Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Technology

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Understanding Gears: Types, Mechanisms, and Applications

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What are Gears?

Gears are mechanical elements designed to transmit turning movements.

Characteristics of Gears

Two main characteristics define a gear:

  1. Number of Teeth (Z): This characteristic represents the number of teeth on a gear.
  2. Rotational Speed (N): This characteristic represents how fast a gear rotates.

Gear Ratios and Speed Control

Different Number of Teeth

Using gears with different numbers of teeth allows us to modify a machine's rotational speed. If the output gear is larger than the motor gear, it will rotate slower. Conversely, if the output gear is smaller, it will rotate faster.

Same Number of Teeth

If two gears have the same number of teeth, they will rotate at the same speed.

Motor Gear vs. Output Gear

In a gear pair:

  • The motor gear initiates
... Continue reading "Understanding Gears: Types, Mechanisms, and Applications" »


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1 What has the client requested with regard To the floor slab?  A superflat Finish for the entire floor.2 What are free movement floors and defined Movement floors? Free movement floors are superflat everywhere. On defined Movement floors, only specific lanes are superflat. 3 What issue does the engineer discuss regarding quality?  Long, narrow lanes allow a higher-quality Finish to be achieved. 4 What option is Discussed involving grinding?  This Can be done at a later stage to make other parts of the floor superflat. 5 What can be done to the reinforcement to Permit grinding? lt can be positioned deeper in the concrete. 

1 Should the layout and components Of the new printer differ much from the existing design? Why (not)?  No. The existing

... Continue reading "frf" »

Java List Implementation with Search, Insert, and Remove

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Java List Implementation

Class Definition

public class Lista { 
    private Object[] item;
    private int primeiro, ultimo, pos;

    public Lista(int maxTam) {
        this.item = new Object[maxTam];
        this.pos = -1;
        this.primeiro = 0;
        this.ultimo = this.primeiro;

Search Method

public Object pesquisa(Object chave) {
    if (this.vazia() || chave == null) {
        return null;
    for (int p = 0; p < this.ultimo; p++) {
        if (this.item[p].equals(chave)) {
            return this.item[p];
    return null;

Insert Method

public void insere(Object x) {
    if (this.ultimo >= this.item.length) {
        throw new Exception("Error: List is full");
    } else {
... Continue reading "Java List Implementation with Search, Insert, and Remove" »

Types of motor

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Video compression is composed of several  basic Processes. The first four are essentially preprocessing steps. Though they are Not considered compression, they can have a dramatic effect on data reduction.


Images which lack sharp edges are easier to compress than Images which have sharp edges. Thus a preprocessing step in MPEG is to filter The image to reduce the sharp edges (i.E. High frequencies) by filtering.

The number of pixels used in the average is called the number Of taps. MPEG recommends using a seven tap filter.

¡Color space conversion

¡The second preprocessing step is a Conversion from the RGB color scheme of a computer to the YUV color scheme that Television uses. The Y value is termed the luminance and the U & V... Continue reading "Types of motor" »

Primary and Secondary Memory: RAM, ROM, and More

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Primary Memory (Main Memory)

Primary memory holds only the data and instructions on which the computer is currently working. It is generally made up of semiconductor devices. These memories are not as fast as registers. The data and instructions required to be processed reside in the main memory. It is divided into two subcategories: RAM and ROM.

Characteristics of Main Memory:

  • These are semiconductor memories.
  • It is known as the main memory.
  • It is the working memory of the computer.
  • It is faster than secondary memories.
  • A computer cannot run without primary memory.

