Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Technology

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Protecting Your Digital Identity and Backing Up Your Data

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Protecting Your Digital Identity

Person’s digital identity: Is all information that you can find about a person on the internet, written by itself or other people. It is important because if you are looking for a job, everyone can see it and you have to be aware.

Best Way to Back Up Your Information

Best way to do a backup of your information: First and foremost, you need to back up your personal files. You can always reinstall your operating system and redownload your programs if your hard drive fails, but your own personal data is irreplaceable. Any personal documents, photos, home videos, and any other data on your computer should be backed up regularly. Those can never be replaced. Your operating system, programs, and other settings can... Continue reading "Protecting Your Digital Identity and Backing Up Your Data" »

Metals and Alloys: Types, Processes, and Applications

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Acording to Iron Content:

Ferrous: iron or alloys containing iron. Non-ferrous: pure metals not iron or metal.

Acording to Density:

Ultralight: density < 2g/cm3. Light: density 2-5g/cm3. Heavy: density > g/cm3.

Process of Obtaining Metals:

  1. Obtaining minerals from mines and pits
  2. Separation of mineral into ore and gangue
  3. Obtaining pure metal from mineral
  4. Final treatment


Industrial activity extracting elements, compounds, and minerals of economic interest from earth. Two types of mines: open air and underground.


Industry dedicated to obtaining iron. Raw materials: iron ores, limestone, and coke coal. Process: raw materials put into blast furnace, hot air introduced, chemical reaction occurs, waste materials (slag) stay at top, molten... Continue reading "Metals and Alloys: Types, Processes, and Applications" »

Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs): Properties, Applications, and Production Techniques

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Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs)

Metal matrix composites (MMCs) can be classified based on the type of metal used as the matrix. The classification of metals in MMCs includes:

  1. Pure Metals: These are metals composed of a single element, such as aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), titanium (Ti), or magnesium (Mg). Pure metals can serve as matrices in MMCs, providing specific properties and characteristics.
  2. Intermetallic Compounds: Intermetallics are compounds formed by the combination of two or more metallic elements. They possess a distinct crystal structure and can exhibit unique properties. Intermetallic compounds, such as titanium aluminides (Ti-Al) or nickel aluminides (Ni-Al), can be used as matrices in MMCs.
  3. Alloys: Alloys are metallic materials composed
... Continue reading "Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs): Properties, Applications, and Production Techniques" »

Three classification of diesel engines according to speed

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Transmision of motion  

  • Lineal transmision- lever, puyey, block and tackle
  • Rotary transmision- friction weels, belt drive, gears

Transformation of motion

  • rotary lineal- weel, rack and pinion, nut and bolt
  • reciprocating- Crank and rod, cranksalf, cam

Motion control

  • direction control- ratxed, freeweel
  • speed reduction- brake

Energy accumulation

  • absorption/dissipation- spring


  • linkage- clutx
  • support- plain bearing


class 1: levers can do bot of tose ting, fulcrum is between te force and resistance 

class 2: levers increase te force3 tat we apply, te resistance is between te fulcrum and te force

class 3: levers increase te distance tat te end of te levers moves, te force is between t efulcrum and resistance 

ROTARY TRANSMISION:... Continue reading "Three classification of diesel engines according to speed" »

Ram recovery process turbine

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Plastics consists of long chains of molecules, made of carbon that are called polymers. Polymers are composed of smaller molecules called monomers. There are two types of plastics according their origin:
-Natural plastics: that are obtained directly from vegetable or animal sources,latex and cellulose are produced by plants and casein.
-Sintetic plastics are made with compounds that come from petroleum, natural gas and carbon. Most plastics are syntetic.

