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Classified in Computers

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Memory Modules

Small printed circuit boards built on different memory chips:

  • DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module): Similar to the SIMM, physically larger, and have 168 contacts. They are distinguished by having a notch on both sides and two more in the row of contacts. The mounting of the sockets is different than that of the SIMM. DIMMs are found in 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 MB, and 1, 2 GB capacities.
  • DIMM DDR: Has gradually replaced the standard DIMMs. It has a total of 184 pins instead of the 168-pin DIMM of SDRAM. Physically, they resemble the above but have one notch in the row of contacts.
  • DIMM DDR2: Has 240 pins and a notch in a different position than DDR DIMMs.
  • DIMM DDR3: Also has 240 pins but is neither physically nor electrically compatible
... Continue reading "Types of RAM Modules: DIMM, DDR, RIMM, FB-DIMM, GDDR, SO-DIMM" »

Key Business Concepts: Production, Contracts, Finance

Classified in Economy

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Key Business Concepts

Production Process: The organized, logical steps workshops must follow to achieve the desired product.

Employment Contract: An agreement between a worker and a company where the worker commits to work under the employer's direction in exchange for wages.

Collective Agreement: A contract negotiated and formalized by employer and employee representatives to regulate working conditions for a specific period.

Warehouse Management (Stock Security): Maintaining a reserve amount in storage to cover potential damages or shortages.

Investment Spending: An entrepreneur's expenditure on goods that aid in producing other goods. These assets, such as machinery or tools, typically last more than a year. (Examples: location, machinery, tools,... Continue reading "Key Business Concepts: Production, Contracts, Finance" »

Shared Memory in IPC: Features and Creation

Classified in Computers

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Common Features of IPC Light Mechanisms

These mechanisms are implemented as a unit and share common features, including:

  • All mechanisms have a table whose entries describe their usage. Each table entry has a numerical key chosen by the user.
  • Each mechanism has a 'get' call to create a new entry or retrieve an existing one. The parameters of this call include a key and a mask of flags. The kernel searches the table for an entry that matches the provided key.
  • If the key is set to IPC_PRIVATE, the kernel occupies the first free entry. Subsequent calls will return this entry until it is released.
  • If the IPC_CREAT flag is active in the mask, the kernel creates a new entry if there is no match for the provided key. If both IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL flags
... Continue reading "Shared Memory in IPC: Features and Creation" »

Understanding Employee Mobility: Types, Rights, and Wages

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Understanding Employee Mobility, Rights, and Wages

Functional mobility occurs within a company when an employee's job changes, and they perform functions different from their usual tasks. Worker mobility between different occupational categories is possible if there are organizational reasons that warrant it and the time needed to overcome these causes.

An employer may change the distribution of work and the roles of workers, provided they have the necessary qualifications to perform the functions of the new job assigned to them. This mobility does not lead to a loss of occupational status, salary reduction, or impairment of their dignity.

Geographic mobility is caused by the relocation of a worker to another workplace in a different location,... Continue reading "Understanding Employee Mobility: Types, Rights, and Wages" »

Business Strategies and Consumer Behavior

Classified in Economy

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Marketing Strategies and Distribution Channels

Discount Store Strategy: Buying large volumes at reduced margins to offer competitive prices.

Disjunctive Model: Consumers choose products that meet their primary needs, not necessarily all features.

Exclusive Distribution: Used by luxury manufacturers, limiting product availability to select stores, sometimes as part of a business partnership or investment.

Physical Distribution: The storage, handling, and movement of goods within an organization and their delivery to consumers.

Intensive Distribution: Making a product available in as many places as possible, primarily for frequently repurchased items.

Selective Distribution: Limiting product availability to a few stores, typically for specialty or... Continue reading "Business Strategies and Consumer Behavior" »

International Market Research Process

Classified in Economy

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1. Stages of International Market Research

  1. Pre-selection of Favorable Markets
  2. In-Depth Market Research in Target Country
  3. Investment Research

2. Environments to Analyze in Initial Market Research

Economic, cultural, legal, technological, and political environments.

3. Economic Environment Analysis: GDP and Per Capita Income

Analysis of key macroeconomic figures.

GDP: Measures the value of final goods and services produced in a country, indicating its wealth and purchasing power.

Per Capita Income: Directly determines the market's purchasing power.

4. Main Trade Barriers

  • Licenses: Required for importing/exporting specific products in certain countries.
  • Tariffs: Taxes on imported products.
  • Quotas: Limits on the quantity or value of imported products.
  • Taxes:
... Continue reading "International Market Research Process" »