Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Secondary education

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Summary of Book: Holes by Louis Sachar

Posted by Javi and classified in Language

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This novel is a romance because:

1: Stanley was accused of stealing a shoe that supposedly fell from heaven, for that reason, he was sent to Camp Green Lake.

2: Stanley found a gold tube with the inscription KB while digging your hole, did not help anything, as he had promised to give X-rays which found, then I would not earn his day off.

3: X-Ray stole Mr. Sir your bag pipes, but for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and cover for his teammates, was Stanley who took a set of Vigilante, but in the end, Stanley did not no punishment, except the mania that took Mr. Sir, because their fault Vigilante had been slapped.

4: Stanley stole Mr. Sir's truck to go for Zero and try to drive without success, continued walking and once... Continue reading "Summary of Book: Holes by Louis Sachar" »

Authoritarian monarchy

Classified in Social sciences

Written at on English with a size of 564 bytes.

authoritarian monarchy:
manarcas supported the following elements:
- The domain of a large unified territory.
- The subjection of the feudal nobility.
- Creation of a standing army and a justice imdependiente given by judges.
-collection of taxes
- Creation of an administration
- Creation of diplomacy that is the establishment of relations with other countries to solve problems without arms reach.
q told the first countries with authoritarian monarqia portugal england were France and Spain.

Tragic Story of Allegra Byron: Unveiling a Venetian Mystery

Classified in English

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Allegra Byron's Early Life in Venice

Allegra Byron lived with her father, Lord Byron, in a large house called the Palazzo Mocenigo. However, Lord Byron eventually realized that it was not a suitable home for a child. He entrusted Allegra to an English family in Venice. Allegra stayed in Venice for eight months with different families. When Allegra was four years old, Byron sent her to a convent school near Ravenna. Allegra was often cold and lonely there.

Grammar Notes

  • Prepositions:
    • In for months (e.g., in May)
    • On for days (e.g., on Monday)
    • At for weekends and specific times (e.g., at the weekend, at 7 o'clock)
  • Present Simple: After 'go', use the gerund form (-ing) (e.g., go swimming).
  • Do/Does: Use 'do' or 'does' + person + verb for questions (e.g.
... Continue reading "Tragic Story of Allegra Byron: Unveiling a Venetian Mystery" »

Uniform Civil Code in India: History and the Shah Bano Case

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Uniform Civil Code in India

A common civil code, popularly known as the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), is a long-standing unresolved debate in independent India. This debate stems from Article 44 of the Indian Constitution, contained in Part 4 (Directive Principles of State Policy), which states the state shall endeavor to secure for the citizens a Uniform Civil Code throughout the territory of India. Here, the term Uniform Civil Code (UCC) implies a set of common laws governing marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, and other such familial matters which would be applicable to all Indians, irrespective of their religion. Today, the members of each religious community follow their own respective sets of civil laws based on their religious history... Continue reading "Uniform Civil Code in India: History and the Shah Bano Case" »

Torquemada at the stake

Classified in Language

Written at on English with a size of 3.96 KB.

In the vast gallery of characters that Benito Perez Galdos left us, perhaps this Torquemada most appreciated by this writer. The author published in 1889 Torquemada at the stake, and between 1893 and 1895 the rest of the series: the cross Torquemada Torquemada Torquemada in Purgatory, and San Pedro.
Already Torquemada at the stake is a precise drawing of the protagonist, Francisco Torquemada. This is a lender who has amassed an interesting capital-based lending money at usury, mercilessly squeezing the unfortunate necessity that fell into their hands.
Stingy up to meanness, Torquemada suffer the blow of seeing your child sick, a child prodigy, a genius of mathematics. In this crisis, its nature is clear: the advice of friends, trying to humanize
... Continue reading "Torquemada at the stake" »

Understanding Consumer Response in Marketing Communication

Classified in Other subjects

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The Consumer Response Process

Perhaps the most important aspect of developing effective communication programs involves understanding the response process the reviewer may go through in moving toward a specific behavior (like purchasing a product) and how the promotional efforts of the marketer influence consumer responses. In many instances, the marketer's only objective may be to create awareness of the company or brand name, which may trigger interest in the product.

The AIDA Model

The AIDA model was developed to represent the stages a salesperson must take a customer through in the personal-selling process. This model depicts the buyer as passing successively through attention, interest, desire, and action. The salesperson must first get the... Continue reading "Understanding Consumer Response in Marketing Communication" »

18th Century Enlightenment & Revolution: A Historical Overview

Classified in Geography

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The Rise of the Bourgeoisie and Industrial Change

What changes led to the industrial and bourgeois revolution?

The development of businesses increased the wealth of the bourgeoisie, surpassing the traditionally wealthy nobility and clergy whose wealth was based on land ownership. This shift in economic power led to increased social and political influence for the bourgeoisie, despite their unequal treatment as members of the Third Estate.

What were the two new production systems?

  • Domestic System: Organized by merchants who supplied artisans with raw materials, collected finished products, and managed their sale.
  • Manufacturing: Large workshops employing numerous artisans to produce weapons and luxury items like glass.

Population Growth and Agricultural

... Continue reading "18th Century Enlightenment & Revolution: A Historical Overview" »

Genetics: The Basics of Heredity and Traits

Classified in Biology

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Chromosomes and DNA

Genes are contained within chromosomes, which are made of DNA and located in the cell nucleus. A chromosome contains thousands of genes. Every normal human contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, a total of 46 chromosomes.

Traits and Alleles

A trait is any gene-determined characteristic, often determined by more than one gene. Gene: A segment of DNA that controls a hereditary trait. Alleles are different versions of a gene that produce distinguishable traits in offspring. Two alleles must be present in order for a trait to appear in the offspring. One allele is provided by each parent to the offspring. When fertilization of sperm and eggs occurs, the new offspring will have 2 alleles for each gene.

Gregor Mendel's Contributions

Gregor... Continue reading "Genetics: The Basics of Heredity and Traits" »

Cold War: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and Key Events

Classified in History

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The Cold War: Key Policies and Events

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. Here's a look at some key events and policies:

The Truman Doctrine

Introduced in 1947 by President Harry Truman, the Truman Doctrine aimed to defend democracies against the spread of communism.

The Marshall Plan

Also introduced in 1947, the Marshall Plan was designed to help European countries rebuild their economies after World War II.

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Established in 1949, NATO is a military alliance between the USA and Western Bloc countries.

The Warsaw Pact

Formed in 1955, the Warsaw Pact was a military alliance between the USSR and Eastern Bloc countries, including... Continue reading "Cold War: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and Key Events" »

Introduction to Statistics: Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, Probability Distributions, and Sampling Techniques

Classified in Mathematics

Written at on English with a size of 1,002.16 KB.

Discrete Random Variables

Discrete random variables are variables that can take on a finite number of distinct values. In simpler terms, a discrete random variable is a set of possible outcomes that is countable.

Continuous Random Variables

Continuous random variables are random variables that take an infinitely uncountable number of potential values, typically measurable amounts.


  1. List the sample space in the given experiment. How many outcomes are possible?

The sample space is: S = {NNN, NND, NDN, NDD, DNN, DND, DDN, DDD}

  1. Count the number of defective keyboards in each outcome in the sample space and assign this number to the outcome. For instance, if you list NND, then the number of defective keyboards is 1.

The possible values of X are 0,... Continue reading "Introduction to Statistics: Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, Probability Distributions, and Sampling Techniques" »