Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Vocational training

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St. Thomas Aquinas' Anthropological Theory: Soul and Body

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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St. Thomas Aquinas' Anthropological Theory of the Middle Ages

**Life and Works of St. Thomas Aquinas**

St. Thomas Aquinas was a Christian theologian, the main representative of the scholastic tradition, and founder of the Thomist school of theology and philosophy. He wrote numerous works, among which are his commentary on Aristotle's thought and theological works such as Summa Theologica, Summa Contra Gentiles, and De Ente et Essentia.

**The Conception of Man in St. Thomas Aquinas**

The conception of man in St. Thomas is based on Aristotle's conception. But, as with the other aspects of his thought, it must be reconciled with the basic beliefs of Christianity: the immortality of the soul and creation. The human being is a substance composed of... Continue reading "St. Thomas Aquinas' Anthropological Theory: Soul and Body" »

Stock Valuation: Costs, Logistics, and Packaging

Classified in Economy

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Stock Valuation

Purchase price and manufacturing cost: Purchase Price: This is the cost that includes the supplier's price and all additional costs incurred until the merchandise is in the buyer's stock. These expenses are:

  • Transportation: the cost of transporting goods to the warehouse. This expenditure is called postage or freight. Also, include the costs of loading and unloading if these are borne by the carrier.
  • Insurance: The goods to be transported can be insured to prevent possible incidents: breakage, shortages, accidents, etc. According to the market value, the insurance premium will be higher or lower.
  • Packaging: the cost of the goods' packaging.
  • Customs duties: when the goods come from a non-EU country, you may have to pay tariffs (taxes)
... Continue reading "Stock Valuation: Costs, Logistics, and Packaging" »

Understanding Euribor, Interest, and Capital

Classified in Economy

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Euribor, an acronym for European Interbank Offered Rate, or European interbank offered rate, is the interest rate applied to transactions between banks in Europe. It represents the percentage rate a bank pays when another bank lends it money. This index is computed from the offer prices of the loans made to each of 64 major European banks. For example, 1.243%.

Simple and Compound Interest

  • Simple: Characterized by the interest generated in each time period not accumulating to the capital. Consequently, the interest for the next period is always calculated on the initial capital.
  • Compound: Characterized by the interest generated in each period being accumulated to the capital prior to calculating interest for the following period.


... Continue reading "Understanding Euribor, Interest, and Capital" »

Effective Risk Management and Prevention in the Workplace

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Item 11 of Prevention Management

1. Risk Assessment

It is a process to detect and estimate the magnitude of all risks in the company, determining which can be removed and acting on those that have not been avoided.

To perform the risk assessment is a systematic analysis of all aspects of the workplace, taking into account:

  • The nature of the company's activity.
  • The nature and number of exposed workers.

1.1. Risk Analysis

  1. Identify the hazard.
  2. Describe the risk.
  3. Estimate the Risk:
    • High probability: the damage will occur always or almost always.
    • Average probability: the damage will occur occasionally.
    • Low probability: the damage will occur rarely.

1.2. Risk Evaluation

Consists of issuing an opinion on the tolerability of risk, based on previous studies. When... Continue reading "Effective Risk Management and Prevention in the Workplace" »

Understanding Frequency Distributions: Data Organization

Classified in Mathematics

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Frequency Distribution

1) Loose Data: Data collected that has not been organized numerically. For example, heights of males and females obtained from a survey, arranged alphabetically.

2) Ordination: An arrangement of numerical data in ascending or descending order. The difference between the largest and smallest number is called the data range.


Data Management Data Range
2.1 1 A: 10 to 1
7.6 2 R: 9
4.9 4
8.10 6 R: range of the data.

3) Frequency Distribution: When dealing with large amounts of loose data, it's useful to distribute them into classes or categories and determine the number of individuals belonging to each category, often called a class.