RAM (Random Access Memory)

RAM (Random Access Memory) is the internal memory of the CPU for storing data, programs, and program results. It is a read/write memory that stores data until... Continue reading "Primary and Secondary Memory: RAM, ROM, and More" »

Detailed Fastening and Window Systems for Stone Wall Cladding

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Fibreboard. 1:50

Dimensiones paneles (general 120x150x0.8). Tornillos a 8cm (menos en la unión dos paneles que es a 4cm) del margen y entre ellos 28 en horizontal y 16 en vertical. Railes de unión de paneles ancho 10 raíl interior de panel ancho 5. General Fastening detail side view. Continuous T 80/100 mm alumninium profile with a thickness of 2mm. Fastened to the L 50/100 spacer (penetra 10cm en muro). Plaster thermal insulation wall plug (penetra 10cm) Ventilated gap 0.8cm thickness board + 19.5cm hasta mortero de limpieza (1cm). 0.8+4+10+5+0.5 General Fastening detail top view. En T tornilllos distribuidos 4+0.8+4. Alu profile (V-profile 0.6mm) para sostener superiormente el panel. Window detail side view. 2layers of mineral wool termal... Continue reading "Detailed Fastening and Window Systems for Stone Wall Cladding" »

Computer Crime and Software Sabotage: Risks and Prevention

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Computer Crime

Any illegal or unauthorized behavior in connection with computers and computer networks. Examples of computer crime include:

  • Computer sabotage
  • Unauthorized access
  • Computer forgery
  • Damage to computer data or programs
  • Computer fraud
  • Computer espionage
  • Unauthorized use of a computer
  • Unauthorized use of a protected computer program
  • Hacking

Software Sabotage

Viruses and other invaders. Also sabotage of hardware or software. Modern computers saboteurs commonly use software. The name given to the saboteurs destructive programs are: Viruses, Worms and Trojan horses. They mimic the behavior of living organisms.

Trojan Horse

Is a program that performs a useful task while at the same time carrying out some secret destructive act. Software hides an enemy... Continue reading "Computer Crime and Software Sabotage: Risks and Prevention" »

Electrical Safety and Installation Certification Guidelines

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Job Hunting

Job hunting is a synonym expression for job search. Seila lives in a beautiful seaside village, but she was born very far from the sea. She spent her childhood in a small town in the Pyrenees, where she had lots of friends. When Seila grew up, her parents sent her abroad, to Dublin, to learn about the Irish culture. There, while Seila was studying, she decided to stay a long period of time in Ireland, and in an Irish village is where Seila is now. How do we read the symbol @ when we write an email address? At. Give a synonym for junk mail. Spam. How do we call the list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers? Directory. How do we call the place where we get new emails? Inbox. What's the synonym for the bold expression?... Continue reading "Electrical Safety and Installation Certification Guidelines" »

Aircraft systems

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E-Commerce 2014, 10e (Laudon/Traver)

Chapter 1   The Revolution Continues

1) Retail e-commerce is expected to continue growing at double-digit growth rates in 2013-2014.

Answer  TRUE

2) Over 50% of the world's population is now online.

Answer  FALSE

 3) E-business involves commercial transactions involving an exchange of value across organizational boundaries.

Answer  FALSE

 4) Ubiquity decreases cognitive energy outlays.

Answer  TRUE

  5) The fact that e-commerce is conducted on the basis of universal standards decreases market entry costs for merchants.

Answer  TRUE

6) Price transparency refers to the ability of merchants to segment the market into groups willing to pay different prices.

Answer  FALSE

7) Cost transparency refers to the ability... Continue reading "Aircraft systems" »

Hydroelectric Power Generation: Components and Types

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Hydroelectric Energy: How It Works

Hydroelectric energy is produced by the force of falling water. The capacity to produce this energy is dependent on both the available flow and the height from which the water falls. As water accumulates, it builds up potential energy, which is then converted into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy drives the turbine, and the generator subsequently produces electricity.

Dams: Structure and Function

A dam is constructed to create a reservoir, storing water during periods of high flow in the river. There are two main types of dams:

  • Gravity Dams: These are made from concrete or masonry. They rely on the weight of their material to resist the force of the water. Gravity dams are suited to sites with either
... Continue reading "Hydroelectric Power Generation: Components and Types" »