English Grammar Cheat Sheet: Tenses, Reported Speech, and More
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English Grammar Cheat Sheet
Verb Tenses
Present Simple
Actions that happen habitually. Subject + Verb (e.g., I don't talk, he eats)
Present Continuous
Action happening at this moment: Subject + to be + gerund (e.g., I'm talking, he isn't eating)
Past Simple
Action that began and ended in the past: Subject + past tense verb (e.g., She was/wasn't a doctor, I wanted/didn't want to dance)
Past Continuous
Action interrupted in the past (e.g., I was talking)
Present Perfect Simple
e.g., I have talked to Peter / He hablado con Peter
Past Perfect Simple
e.g., They had studied (habían estudiado)
Future Simple
Predicting the future: I will call you tonight / be going to (planned future action) - I'm going to call you.
Future Perfect Simple
Actions completed by a certain... Continue reading "English Grammar Cheat Sheet: Tenses, Reported Speech, and More" »