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Classified in Technology

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1. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to setup Switch1 for remote access from HostA. Theshow ip interface brief is issued on Router1 and the show interfaces trunk command is issued on theSwitch1 to verify the current status. The administrator applies the additional configuration shown in theexhibit to Switch1. However, the telnet from HostA fails. What additional commands need to be appliedto the switch?
Switch(config)# interface vlan 10
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# no shutdown
Switch(config-if)# ip default-gateway

2. Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the configuration shown, how will an Ethernet frame on port GigabitEthernet0/1 be modified?
802.1Q encapsulation inserts

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Hydro-Electric Power Plants: Classification, Components, and Operation

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Hydro-Electric Power Plant

Classification of Hydro-Electric Power Plants

According to the Availability of Head:

  1. Low head plants - head below 30 m
  2. Medium head plants - head between 30 m to 180 m
  3. High head plants - head 180 m and above.

According to the Nature of Load:

  1. Base load plant
  2. Peak load plant.

According to the Quantity of Water Available:

  1. Run-off river plant without pondage.
  2. Storage reservoir plant
  3. Pump storage plant.

Such a plant has a large storage capacity of water; therefore, water collected in the rainy season is utilized during the dry period of the year.

The collection of water is done on a yearly basis; therefore, the capacity of the reservoir required is extremely large compared with the other types of hydroelectric power plants.

Elements of

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Cisco Router and Switch Configuration: PPP, DHCP, VLAN, RIP, OSPF, EIGRP

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Cisco Router and Switch Configuration

PPP Authentication

1. User Configuration (Matching Passwords on Both Routers)

router(config)# username <hostname_remote_router> password <password>

2. Interface Encapsulation Change

router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp

3.1 Enabling PAP Authentication

router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
router(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
router(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username <local_username> password <password>

3.2 Enabling CHAP Authentication

router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
router(config-if)# ppp authentication chap

DHCP Scope Configuration

router(config)# ip dhcp pool <POOL_NAME>
router(config-dhcp)# network <NETWORK_ADDRESS> <NETMASK>
router(config-dhcp)# default-router <GATEWAY_

... Continue reading "Cisco Router and Switch Configuration: PPP, DHCP, VLAN, RIP, OSPF, EIGRP" »

The Internet: A Comprehensive Overview

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The Internet: A Global Network

The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks, linking billions of devices worldwide using TCP/IP. It comprises millions of networks, including private, public, academic, business, and government, and provides extensive information resources.

The History of the Internet

The Internet, originating from ARPANet, an experimental network created in the 1960s by the US military, was launched online in 1969 under a contract by ARPA, connecting four US universities. The history of the Internet reflects the continuous growth of this network, connecting millions of people, businesses, governments, schools, and universities.


The ARPAnet, created in 1969, began with four computers connecting.... Continue reading "The Internet: A Comprehensive Overview" »

Domestic Electrical Installations

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The electricity used to meet our energy needs (housing, buildings and industries) But there are serious dangers such as fires and electrocucions if facilities do not meet the appropriate security.
Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulations (REBT) technical conditions and guarantees must be met by electrical installations connected to a low voltage supply in order to:
-Preserve the safety of persons and property.
-Ensure the normal operation of these facilities and prevent disruptions that could cause other facilities and prevent disruptions that could cause other facilities and services.
-Contribute to the technical reliability and efficiency of economic facilities.
Complementary technical instructions (ITC - BT)... Continue reading "Domestic Electrical Installations" »

Cloud Computing Essentials: DFS, HDFS, Security, and Virtualization

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Cloud Computing Essentials

What is a Distributed File System (DFS)?

A distributed file system (DFS) in cloud computing manages data across multiple servers for scalability, fault tolerance, and efficient access. It replicates data for high availability, balances loads, ensures data consistency, and can be cost-effective.

Examples include Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Google File System (GFS), Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), and Azure Blob Storage. DFS is essential for handling large-scale data storage and processing in cloud environments.

HDFS Architecture

HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System. Google published its paper GFS and on the basis of that HDFS was developed.

It states that the files will be broken into blocks and stored in nodes... Continue reading "Cloud Computing Essentials: DFS, HDFS, Security, and Virtualization" »

Centos 5.5

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#useradd nombredeusuario :: para crear usuarios

#passwd :: nombredelusuario

#groupadd :: nombredelgrupo :: (forma normal)

#groupadd -g 600 nombredelgrupo :: (guid sobre 650)

#userdel nombredelusuario :: para deletear usuarios

#groupdelnombredelgrupo :: borrar el grupo

#usermod -G nombredelgrupo nombredeusuario :: para asignar usuario a grupo.

opcion 2: editar archivo /etc/group -> grupo:x:600:usuarioqueseagregara

#nano /etc/shadow :: para poder ver los usuarios y poder bloquearlos

#passwd -l nombredeusuario :: para bloquear usuario

#passwd -u nombredeusuario :: para desbloquear usuario

#sudo passwd :: para cambiar la contraseña de root

# tail /etc/passwd :: paraver informacion de usuarios

#su nombredelotrousuario :: para iniciar sesion como el usuario... Continue reading "Centos 5.5" »

I is correct ii is correct

Classified in Technology

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tecnology= is an applied science used 4 solve problems in real life. Create or design goods or services. 2 allows us the adaptation of the enviroment 4 our needs and to pleases our desires

algorithm=Is a set of instructions for resolve problems or performate an action

project aproach: Is Create something to solve a problem. 10 steps: 1. Problem (see and analyze the problem / 2. Research= find information fo problem / 3. Possible solution = we propose all posible solutions / 4. Choose 1 possible solution / 5. Design= we think , design to build the solution / 6. Planning = we do a sceetch of the building / 7. Build= we build the final solution / 8. Check = we check if its correct * if it isn´t correct, we go to find another solution / 9. Presentation... Continue reading "I is correct ii is correct" »

Palo Alto Networks: Core Concepts and Product Ecosystem

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Core Concepts of Palo Alto Networks


PA-Series: PA-220, PA-800, PA-3200, PA-5200, PA-7000

VM Series: VM-50, VM-100, VM-300, VM-500, VM-700

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Cisco ACI
  • Citrix NetScaler SDX
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)
  • Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Hyper-V
  • OpenStack
  • VMware ESXi, VMware NSX, and VMware vCloud Air


  • Policy Management
  • Centralized Visibility
  • Network Security Insights
  • Automated Threat Response
  • Network Security Management
  • Enterprise-Level Reporting and Administration

Prisma (Cloud, SASE, SaaS, VM Series ML-Powered NGFWs)

  • Cloud Security - Delivers complete security across the development lifecycle on any cloud.
  • Prisma Cloud - Cloud Security Posture Management and Workload Protection (Uses API)
    • Alibaba Cloud
    • Amazon
... Continue reading "Palo Alto Networks: Core Concepts and Product Ecosystem" »

Computer Networks: Types and Definitions

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Computer Network and Its Types

A network refers to a collection of interconnected nodes or entities that can communicate and share information with each other. These nodes can be computers, devices, or even people. Networks are used to facilitate the exchange of data, resources, or services among the connected entities.

Types of Networks

There are several types of networks, including:

  • Local Area Network (LAN): LANs are typically limited to a small geographic area, such as a home, office, or campus. They are used for connecting devices within a relatively close proximity, often using Ethernet cables or Wi-Fi.
  • Wide Area Network (WAN): WANs cover larger geographical areas and connect LANs over long distances. The internet is the most extensive example
... Continue reading "Computer Networks: Types and Definitions" »