Post-Romanticism: A Transition from Romanticism to Realism
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Post-Romanticism: An Overview
The post-Romanticism movement emerged in the latter half of the nineteenth century as a reaction to Romanticism, flourishing particularly in France.
Writers and artists rebelled against bourgeois lifestyles, demanding freedom and individuality.
Post-Romantic Poetry
In poetry, unlike novels and drama which embraced realism, a romantic spirit persisted. However, the focus shifted from narrative to lyricism, becoming more personal and intimate. Rhetoric decreased while lyricism increased, with love and passion for the world as prominent themes. Metrics evolved, exploring new sounds and embracing a plurality of poetic ideas.
Post-Romantic poetry represents a transition, a conflict between Romanticism and Realism. Its proponents... Continue reading "Post-Romanticism: A Transition from Romanticism to Realism" »