Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Secondary education

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Understanding the Circulatory and Reproductive Systems

Classified in Biology

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Circulatory System

Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the right atrium of the heart through the superior and inferior vena cavae. The right atrium contracts, pushing the blood through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The right ventricle contracts, pumping the deoxygenated blood through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery carries the deoxygenated blood to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide through the process of gas exchange. Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart via the pulmonary veins. The left atrium contracts, pushing the oxygenated blood through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. The left ventricle contracts, pumping... Continue reading "Understanding the Circulatory and Reproductive Systems" »

Key International Organizations: Roles and Functions

Classified in Social sciences

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United Nations (UN)

The UN facilitates international cooperation in law, security, development, human rights, and peace.


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: Focuses on education, science, and culture.


Food and Agriculture Organization: Leads efforts to combat hunger and improve nutrition.


International Labour Organization: Addresses labor issues and work relations.


United Nations International Children's Fund: Provides aid to children globally.


World Health Organization: Coordinates international public health initiatives.


International Atomic Energy Agency: Promotes peaceful use of nuclear energy.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization: A military alliance for collective defense.



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The cell, the respiratory system, the organelles, gases, diffusion, active transport ...

Classified in Biology

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The cell is the basic unit of which they are made all living things. It is the smallest unit capable of performing all the functions that characterize a living being.

Depending on whether a body is formed by one or more cells can be:

Unicellular organisms. They consist of a single cell that performs all the functions necessary for survival. Sometimes, several single-celled organisms living together colonies. (like amoeba)

Multicellular organisms. Consist of multiple cells that lose the ability to survive alone. Each cell performs a specific task, and all work together to survive the body (such as plants and animals). Our body is composed of a large number of cells. People are multicellular beings.

The cells in our body can have different shape... Continue reading "The cell, the respiratory system, the organelles, gases, diffusion, active transport ..." »

My family and other animals

Classified in English

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11.1. Their Great-aunt from England wants Herrnione eats ro stay with the Durrells.
11.2. They move to a villa srnaller so that they can tell Great-aunt Hermione that she cannot come to stay with thern Because they havent got enough room.
12.1. In the new town, Gerry has the opportunity to observe Sorne Ladybugs and green transparent Sorne CAJL gecko lizards.
12.2. With Mr Kralefsky, Gerry spends part of every Jesson talking about birds but I also Leams a lot of history, geography and French.
12.3. Kralefsky's mother tells Gerry that flowers talk and that they have long conversations, Although she can not understand their lan gauge.
12.4. The Magpies drop papers all over the floor and paper clips all over the carpet and bed. They make... Continue reading "My family and other animals" »

Analysis berenice

Classified in Other subjects

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To begin, let us summarize the story of Edgar Allan Poe entitled "Berenice" and then analyze your story and characters.
The story begins with a reflection of Egaeus talking about his childhood, then talks about his cousin Berenice, tells how they grew up together and their different characteristics: Egaeus is described as a sickly person, wrapped in melancholy, self-contained and delivered in body and soul of intense meditation. Instead, Berenice is fast, funny and overflowing forces.
Egaeus Berenice explains that suffers from a disease that transmuted physically and morally. This was a strange illness that began as epilepsy and often ended in catalepsy (condition in which one enters a stationary state, similar to that of the dead)
... Continue reading "Analysis berenice" »

Medical Terminology Prefixes and Their Meanings

Classified in Biology

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Number and Quantity Prefixes

  • Mono-, Uni- (one):
    • Monodiplopia: Double vision that occurs only in one eye.
    • Unilateral: Confined to one side only.
  • Bi-, Di- (two, twice, double):
    • Diplopia: Double vision.
    • Bilateral: Affecting two sides.
  • Tri- (three):
    • Trigeminal nerve: The fifth cranial nerve, providing sensory innervation to the face, divided into three main branches.
  • Quad-, Quadra-, Tetra- (four):
    • Quadrant: Areas divided for descriptive purposes into quadrants.
    • Tetradactyl: Having four fingers or toes on a hand or foot.
  • Multi- (many):
    • Multicellular: Composed of many cells.
  • Poly- (too much, many):
    • Polyuria: Excessive excretion of urine.
  • Hemi-, Semi- (half or partly):
    • Hemiplegia: Paralysis of one side of the body.
    • Semicomatose: State of drowsiness and inaction, requiring
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Islamic Principles: Zakat, Riba, Hajj, and Social Conduct

Classified in History

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Riba's Contribution to Poverty

Riba (usury) exacerbates poverty by exploiting people's wealth. It is a significant factor in rising prices and economic recession. Furthermore, it diminishes charitable acts and cooperation within society. From a moral standpoint, it strips human actions of their blessings. Borrowers often struggle to repay loans, ultimately leading to increased interest and indebtedness.

Risks of Accusing Chaste Women of Adultery

Accusing a chaste woman of adultery is an extremely serious offense and constitutes slander. Such accusations jeopardize her reputation and honor, leading to defamation within the community. They can also severely damage families, promote immorality, and foster animosity among people.

Benefits of Zakat

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Renaissance Art and Architecture in Italy and Flanders

Classified in Music

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Renaissance Sculpture

Influence of Classical Sculpture

Renaissance sculpture was heavily influenced by classical Greek and Roman art. Artists studied and replicated the forms and ideals of ancient sculptures.


  • Use of various materials: marble, bronze, ceramic, and wood.
  • Expansion of themes: Mythological, historical, and portraiture subjects were introduced alongside traditional religious themes.
  • Two main forms:
    1. Sculptures in the round: Freestanding sculptures viewable from all angles.
    2. Reliefs: Sculptures carved on flat surfaces.
  • Pursuit of ideal beauty: Artists emphasized anatomical accuracy and harmonious proportions based on the study of the human body.

The Quattrocento (15th Century)

  • Florence as the leading center.
  • Notable artists:
    • Ghiberti:
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Napoleon's Reign and the Spanish War of Independence

Classified in History

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In 1802, Napoleon was named First Consul for life after his victory in Italy. In 1804, he was declared Emperor. He established the Civil Code, covering marriage, divorce, education, and inheritance.

Napoleon conquered many areas of Europe and spread Enlightened policies, but Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain tried to prevent it. Napoleon also had many problems when he invaded Spain and Russia. Finally, Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Napoleon in Spain

Napoleon's Occupation of Spain

Charles IV and his minister Manuel Godoy supported Napoleon against Britain, but Spain was defeated at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805).

In 1807, Spain and France signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau, by which Charles IV let the French troops... Continue reading "Napoleon's Reign and the Spanish War of Independence" »

Essential English Grammar Reference

Classified in English

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Past Simple


I/you/he/she/it/we/they watched. Translation: I watched.


I/you/he/she/it/we/they didn't watch.


Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they watch?

Past Continuous


I/he/she/it was watching Translation: I was watching.

we/they/you were watching


I/he/she/it wasn't watching

we/they/you weren't watching

Present Simple


I/you/we/they play Translation: I play

he/she/it plays


I/you/we/they don't play

he/she/it doesn't play

Present Continuous


I am reading Translation: I am reading

He/she/it is reading

we/they/you are reading


I am not reading

He/she/it isn't reading

we/they/you aren't reading

Present Perfect


I/you/we/they have finished Translation: I have finished

he/she/it has finished


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