The industrial production of plastic from raw materials is polymerization.
It have 2 steps:
- During the manufacturing process, fillers may be added to reduce the cost of production and enhance certain properties of raw materials. Some typical fillers include fibreglass,paper,mineral powder.
... Continue reading "Ram recovery process turbine" »

Racing Car and Aircraft Components: Key Differences

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Racing Car Components

  • Chassis: Much stiffer to resist twisting under high cornering loads.
  • Engine: More powerful with higher rev limits.
  • Gearbox: Electronically controlled semi-automatic with paddle shifters for faster, seamless gear changes.
  • Suspension: Stiffer to handle cornering forces and downforce.
  • Brakes: Designed for greater loads and higher temperatures.
  • Tyres: Slick tyres for maximum road contact in dry conditions.
  • Wings: Specific to racing car aerodynamics.
  • Cooling System: Relies on airflow, may overheat when stationary.
  • Nuts and Bolts: Stronger, lighter, and vibration-resistant.
  • Warning Message: Electronic display for problem alerts.
  • Fuel Injection System: Injects vaporized fuel for combustion.
  • Sensor: Detects and measures conditions like heat
... Continue reading "Racing Car and Aircraft Components: Key Differences" »

Types of Knives: Chef's, Utility, Santoku, and More

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Types of Knives

Chef's Knife (Cebollero)

  • All purpose knife for peeling, trimming, chopping, slicing, and dicing
  • Triangular blade, rock chop

Utility Knife or Salad Knife

  • All purpose, smaller than the chef's knife
  • Used specially for peeling and slicing fruit and vegetables

Santoku Knife or Japanese Cook's Knife

  • Sheep's foot tip
  • Top chop

Paring Knife

  • Used for paring or peeling fruits and vegetables

Tournée Knife

  • Sometimes considered as a kind of paring knife
  • Used for turning vegetables

Slicer Knife

  • Long slender and flexible blade
  • Used for carving or slicing cooked meats

Bread Knife or Serrated Slicer

Used to cut bread, cakes, and similar food

Boning Knife

  • Thin and pointed blade
  • Used for boning raw meats, poultry, and fish
  • Used for trimming fat from meats

Filleting Knife

  • Pointed
... Continue reading "Types of Knives: Chef's, Utility, Santoku, and More" »

Essential Kitchen Cutting Tools and Techniques

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Essential Kitchen Cutting Tools

Vegetable Peeler

A short tool with a slotted, swiveling blade used for peeling vegetables and fruits. There are two types: Swiss peeler and standard peeler.


A manual slicer with adjustable blades for creating various cuts, such as julienne, batonnet, and waffle slices.

Sharpening Steel

Used for honing and maintaining knife edges, keeping them sharp with regular use. Not intended for sharpening dull knives.

Sharpening Stone

Also known as a whetstone, used to sharpen dull knives and refine their edges.

Cutting Board

Made of wood, plastic, or composite material, used as a stable surface for cutting, chopping, and other food preparation tasks.


Versatile kitchen tool for various tasks, such as snipping herbs,... Continue reading "Essential Kitchen Cutting Tools and Techniques" »

Understanding Density, Pressure, and Fluid Systems

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Know what the relationship is between density and temperature

Substances have different densities depending on their temperature.  

For example, a lake on a hot summer day. The surface temperature is warmer than the water beneath. The warm water floats on the cold because it has a lower density. 

Know why your ears pop when you are landing at an airport

Your ears pop from pressure change. The change of pressure outside causes your middle ear to have to readjust, resulting in a popping sound

Know the term buoyancy and why objects sink or float in a substance

Buoyancy is the ability of an object in a fluid to rise or sink due to density differences with its surroundings.

Know the densities of some common substances

Sea water





... Continue reading "Understanding Density, Pressure, and Fluid Systems" »


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Porsches interpretation of efficiency is a system that works only when it is needed, and then does so in a particularly effective way. Whereas a conventional hydraulically assisted steering system draws engine power continuously, the electric motor of the electromechanical system in the Cayman models uses energy only when you actually steer.  Rear-axle steering is electromechanical adjustment system at each rear wheel enable the steering angle to be adapted based on the current driving situation, steering input and vehicle speed. The avantage for day to day driving: during low-speed maneuvers, the system steers the rear wheels in the opposite direction to that of the dront wheels. This has the virtual effect of shortening the wheelbase.