Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Understanding Key Commercial Contracts

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Commercial Contracts Overview

Merchant Accounting

All merchants must maintain their accounts in Castilian, including the Book Journal, General Ledger, and Inventory.

Storage Contracts (Warrants)

A storage contract involves a depositor delivering goods to a storekeeper for safekeeping. The storekeeper must maintain records of received goods. This contract is finalized upon delivery of a deposit certificate or warrant.

Labor Contracts


  • Employer: A person or entity utilizing the intellectual or material services of one or more individuals under an employment contract.
  • Worker: An individual providing intellectual or material services under the dependence or subordination of an employer, through an employment contract.
  • Independent Worker: An
... Continue reading "Understanding Key Commercial Contracts" »

Greek Epic Poetry and Lyricism: Homer, Hesiod, and Sappho

Classified in Latin

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The Greek Epic

Epic poetry sang the deeds of heroes, stories that occurred in a legendary past. It was transmitted orally from mouth to mouth, which also determined how to compose the introductory verses. With the alphabet, poets began to write what was transmitted orally. These exploits seem to have some historical background.

Within Greek epic literature, the work of two great authors stands out: Homer and Hesiod (8th - 7th century BC).


It was said that Homer was a poet who recited his poems and was represented as blind. His existence is wrapped up in legend. It seems that he lived in the late 8th century BC and was from Chios. He is the author of the first works of Greek literature that we have preserved: the Iliad and the Odyssey.


... Continue reading "Greek Epic Poetry and Lyricism: Homer, Hesiod, and Sappho" »

Hume vs. Kant: Understanding Causality and Knowledge

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Hume's Radical Empiricism

David Hume, a radical empiricist, argued that all ideas must be preceded by an impression. If there is no corresponding impression, the idea is not valid. This includes the concept of causality (cause and effect). Immanuel Kant, on the other hand, stated that while everything begins with experience, not everything arises from it.

Hume believed that our perceptions had no causality at all, but were merely linked by habit. The awareness of the principle of causality comes *after* the experience of apparent causal relationships. For Kant, however, the principle of causality is fundamental and necessary for the perception of sequences of events, that is, to limit knowledge to the *a priori*. Impressions are the experience;... Continue reading "Hume vs. Kant: Understanding Causality and Knowledge" »

Social Work with Groups: Enhancing Social Skills

Classified in Social sciences

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For social work (SW) groups, the research object is the group dimension as an area in which to observe and experience the basic dimensions of social life. The analysis of groups as a research area has highlighted the social roles that primary and secondary groups enforce, and how, through the group experience, skills necessary for social life are internalized, from communication skills to the management of teamwork and leadership. Once these capabilities are discussed, techniques are designed for people to recover in difficult circumstances through social interaction. In this sense, SW groups can be defined as that specialty within SW which aims to recover and strengthen, through group interaction and group activities, the social skills of... Continue reading "Social Work with Groups: Enhancing Social Skills" »

Immanuel Kant's Philosophy: Metaphysics and Knowledge

Classified in Geology

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Immanuel Kant's Approach to Metaphysics

Human reason is harassed by questions that it cannot answer, as they surpass its faculties. These are the questions posed by metaphysics. Kant believes that understanding is capable of developing a universally valid science. He was a rationalist but, thanks to his awakening from dogmatic slumber, he also recognized the importance of experience. Kant distinguishes between two types of knowledge conditions: empirical knowledge, the origin of form, and formal knowledge, which adds data to experience.

Kant asks: Is metaphysics a science? We know that knowledge is scientific when it progresses, building on what other scientists have accomplished, and when there is a consensus among scientists. If metaphysics... Continue reading "Immanuel Kant's Philosophy: Metaphysics and Knowledge" »


Classified in English

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Blackmail:chantaje - blackmailer - to blackmail
Bribery:soborno - // - to bribe
Burglary: robo... - burglar - to break in
Fraud: fraude - to commit fraud
Hijacking:tomarse avion - hijacker - to hijack
Kisnnaping:secuestro - kidnapper - to kidnap
Mugging:asalto - mugger - to mug
Murder: asesinato - murderer - to murder
Rape:violacion - rapist - to rape
Robbery:robo... - robber - to rob
Smuggling:contrabando - smuggler - to smuggle
Terrorism: terrorismo - terrorist - to set off bombs
Theft:robo... - thief - to steal
Vandalism:vandalismo - vandal - to vandalize

Project Preparation and Evaluation: Key Stages

Classified in Economy

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Chapter 3: Project Preparation and Evaluation


This stage determines the amount to be invested, and the project will be evaluated by measuring its profitability.

  • Project Profitability: Measures the profitability of the business, regardless of who undertakes it.
  • Investor Profitability: Measures the return on equity for the investor if they carry out the project.

Project Classification

A) According to the Objective of the Study:

  • Project profitability
  • Investment
  • Capacity to pay for the project

B) According to the Type of Investment:

  • Creation of a new business
  • Modernization project:
    • Internalization
    • Externalization
    • Replacement
    • Expansion
    • Abandonment

Social Assessment of Projects

Compares the benefits and costs that a particular investment may have on... Continue reading "Project Preparation and Evaluation: Key Stages" »

History and Institutions of the European Union

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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European Union: A Historical Timeline

May 9, 1950: The Schuman Declaration, establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), was born. The founding members are Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. EU promoters.

March 25, 1957: These six countries signed the Treaty of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC).

1968: Customs duties were abolished.

1960s: The Common Agricultural Policy and commercial policies are implemented.

1973: Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Denmark joined, along with ongoing social and environmental policies.

1979: First European Parliament elections.

1981: Greece joined.

1986: Spain and Portugal joined.

1985/1993: The White Paper was released, creating a calendar for the European... Continue reading "History and Institutions of the European Union" »

Descartes' Philosophy: Doubt, Existence, and Innate Ideas

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Reasons to Doubt

  • Senses: Doubts about the senses and sense knowledge obtained from external reality. Senses can be misleading.
  • Sleep and Wakefulness: The problem of distinguishing between sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes, dreams are so vivid that we feel things as truth. The inability to discern if one is living in a dream or in a waking state.
  • Knowledge: Doubt in one's knowledge and reasoning processes. One can make errors in reasoning.
  • The Hypothesis of the Evil Genie: It is possible that there is an evil genie deceiving me, even about what appears to me as obvious.

Conclusion of Methodical Doubt

After carrying out doubt on all these points, the only thing that remains is the doubt itself. The object of doubt is a reaffirmation of the indubitability... Continue reading "Descartes' Philosophy: Doubt, Existence, and Innate Ideas" »

Research Methods and Techniques in Social Sciences

Classified in Social sciences

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Underlying Principles of Scientific Inquiry

Key Considerations:

  • Truths lacking universal validity should be subject to trial and error, enriching the information available for the object of study. The predictive capacity and error margins in social sciences may differ from other disciplines, but this doesn't negate their scientific nature.
  • Science, as a human and social product, must be analyzed within its historical context. Scientific objectivity arises from mutual criticism and rigorous scrutiny within the scientific community, characterized by public and intersubjective discourse.
  • Scientific theories are human constructs that facilitate understanding relationships between phenomena, enabling intervention and utilization.

Therefore, research... Continue reading "Research Methods and Techniques in Social Sciences" »