Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Primary education

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Unforgettable Personal Experiences: Thrills, Heartbreak, and Laughter

Classified in English

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A Dramatic Experience

One Saturday afternoon, my friends and I decided to explore an old abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The sun was setting, and everything looked spooky as we walked up to the house. We had heard stories that it was haunted, but we didn't believe them.

As we entered, the floor crunched with every step. There was dust everywhere, and spider webs hung from the ceiling. We tried to be brave and made jokes to hide our fear. Suddenly, we heard a loud noise from the floor above. Our hearts began to race, but we decided to go and have a look.

In one of the rooms, a window had been broken, and a cold wind was coming in. As we were about to leave, the door closed with a bang. We all became frightened and screamed for help. Try... Continue reading "Unforgettable Personal Experiences: Thrills, Heartbreak, and Laughter" »

The Challenges of Language Learning and Globalization

Classified in English

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In Your Opinion, What Is the Most Difficult Language to Learn? Explain Your View.

I think it depends on what your mother tongue is. For example, Chinese is difficult to Spanish people because vocabulary and pronunciation are completely different.

Is It Good to Adopt English Words or Is It Better to Preserve or Find Equivalents in Your Own Language?

In my opinion, it is better to preserve or find equivalents in our own language when it is possible. Only if it does not exist equivalent in our language it could be good to adapt English words.

Should We All Speak the Same Language? Which One? Is This Possible and Would This Make the World a Better Place?

No, we shouldn't. I don't think that it would be possible. And if that were possible, the world... Continue reading "The Challenges of Language Learning and Globalization" »


Classified in Language

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have made would habe been made. Infinitive presente tomake to be madeParticipio perfecto having made having been made. Reported speech: cuando el vervo intrductor del estilo indirecto esta en presente , preterito perfecto o futuro, los tiempos verbales no cambian. Direct speech -presente simple- indirect speech past simple.presente continuo-past continuos. Presente perfecto-past perfect. Presente perfecto continuo- past perfect continuous. Past simple- past perfect. Past continuos-past perfec continuos. Future will conditional would. Can-could. May-might. Will-would. Must-had to. Have to-had to. Shall-should. significado Dizzy mareado feverish fiebre queasysentirse mal rasherpucion cutanea runnyagua en la nari seedy enfermo soreinflamado... Continue reading "3" »

Mastering English: Essential Vocabulary and Modal Verbs

Classified in English

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Essential English Vocabulary

Here's a list of useful English words and phrases, along with their meanings:

  • To put off: To postpone or delay
  • Stage: A step or phase in a process
  • Prompt: On time or before the expected time
  • Deadline: The last day or time by which something must be done
  • Rush hour: Peak time when traffic is heaviest
  • Sharp: Exactly on time (e.g., 9 o'clock sharp)
  • Timing: The ability to do something at the right moment
  • In a hurry: To be rushed or have a sense of urgency
  • Plenty: A lot of; a large quantity
  • Brief: Short in duration
  • On time: Punctual; at the scheduled time
  • At a time: At a particular moment
  • Downtime: A period when you are less busy or doing fewer things
  • Sidetracked: To be distracted from your main task
  • Drag on: To continue for too long,
... Continue reading "Mastering English: Essential Vocabulary and Modal Verbs" »

Easy Piano Sheet Music: Popular Songs & Keyboard Positions

Classified in Music

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Popular Piano Songs: Easy Sheet Music

Rice Pudding

Fa Fa Fa Do
Do Fa Fa La Sol
The Sib The Sol Fa Do Re Do Mi Mi Mi Mi Fa

Do Fa La La Fa
Do Fa La La Sol
The Sib The Sol Fa Do Re Do Mi Mi Mi Mi Fa

Silent Night

Sol La Sol Mi
Sol La Sol Mi
If you do re re do Sol

La La La Sol's do If Sol Mi
La La La Sol's do If Sol Mi

re re re fa mi re do if
Sol Mi Fa Do Sol Re Do

re re re fa mi re do if
Sol Mi Fa Do Sol Re Do

Ode to Joy

If you do re re do If If The Sun Sol La Si Si La La
If you do re re do If If The Sun Sun Sun Sun The If's

The sun If the sun If you do If
If you do If the sun's La Re

If you do re re do If If The Sun Sun Sun Sun The If's

La Cucaracha

Fa La Do Do Do
Fa La Do Do Do
Fa Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do

Do Do Do Mi Sol
Do Do Do Mi Sol
do... Continue reading "Easy Piano Sheet Music: Popular Songs & Keyboard Positions" »

English Modal Verbs: Ability, Possibility, Obligation, and More

Classified in Other languages

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Expressing ability with modal verbs:

  • Can (present ability): Can you speak French?
  • Will be able to (future ability): She will be able to speak French in two months.
  • Could (past ability, unrealized potential): I could have gone to university when I was younger.
  • Be able to (general ability): She is able to speak Chinese.
  • Was/were able to (past ability, achieved action): We were able to escape the fire.
  • Couldn't/were not able to (negative past ability): We couldn't/were not able to finish the project.


