Key Naval Technology Terms and Definitions
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Seat: The difference between forward and aft draft (CPP - CPR). An aproppriate seat is a positive seat.
Offset: The maximum volume of water displaced, equivalent to the weight of the ship with its load.
Tonnage: A measure of a ship's volume, recorded in Morson tons. 1 Morson ton = 2.83m3 = 100 cubic feet.
Scuppers: Holes in the shell plating on the deck, allowing water to drain overboard.
Sea Chests/Sea Suction: Cooling water inlet valves.
Sternpost Horn: The tube at the forward face of a bow thruster is called the horn.
Portholes: Side openings for light and ventilation.
Hatches: Internal access openings on the ship's deck.
Skylights: Openings on the deck to provide light and ventilation.
Bollard Bitt: A piece of iron or steel used for securing ropes.... Continue reading "Key Naval Technology Terms and Definitions" »