Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Technology

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Motherboard and CPU: The Core Components of a Computer

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The Motherboard: The Backbone of Your Computer

The motherboard is the central component of a computer, connecting all of its parts together. It serves as a platform for the CPU, memory, hard drives, optical drives, video card, sound card, and other ports and expansion cards.

Features of a Motherboard

  • Supports various types of components
  • Supports a single type of CPU and few types of memories
  • Video Cards, Hard disks, Sound Cards must be compatible with the motherboard to function properly
  • Motherboards, cases, and power supplies must be compatible to work properly together

Popular Motherboard Manufacturers

  • Intel
  • ASUS
  • AOpen
  • ABIT
  • Biostar
  • Gigabyte
  • MSI

The CPU: The Brain of Your Computer

The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is the brain of the computer. It handles... Continue reading "Motherboard and CPU: The Core Components of a Computer" »

Types of Power Stations: Fossil Fuels, Combined Cycle, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, and Solar

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Fossil Fuel Power Stations

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are used to heat water in a boiler. Steam from the boiler turns a turbine, which is connected to the rotor of a generator. The generator produces electricity, which is transported by a network of high voltage power lines. After that, the steam goes to a condenser where it cools and becomes liquid water again. Finally, the water is pumped back to the boiler.

Combined Cycle Power Stations

Electricity is generated in two systems. In the first, natural gas is burned with compressed air. This produces superheated gases which turn a turbine to generate electricity. In the second, the hot gases from the first system are used to produce steam in a heat recovery boiler. Then the... Continue reading "Types of Power Stations: Fossil Fuels, Combined Cycle, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, and Solar" »

Java Book Class: Sorting and Displaying Books by Price

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Java Book Class Example

Sorting and Displaying Books by Price

This code defines a simple Book class in Java and demonstrates how to sort and display a list of books by price in ascending order.

Book Class

The Book class has the following attributes:

  • bookId: Unique identifier for each book.
  • title: Title of the book.
  • author: Author of the book.
  • publisher: Publisher of the book.
  • price: Price of the book.

The class provides a constructor to initialize these attributes, getters to access them, setters to modify them, and a toString() method to represent a Book object as a string.

Program3 Class

The Program3 class contains the main method, which performs the following actions:

  1. Creates a list of Book objects.
  2. Adds several book instances to the list.
  3. Sorts the bookList
... Continue reading "Java Book Class: Sorting and Displaying Books by Price" »

Automated Control Systems: Definition, Variables, Sensors, and More

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  1. Definition of an Automated Control System:

It is a group of elements that are combined to optimize a process working together

  1. What is a variable in an automated control system?

It is a magnitude (light, sound, temperature, pressure) that can be measured to be used in a program

  1. How many sensors (variables) does the LEGO NXT Robot have?

4: distance, pressure/contact, light, and sound

  1. How many outputs does the LEGO NXT Robot have?

3: (A, B, C) for motors.

  1. What kind of battery does the LEGO NXT Robot have?

9v rechargeable

  1. What is the variable in an automated heating system?


7. What is the difference between open & closed loop systems?

open loop systems are simple sequences regulated by time.

  1. What kind of system (open or closed loop) is a heating

... Continue reading "Automated Control Systems: Definition, Variables, Sensors, and More" »

Understanding Plastics: Types and Manufacturing Processes

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Plastics are materials formed by chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms. We call the chains polymers, while the atoms that form them are called monomers.


Thermoplastic materials are plastics that are softened by heating and can be formed and melted as many times as we want. This is because their polymers have weak bonds. (Polyethylene (PE), Polystyrene (PS), PVC (polyvinyl chloride))

Thermoset Plastics

The polymers of thermoset plastics criss-cross to form networks. Because of this bond, the plastics can be shaped using heat; however, once they have been formed, they cannot be re-melted to create different forms. (Melamine, Bakelite, Polyester resins)


Elastomers are very flexible materials that recover their shape and... Continue reading "Understanding Plastics: Types and Manufacturing Processes" »

Configuring and Securing Network Switches

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Acceso Telnet

Switch(config)#line vty 0 15

Switch(config-line)#password cisco

Switch(config-line)#login Switch(config-line)#exit


Acceso remoto por SSH

Switch(config)#interface vlan 1

Switch(config-if)#ip address

Switch(config-if)#no shutdown

Switch(config)#hostname S1

S1(config)#ip domain-name

S1(config)#crypto key generate rsa

The name for the keys will be: Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take a few minutes.