Expressing degrees of possibility:

  • May (higher probability): He may be in his office.
  • Might (lower probability): She might be 30 years old.


Expressing certainty or impossibility:

  • Must (certainty): He must be over 70.
  • Can't (impossibility)
... Continue reading "English Modal Verbs: Ability, Possibility, Obligation, and More" »


Classified in History

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31 nervos pares
3º mes de vida= curvatura secundaria  cervical
6º mes de vida= curvatura secundaria lombar
2 curvaturas primarias: toracica e sacral.
2 cuvaturas secundarias: cervical e lombar.
4 curvaturas
Curvaturas da coluna vertebral:
Curvaturas primarias: mantem o sentido da curvatura da coluna fetal: toracica e sacral
Curvaturas secundarias: Cervical (surge em torno do 3º mes de vida, quando a criança ja sustenta o peso da cabeça.
Lombar: surge em torno do 6º mes de vida, quando a criança ja sustenta o corpo em posição ortostatica)
Cifose: acentuação das curvaturas primarias= toracica e sacral
Lordose: acentuação das curvaturas secundarias= cervical e lombar
Quando a lordose é muito acentuada, denomina-se hiperlordose
Escoliose:... Continue reading "Notebook" »


Classified in Language

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40 camilo jose cela: la familia d pascual duart-pabyon d rposo-la  colmna-primr viaj andaluz carmn laforet: nada-la isla y los demonios-la mujer nueva ana matute:los abel-los niños tontos-cuent: l pais d la pizarra miguel delibes:el camino- las ratas- los santos inocentes gonz torr ballester: javier mariño- don juan

50 neorreal nacho aldecoa: el fulgor y la sangre- con el viento solano rafa sanch ferlosio: el jarama- el alma y la verwenza carmen martin gaite: entre visillos-retahilos-ritmo lento 50 r social juan goytisolo: juego de manos-la chanca alfonso grosso:florido mayo-la giralda j manu caballero bonald: dos dias d septiembre

60luis martin santos: tiempo de silencio juan benet: volveras a region- una meditacion fco umbral:balada d gamberros-... Continue reading "Drumasota" »


Classified in History

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Submetida a um tratamento médico, uma pessoa ingeriu um comprimido contendo 45 mg de ácido acetilsalicílico (C9H8O4). Considerando a massa molar do C9H8O4 180g/mol e o número de Avogadro 6.10²³, o número de moléculas da substancia ingerida é?
Primeiro transformando mg para g


x = 0,045g

1 mol.........................180g


x = 0,00025mol

1 mol...............6,0 . 10²³


x = 1,50 . 10^20

A balança mais precisa pode detectar uma variação de aproximadamente 10( elevado -8g). Quantos átomos de ouro existiriam em uma amostra desse peso?
Primeiramente consulte uma tabela periódica para obter a massa atômica do ouro( ma = 197u)
assim, a

... Continue reading "Vaodale" »

Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Review

Classified in Spanish

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  • Accent - acento
  • Citizenship - nacionalidad
  • Demand - exigir, requerir
  • Law - ley
  • Citizens - ciudadano
  • Force - obligar
  • Government - gobierno
  • Proposal - propuesta
  • Prove - demostrar
  • Typical - típico
  • Trendy - de moda
  • Quiet - tranquilo
  • Noisy - ruidoso
  • Appearance - aspecto físico
  • Painful - doloroso
  • Hardship - problema
  • Aware - consciente
  • Light-skinned - piel clara
  • Tease - burlarse
  • Lucky break - suerte
  • Pretty curly - bonito rizado
  • Good looking - guapo

Text Analysis

Redefining British Culture

True or False:

  1. True (lines 1-2)
  2. False (lines 5-6)
  3. True (lines 8, 9, 10)
  4. False (lines 11)
  5. False (lines 14)

Inner Beauty: Can We Really See It?

  1. People sometimes judge others based on their physical appearance.
    1. b
    2. a
    1. She experienced being judged.
    2. Because of how she looked.
    3. He is able to see
... Continue reading "Essential English Vocabulary and Grammar Review" »