument Panel Light.

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