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Inflation Impact, Financial Tools, Monetary Policy & Growth

Classified in Economy

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Effects of Inflation

  • Loss of Buying Power: When inflation occurs, the prices paid by economic agents for goods and services are higher, which reduces the purchasing power of money.
  • Uncertainty: Prices contain valuable information for economic agents to make decisions. Inflation alters prices, destroying their capacity to inform and provoking uncertainty.
  • Loss of Competitiveness of Domestic Production Overseas: This will increase the volume of our exports of goods and services.
  • Unemployment: The two effects of inflation signals cause a break in the level of employment. If money loses purchasing power, consumption and investment fall. As global demand decreases, so do production and employment. If economic agents are making decisions under conditions
... Continue reading "Inflation Impact, Financial Tools, Monetary Policy & Growth" »

Activity Classification: Value, Cost, and Production

Classified in Economy

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Classification of Activities

A) In Terms of Value Added

  • Value-added activities: These activities enhance customer interest in the company's output (product or service).
  • Non-value-added activities: These are activities that the customer does not perceive as valuable or that are not considered differentiating compared to the competition.

B) Based on Their Relationship with the Cost Objective (in Terms of Cost Causality)

  • Activities related to production volume: These are activities whose costs depend critically on the volume (number of units) of production.
  • Activities related to the organization of the production process (batch or order activities): These are activities whose costs are related to the number of processes at work in the company (e.g.,
... Continue reading "Activity Classification: Value, Cost, and Production" »

Endocrine Glands: Histology and Function

Classified in Biology

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Origin: Endodermal derivative, initially from the floor of the pharyngeal gut. It is a solid organ.

Capsule: Connective tissue rich in collagen fibers (fibrosis), surrounding the thyroid tissue.

Stroma: Septa extend inward (including into the parathyroid), containing reticular fibers surrounding the thyroid follicles. It is highly vascularized (by the superior and inferior thyroid arteries) with fenestrated capillaries.

Parenchyma: The gland consists of thousands of thyroid follicles, lined by simple cuboidal epithelium (flat or cylindrical) on a thin basal lamina. The cavity contains thyroid colloid.


  • Follicular cells: Cuboidal [low height indicates underactivity, high height indicates overactivity (less colloid)].
  • Parafollicular cells:
... Continue reading "Endocrine Glands: Histology and Function" »

Muscles and Joints: Location and Function

Classified in Physical Education

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  • Flexion
  • Extension
  • Hyperextension
  • Supination
  • Pronation


  • Flexion
  • Extension
  • Hyperextension
  • Abduction (left direction)
  • Circumduction


  • Flexion
  • Slight rotation in flexion
  • Extension


  • Flexion
  • Extension
  • Abduction
  • Eversion
  • Inversion


(L) Between the neck and the manubrium. (F) Shrugging; works with other muscles to bring the head forward, backward, and to either side.


(L) Front side of the neck. (F) Moves the head forward and rotates it; helps with inspiration; joins the skull to the clavicle and sternum.


(L) Upper arm. (F) Raises the arm to shoulder level and helps move it above the head.

Brachial Biceps

(L) Upper arm. (F) Flexes the arm and forearm; aids in wing attachment and detachment to the body's side.

Triceps Brachii

(... Continue reading "Muscles and Joints: Location and Function" »

William Shakespeare: Life, Plays, and Elizabethan Era

Classified in English

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William Shakespeare

Importance of the Author

Despite his great fame as a playwright, William Shakespeare, one of the greatest literary figures in England, remains somewhat enigmatic. There is limited information available about his life, which makes it challenging to fully understand his work.


Born in Stratford-upon-Avon, a small rural town located on the banks of the River Avon, approximately 130km from London, on April 23, 1564.