A tabular distribution of data by type or category with its corresponding... Continue reading "Understanding Frequency Distributions: Data Organization" »

Understanding Service Types, Classification, and Sales Differences

Classified in Economy

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Services are activities offered for sale.

Types of Services

Service highlights include:

  • Banks and similar institutions
  • All types of insurance
  • Clinics, hospitals, and gyms
  • Spiritual care services
  • Rental services for private or industrial properties, apartments, and offices
  • Transportation, storage, and communication services
  • Classic business services: maintenance, cleaning, and information
  • Freelance professional activities, such as architects
  • Information management services: TV and film
  • Hotel and restaurant services
  • Marketing services, advertising agencies, and market research

Classification of Services

Nature of Service

  • Depending on who or what receives the service:
    • Person or consumer: consumer services
    • Animal: veterinary services
    • Object: automobile repair
    • Company:
... Continue reading "Understanding Service Types, Classification, and Sales Differences" »

Spain's Welfare State: Pillars, Benefits, and Social Services

Classified in Social sciences

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The Legislative Framework for Public Health Intervention

The Pillars of the Welfare State in Spain

The Four Pillars:

Pension System: This is the generalization of the social security system and universal pensions. The Non-Contributory Pension Law was enacted in 1991.

Health System: Created with the General Health Act 1986.

Education System: LOGSE (General Law of Education) in 1990, made education compulsory to age 16.

System for Autonomy and Dependence: Law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for Dependent Persons, December 2006, guarantees the right of people who cannot fend for themselves.

The Benefits of the System for Autonomy and Dependence

Services: Services to prevent situations of dependency, services and tele-home care services,... Continue reading "Spain's Welfare State: Pillars, Benefits, and Social Services" »

Probability Distributions: Types, Applications, and Calculations

Classified in Other languages

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Probability Distributions

Types of Probability Distributions

Normal Distribution

  • Used to model continuous data
  • Examples: Heights of people, scientific measurements, test scores

Binomial Distribution

  • Used to model discrete data with two possible outcomes
  • Examples: Number of heads in a coin toss, number of successes in a series of trials

Poisson Distribution

  • Used to model the number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space
  • Examples: Number of phone calls received per hour, number of earthquakes per year

Applications of Probability Distributions

  • Sales success
  • Launch of new products
  • Bidding for contracts
  • Quality control
  • Hiring staff
  • Experimental trials

Calculating Probabilities

Normal Distribution

  • Use a calculator or statistical software
  • Formula: P(
... Continue reading "Probability Distributions: Types, Applications, and Calculations" »

Workshop Workload and Production Capacity Management

Classified in Computers

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Workshop Planning and Control


Planning aims to coordinate workload with available resources and equipment to perform the required services in production, or the quantity and quality required, at the lowest cost and meeting the deadline.


Methods, order, time > budget OR > acceptance > delivery term.


The workload is the amount of work available for the workshop, consisting of the OR already issued and accepted by clients.

Production Capacity

Production capacity is the amount of work that the workshop can perform based on available operators, equipment, and facilities.

The workload can be defined in a working or time to implement and scale, or are uncertain about working with an open OR work involving a diagnostic... Continue reading "Workshop Workload and Production Capacity Management" »

Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Cynicism: Ancient Schools

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Ancient Philosophical Schools

  • The Stoa: Led to Stoicism, initiated by Zeno of Citium.
  • The Garden: Created by Epicurus, representing Epicureanism.
  • Cynicism: Initiated by Antisthenes.


The founder of this school was Zeno of Citium (c. 334 – 262 BC). Other prominent representatives include Marcus Aurelius, Seneca of Cordoba, and Epictetus. Stoic ethics sets the goal of existence as happiness. Happiness is achieved by living according to nature, that is, living in harmony with the Logos. One must align their individual Logos with the universal Logos to understand everything that occurs in nature. Stoicism posits an active Logos (fire) and a passive Logos (matter), which need each other to exist and generate relationships of sympathy between... Continue reading "Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Cynicism: Ancient Schools" »