Romanticism and the Renaixença: A Cultural Revival
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Romanticism and the Renaixença
Romanticism (from French: *roman* - novel) is based on overwhelming feelings. Born in Germany, [Romanticism] dislikes the climate where it lives and needs to flee. It is a period of cultural and artistic movements, [like] the Renaixença, Romanticism, and Realism. This movement swept across Europe in the early and late 19th century. 1833 is considered the starting point of the Renaixença, with the publication of Bonaventura Carles Aribau's ode, "La Pàtria" (The Homeland) in the journal *El Vapor*. It culminates with the restoration of the Jocs Florals (Floral Games). The term designates:
- The period between Decadence and Modernism.
- A cultural movement and nationalist awareness.
Key points highlighted include:
- Reconstructing