Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Technology

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Understanding Malware and Cybercrime: A Comprehensive Guide

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Malicious software, is a type of software that has been particularly designed to gain access to or damage a computer, mostly without the knowledge of the owner. There are a lot of types of malware, including computer worm, computer viruses, Trojan horse, adware and spyware.

Computer Crime

Defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime (hacking, phishing, spamming) or is used as a tool to commit an offense (child pornography, hate crimes). Cybercriminals may use computer technology to access personal information, business secrets or use the internet for malicious purposes.

Trojan Horse

A type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software. Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers that offer useful... Continue reading "Understanding Malware and Cybercrime: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Technology's Answer to Society's Problems: The Project Approach

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Technology's answer to the problems of society is to build products using a simple method called the project approach. The stages of the project approach include: problem, investigation, possible solution, chosen solution, design, planning, building, check, presentation, and assessment.

Report documents include:

  • Description of the prototype
  • List of modifications made
  • Final drawing of the solution
  • Total cost of the project and the number of hours spent on it
  • Environmental impact of the solution created

Serendipity: The fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance, by mistake. Coordinator: coordinates the work. Secretary: keeps the project documents safe and writes down the tasks that are completed each day and who did them. Tools manager:

... Continue reading "Technology's Answer to Society's Problems: The Project Approach" »

Mechanical Power Transmission Elements

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Disc Brakes

A disc is connected to an axle. Brake pads apply pressure to the disc via friction.

Band Brakes

A drum is connected to an axle. A flexible band applies pressure to the outside of the drum.

Drum Brakes

A drum is connected to the axle. A pair of brake shoes apply pressure to the inside of the drum via friction.

Energy Absorption and Dissipation


Springs are devices that, thanks to the elasticity of their materials and their shape, can absorb energy when force is applied. This energy can then be dissipated in a controlled way. Depending on the type of external force applied, springs work in different ways:

  • Compression: Pushing on the spring makes it shorter (e.g., a sofa).
  • Traction: Pulling on the spring makes it longer (e.g., a
... Continue reading "Mechanical Power Transmission Elements" »

Understanding Materials: Properties, Types, and Treatments

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Material Classification

Natural Materials

These materials are obtained directly from nature, such as:

  • Wood
  • Coal
  • Metal
  • Stone

Artificial Materials

These materials are derived from natural materials through processing, such as:

  • Glass
  • Paper
  • Cement

Synthetic Materials

These materials are created through chemical reactions involving artificial materials, such as:

  • Plastics

Material Types and Their Properties


Ceramics exhibit the following properties:

  • Fragility
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Low electrical conductivity
  • Hardness
  • Brittleness

Metallic Materials

Metals possess these characteristics:

  • High electrical and thermal conductivity
  • Resistance
  • Ductility
  • Malleability
  • Ability to form alloys with other elements to enhance properties


Plastics and polyesters... Continue reading "Understanding Materials: Properties, Types, and Treatments" »

Computer Hardware, Software, and Peripherals: A Comprehensive Look

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Computer Basics

A computer is a device that processes data according to a set of instructions known as a program.

Hardware and Software

Hardware: The equipment. Software: The programs and data.

Operating System

The operating system is a special set of programs that provides an interface for the user and allows application programs to communicate with the hardware.

Application Programs

Application programs include:

  • Word processors (for creating and editing texts)
  • Spreadsheets (for calculating mathematical formulae)
  • Databases (for storing data in a way that allows the data to be sorted and searched)

Antivirus Programs

Antivirus programs are used to detect and remove viruses (harmful programs that can reproduce themselves and attach themselves to other programs)... Continue reading "Computer Hardware, Software, and Peripherals: A Comprehensive Look" »

Vocabulary for Technology and Communication

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  • Unit 7


to show reverence to something/somebody


obsessively fond of sb


open 24 hours a day


perform in front of people


the number of people who attend a performance

To cheer:

to give shouts of approval

To be hooked:

to be addicted to

To host:

to be the people that receive other people

To take over:

to assume responsibility or control


tending to disturb or upset

To realise:

to understand clearly


anything or place from where sth. comes


difficult, hard

Every once in a while:

from time to time

To pass a law:

to approve, esp. by vote



To set up:

to start

To ease up on:

to reduce


using radio, microwaves, etc. (as opposed to wires or cables) to transmit signals


... Continue reading "Vocabulary for Technology and Communication" »

Cooling air for a reciprocating engine can be obtained by means of

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A continuous variator is a transmission system that has two pulleys whose effective inner diameter is variable. The transmission between the two pulleys is carried out by means of a "belt" made of metal links so that the diameter ratio of the pulleys progressively changes in the gear ratio. Since the belt is an inextensible element, the opening of one of the pulleys implies the reduction of the diameter of the other, nevertheless, an infinite number of developments is achieved achieving a continuous variation of the gait. Hence, this system is also called automatic transmission of continuous transmission.

The automatic transmission is a transmission system that is able by itself to select all gears or ratios without the need for
... Continue reading "Cooling air for a reciprocating engine can be obtained by means of" »

Electronic Components Guide: Types, Functions & Applications

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Electronic Components Guide

Basic Components


A device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with external connections for powering electrical devices. Power supply.

Light Bulb

An electric light with a wire filament heated until it glows. The filament is enclosed in a bulb to protect it from oxidation. Load device.


An electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Load device.


A device that makes a buzzing noise and is used for signaling. May be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric. Load device.

Semiconductor Components


Formed by the union of two semiconductors: P-type (anode) and N-type (cathode). Load device.

Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

An electronic device that emits light when... Continue reading "Electronic Components Guide: Types, Functions & Applications" »

Technology and Digital Literacy Vocabulary

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  • Limited: kept within a particular size
  • Potential: possible when the necessary conditions exist
  • Excessive: more than is necessary
  • Peer pressure: the influence of people who are similar age
  • Disadvantaged: in a situation in which you are less likely to succeed than others
  • Irritable: becoming annoyed very easily
  • Expose: to remove what is covering something that is very large
  • Awash: having an amount of something that is very large
  • Artificial: not natural
  • Upgrade: to improve something so that it is of a higher quality
  • Zip a file: to reduce the size of a computer file
  • Save: to make sure that a computer keeps information
  • Browse the internet: to look at information on the internet
  • Plug sth in: to connect a piece of electrical equipment to an electricity supply
  • Sync
... Continue reading "Technology and Digital Literacy Vocabulary" »

Air law

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A simple machine is a mechanic device that transform forces. There are three types of levers: class one, class two and class three. Law of the lever FE·dE=FL·dL Inclined plane: It consists on a plain surface that forms a certain angle with the horizontal. It helps lifting bodies FE·d=FL·h Pulleys: A wheel with grooved rim in which a pulled rope or chain can run to change the direction of the pull to lift a load. The gravitational force with which any two bodies in the universe attract each other is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them.