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English Grammar Cheat Sheet: Tenses, Reported Speech, and More

Classified in Visual arts

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English Grammar Cheat Sheet

Verb Tenses

Present Simple

Actions that happen habitually. Subject + Verb (e.g., I don't talk, he eats)

Present Continuous

Action happening at this moment: Subject + to be + gerund (e.g., I'm talking, he isn't eating)

Past Simple

Action that began and ended in the past: Subject + past tense verb (e.g., She was/wasn't a doctor, I wanted/didn't want to dance)

Past Continuous

Action interrupted in the past (e.g., I was talking)

Present Perfect Simple

e.g., I have talked to Peter / He hablado con Peter

Past Perfect Simple

e.g., They had studied (habían estudiado)

Future Simple

Predicting the future: I will call you tonight / be going to (planned future action) - I'm going to call you.

Future Perfect Simple

Actions completed by a certain... Continue reading "English Grammar Cheat Sheet: Tenses, Reported Speech, and More" »

Una historia en ingles simple present,simple past,future,past continuous y present continuous

Classified in Visual arts

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Past Simple: acciones pasadas.

English Verb Tenses: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Visual arts

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Present Continuous

Actions that are happening now.

  • Add -ing to the verb (e.g., I am talking, he/she/it is eating, you/we/they are talking).

Present Simple

Actions that happen regularly or habitually.

  • For I, you, we, and they, use the base form of the verb (e.g., talk, eats, learn).
  • For he, she, and it, add -s to the verb (e.g., talks, eats, learns).
  • For questions, use do/does and do not add -s (e.g., Do you talk?, Does he eat?).
  • For negatives, do not add -s (e.g., I don't talk, he doesn't learn).
  • Use time expressions (e.g., always, usually, often, sometimes) before the verb.

Present Perfect

Past actions that have relevance to the present.

  • For I, you, we, and they, add have.
  • For he, she, and it, add has.
  • Affirmative: I have (I've) talked to Peter, they have
... Continue reading "English Verb Tenses: A Comprehensive Guide" »

The Complete Guide to Manicures and Pedicures

Classified in Visual arts

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Manicure A/B/C

1. Julissa used the buffer (C) - an object that makes nails shiny.

2. The nail technician was careful not to cut too much of the cuticle (B) - the skin around the nail.

3. Max cleaned the dirt from his nails with a nail brush (A) - an object with stiff pieces of plastic used to clean nails.


1. Kate put her hands in the finger bowl, which was full of soapy water.

2. A manicurist trims dead skin from around a client's nails with a cuticle trimmer.

3. After a long day at work, Max soaks his tired feet in warm water.

4. Penny often files the rough edges of her nails to keep them smooth.

5. Wendy showed her sister how to push back her cuticles with an orange stick.


1. What is the purpose of the guide?: (d) to explain the steps... Continue reading "The Complete Guide to Manicures and Pedicures" »

Understanding Focal Length: Wide-Angle, Medium, and Telephoto Lenses

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Focal Length: Understanding Wide-Angle, Medium, and Telephoto Lenses

1. Wide-Angle Lenses

Wide-angle lenses capture a wider field of view, but they can distort straight lines near the edges of the frame, making them appear curved outward. Additionally, wide-angle lenses exaggerate depth, making objects in the foreground appear larger and those in the distance appear farther away. As a result, when figures move toward or away from the camera, a wide-angle lens makes them seem to cover ground more rapidly.

2. Medium Lenses

Medium lenses, typically around 50mm in length, aim to avoid noticeable perspective distortion. With a medium lens, horizontal and vertical lines are rendered as straight and perpendicular.

3. Telephoto Lenses

Telephoto lenses have... Continue reading "Understanding Focal Length: Wide-Angle, Medium, and Telephoto Lenses" »

What is there in commom between the verb want and verb depend

Classified in Visual arts

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pres. Simple--- am/are/is+part.
future(going to)---am/is/are+going to be+part.
past simple---was/were+part.
past continuous---was/were+being+part.
pres. Perfect---have/has+been+part
past perfect---had been+part
simples-been. continuo-being modales-be
pres. Simple---past simple                 pron object
pres. Continuous---past continuous  me
will/would---would                            you
pasado simple---pasado perf.            Her
present perfect---pasado perfecto    him
am/is/are---was/were                         it
have/has---had                                   us
... Continue reading "What is there in commom between the verb want and verb depend" »

Map Projections: Dimensions, Geometry, and Classifications

Classified in Visual arts

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Types of Map Projections by Preserved Dimension

1. Equidistant Projections
These projections preserve distances along specific directions, typically along straight lines known as automecoic lines. Linear deformation occurs in other directions. The linear anamorphosis, calculated as the ratio of the projected distance to the true distance, equals 1 along automecoic lines. Equidistant projections are useful for measuring distances from a central point.
2. Conformal Projections
These projections preserve angles between intersecting curves and lines. The angular anamorphosis represents the difference between the angle on the sphere and the corresponding angle on the map. Conformal projections are commonly used for nautical charts, often employing parallel... Continue reading "Map Projections: Dimensions, Geometry, and Classifications" »

Understanding and Constructing Tangencies in Geometry

Posted by Anonymous and classified in Visual arts

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Making Tangents

Two Circles

  • External Tangents: Draw another circle concentric to the larger one with radius R - r. Join the centers. This is the bisector. Draw an auxiliary circle to the centers. Join the center with the points of intersection with the smaller circumference and extend. Where the lines intersect the larger circle will be the tangent points. Parallels are drawn to the smaller circle to find all points of contact.
  • Internal Tangents: The process is the same, except that the circle is of radius R + r, and the parallels are drawn to the opposite side.

Tangent to a Circle Passing Through Point P

  • If the tangent is to be external, a concentric circle of radius R + r is drawn. From P, an arc of radius R is drawn, which intersects
... Continue reading "Understanding and Constructing Tangencies in Geometry" »

Understanding Color Theory, Photography, and Camera Basics

Classified in Visual arts

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Audio Visual Q1: Color Theory

Color Description

  • Chroma: How pure a hue is in relation to gray.
  • Saturation: The degree of purity of a hue.
  • Intensity: The lightness or dullness of a hue (adding black or white).
  • Value: A measure of the amount of light reflected from a hue.
  • Shade: Produced by the addition of black.
  • Tint: Produced by the addition of white.

Color Systems

  • Subtractive Color: Used when mixing colors with paint. Begins with white and ends with black (CMYK).
  • Additive Color: Used on computers. Begins with black and ends with white (RGB).

The Color Wheel

  • Primary Colors: The basic essence; these colors cannot be created by mixing others.
  • Secondary Colors: Colors achieved by mixing two primary colors.
  • Tertiary Colors: Achieved by mixing primary and secondary
... Continue reading "Understanding Color Theory, Photography, and Camera Basics" »

Points, Lines, and Planes: Basic Graphic Elements

Classified in Visual arts

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The Point

A circle and a line are tangent if they intersect at exactly one point. Two circles are tangent if the line joining their centers is tangent to both. An oval is a closed curve formed by arcs of circles and symmetrical about two perpendicular axes. A ball is a closed curve composed of arcs symmetric about one axis.

Graphical Representation of the Point

Graphically, the point is the minimal footprint of a graphical tool. Geometrically, it is the intersection of two lines. The point can take several forms depending on the instrument used to create it: oval, star, round, polygonal, etc.

Sensory Perception of the Point

  • Single Point: Located in the center of a bracket or blade, it creates a sense of order or balance. Located at one end, it creates
... Continue reading "Points, Lines, and Planes: Basic Graphic Elements" »