How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024 % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable... [OK]

S1(config)# username usuario secret cisco *mar 1 1:13:48.23: %SSH-5-ENABLED:... Continue reading "Configuring and Securing Network Switches" »

Platform Capitalism: Data as Raw Material

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Cloud Platforms

Cloud platforms enable outsourcing much of a company's IT department. This pushes knowledge workers out and often automates their work. Data analysis, customer information storage, and server maintenance can be moved to the cloud, providing the capitalist rationale for using these platforms.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) was developed internally to handle the company's increasingly complex logistics while building a massive logistical network.

Industrial Platforms

As data collection, storage, and analysis become cheaper, more companies bring platforms into traditional manufacturing. The most significant attempt is the 'industrial internet of things' or 'industrial internet'. As factories implement industrial internet components, a major... Continue reading "Platform Capitalism: Data as Raw Material" »

Engineering Achievements, Challenges, and Key Concepts

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Ten Engineering Achievements:

  • Telephone
  • Computers
  • AC and refrigeration
  • Electronics
  • Airplane
  • Automobile
  • Highways
  • Spacecraft
  • Internet
  • Household appliances
  • Imaging
  • Radio and TV

Ten of Fourteen Challenges:

  • Provide clean access to water
  • Enhance VR
  • Prevent nuclear terror
  • Improve urban infrastructure
  • Make solar energy economical
  • Secure cyberspace
  • Producing energy from fusion
  • Manage the nitrogen cycle
  • Engineer better medicine
  • Advance health informatics

12 Steps:

  1. Recognition of need
  2. Problem identification and specification
  3. Information gathering
  4. Incubation and ideation
  5. Development of concepts
  6. Synthesis
  7. Analysis
  8. Prototyping and testing
  9. Manufacturing
  10. Marketing
  11. Maintenance
  12. Afterlife

Fundamental Differences Between Engine Lathe and Vertical Mill:

Lathe - the workpiece rotates but remains stationary,... Continue reading "Engineering Achievements, Challenges, and Key Concepts" »

Stone Materials in Construction: Extraction, Processing & Applications

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Stone Materials in Construction

Stone materials are frequently used in construction due to their strength, durability, and resistance to weathering. Common applications include stone walls, cement pavements, and concrete pillars.

1.1 Extracting and Processing Stone

Stone is extracted from natural deposits. Some types, like marble and granite, exist as large blocks in quarries and require cutting into smaller pieces. Others, such as gravel and sand, are aggregates—fragments or grains of various sizes.

Stone Blocks

Certain stones, like granite and marble, are extracted in large blocks, which are then cut, shaped, and finished.


Large stone blocks are removed from the Earth's crust using methods like controlled explosions, mechanical drilling,... Continue reading "Stone Materials in Construction: Extraction, Processing & Applications" »

Understanding Electricity and Electronics: DC and AC

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Understanding Electricity and Electronics


Matter is formed by atoms consisting of negatively charged particles (electrons) and positively charged particles (protons). Between these particles, there are forces of attraction or repulsion that generate a type of energy called electricity.

In a balanced atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. The forces of attraction and repulsion between these particles are balanced. When this balance is disturbed, the electrical forces become unbalanced and the electrons are driven by their electrical energy to other atoms in search of new balances.

We call this transfer of charges electrical current, and it is produced in conducting materials.

Conducting materials transmit electrical... Continue reading "Understanding Electricity and Electronics: DC and AC" »