Historical Background

The historical background is that of Elizabethan England. The country was beginning to recover after a long period of war: first, the Hundred Years' War, then the Wars of the Roses, and finally, civil strife between Henry VIII and his children, Edward VI and Mary Tudor. When Queen Elizabeth... Continue reading "William Shakespeare: Life, Plays, and Elizabethan Era" »

Euskal Herria: History, Governance, and Territorial Organization

Classified in Geography

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Euskal Herria: End of the Middle Ages

By the end of the Middle Ages, the seven territories forming Euskal Herria were already constituted as we know them today. In Navarre, Pamplona was established early. In continental Europe, struggles between the crowns of France, Castile, Aragon, and England were determining factors.

The French-Spanish Border

The French state is on one side, with Lapurdi, Lower Navarre, and Soule in the Atlantic Pyrenees. Across the border is the Spanish state, organized since 1978 into autonomous communities.

  • The Basque Autonomous Community has a status of autonomy and economic agreement.
  • The autonomous community of Navarre retains its privileges with a "pacted" law.

The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country's Constitution

The... Continue reading "Euskal Herria: History, Governance, and Territorial Organization" »

Understanding Marxism, Nihilism, Phenomenology, and Existentialism

Classified in Geology

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Marxism is a philosophy with a close relationship to science. Unlike speculative philosophies following the Platonic tradition, it is politically implemented. It is also a materialist philosophy, a dialectical materialism, which conceives matter not as inert and determined by mechanical laws, but as something dynamic and evolving, with its own internal contradictions as the driving force. Founded by Karl Marx, its study concerns the historical evolution of human societies, emphasizing historical materialism, which focuses on the various modes of production societies use to create their material existence. Historical development is linked to the ideologies and policies of socialism and communism. Its influence on the Frankfurt School... Continue reading "Understanding Marxism, Nihilism, Phenomenology, and Existentialism" »

Terrorist Acts: Penalties and Legal Framework in Chile

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Condemnation of Terrorism: Article 9 of the 1980 Chilean Constitution

Law No. 18,314, enacted on May 17, 1984, defines terrorist acts and establishes corresponding penalties. This legislation underscores Chile's commitment to combating terrorism and upholding human rights.

Why Does Chile Condemn Terrorism?

Terrorism is fundamentally contrary to human rights. It seeks to instill fear in the population or a segment thereof and coerce authorities into making decisions or meeting demands.

Penalties for Terrorist Acts

When a crime exhibits the characteristics outlined in Article 1 of Law 18,314, it is subject to specific penalties. These characteristics include:

  • The crime is committed with the intent to produce fear in the population or a part of it.
  • The
... Continue reading "Terrorist Acts: Penalties and Legal Framework in Chile" »

Saint Augustine: Truth, Knowledge, and Divine Illumination

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Truth in Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine overcame skepticism. He argued that even if humans are prone to error, this does not imply the absolute negation of truth. His argument analyzes human error. The error reveals a primary truth: if I am mistaken, I exist.

Knowledge of the Truth

Saint Augustine's path to the knowledge of truth involves:

  • Rejection of the senses: Sensory experiences cannot reveal truth because they are contingent, not absolute.
  • Internalization: Only through the internalization of the soul can one know absolute truth and wisdom.
  • Epistemological Significance: The soul contains objects of a higher nature. Therefore, the soul must seek the light and the foundation of truth outside itself. Saint Augustine states, "If you find that your
... Continue reading "Saint Augustine: Truth, Knowledge, and Divine Illumination" »

Labor Movements and Social Change in 19th Century Spain

Classified in Social sciences

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Communication was essential. This led to the growth of the metallurgical industry, particularly around Maquinista Barcelona. During the last quarter of the 19th century, many factories were located near rivers to utilize hydropower, explaining the proliferation of industrial settlements in these areas.

Rising prices, caused by a lack of energy sources, made Catalan textile products uncompetitive. Catalan industrialists requested protectionist tariffs from the central government to monopolize the Spanish and colonial markets.

The Evolution of the Labor Movement

Labor organizations were divided between anarchists and Marxists. During the first seven years of the Restoration under Cánovas, labor organizations operated underground.

The Restoration... Continue reading "Labor Movements and Social Change in 19th Century Spain" »