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Renaissance Art, Music, and Society: Key Aspects

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Renaissance Art and the Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503.

Emotions in her face: 83% happy, 9% from, 6% fear, and 2% angry.

Why the Renaissance? Leonardo was curious to know the workings of nature and the human being.

The church lost force due to the split between Catholic and Protestant.

Renaissance Art and Ideals

Renaissance art was inspired by plastic arts, sculpture, paintings, and architecture.

The ideal look in the rebirth was classical art and Roman column capitals round, valuing beauty.

Renaissance Music

Most of the Renaissance music is polyphonic, usually composed for 4 or 8 voices.

Vocal and instrumental music were composed separately, but the compositions could be sung or played alike.

Renaissance Songs and Themes

Renaissance... Continue reading "Renaissance Art, Music, and Society: Key Aspects" »

Romanticism in the 19th Century: Characteristics & Origins

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Information About Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century

Dates: Romanticism began at the end of the eighteenth century and covered the entire first half of the nineteenth century.


We define it as a school, movement, and flow. As a school, it had a leader, the French poet Victor Hugo, and had a manifesto in the preface of the book *Cromwell* (a drama). As a school, it was very important in France.

It was a literary and artistic movement, but it could be considered a stream because it washed away everything; it was in all the arts, philosophy, economics, politics, and even life itself.


The origins are Nordic; it began simultaneously in Germany and England, and immediately spread to France, expanding from there to the rest of Europe.... Continue reading "Romanticism in the 19th Century: Characteristics & Origins" »

Understanding Baroque Poetry: Themes, Motives, and Style

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Baroque Poetry

Thematic Issues: Baroque poetry continued to cultivate themes from earlier periods, intensifying expression while also reflecting disillusionment and a sense of crisis. A key feature is the diversity of topics covered.

Love Poetry

Love poetry expresses the poetic self's longing for unrequited love, often with physical descriptions of the beloved using Petrarchan imagery. Parody and burlesque approaches also appear.

Philosophical and Moral Poetry

This type of poetry is marked by pessimism, disappointment, the contrast between reality and appearance, the transience of life, and an awareness of death. It recovers Stoic ideas that advocate reason and the domination of passions to overcome the fear of death and promote a virtuous life.... Continue reading "Understanding Baroque Poetry: Themes, Motives, and Style" »

Poetic Devices and Literary Terms: Definitions

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Poetic Forms

  • Sonnet: 14 hendecasyllable lines, consisting of two quartets with the same rhyme and two tercets, typically following the rhyme scheme ABBA ABBA CDC DCD.
  • Romance: An indeterminate number of octosyllabic lines with assonant rhyme in even-numbered lines and no rhyme in odd-numbered lines.
  • Silva: An unlimited series of seven-syllable and eleven-syllable verses rhymed in couplets as the poet wishes, with some verses potentially unrhymed.
  • Blank Verse: Poems exhibiting all rhythms except for the rhythm of rhyme, without rhyme.
  • Free Verse: Poetry with no fixed metrical pattern.

Literary Devices

  • Allegory: A sustained metaphor.
  • Alliteration: Repetition of one or more phonemes.
  • Anadiplosis: Repetition of the last part of a verse at the beginning
... Continue reading "Poetic Devices and Literary Terms: Definitions" »

Spanish Romanticism: A Literary Journey Through 19th Century Spain

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Romanticism in Spain: A Cultural Movement

Romanticism, originating in Germany and England, flourished in Spain between the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Initially influenced by German Romantic vision, it evolved through distinct phases, from a traditionalist and conservative stance to a more progressive orientation, eventually settling into a conservative perspective by the 1840s.

In the latter half of the century, a more intimate poetic style developed.

Key Characteristics of Spanish Romanticism

  • Desire for Freedom: Moral, social, political, and artistic.
  • Subjectivism: Emphasis on individual perspective and emotional expression. The artist conveys personal thoughts and feelings, often grappling with the clash between ideal happiness and harsh
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Romantic Movement in 19th-Century Spain

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Late 19th-Century Events

From the French Revolution to the War of Independence, ending with the Spanish-American War and the Disaster of '98. A provisional government, the brief reign of Amadeo I of Savoy, the First Republic, and the Bourbon Restoration.

Characteristics of the Romantic Movement

Predominant feelings, passion, genius, and the defense of individuality. Exaltation of nationalism and vernacular literature. Liberal Romantics (Victor Hugo, Lord Byron). Conservative Romantics (Chateaubriand, Walter Scott).

In Spain, the triumph of Romanticism coincided with the return of liberals exiled to England or France after Ferdinand VII's death. They brought Romantic thought and literature.

New Themes

  • Pessimism
  • Love as an absolute passion
  • Idealization
... Continue reading "Romantic Movement in 19th-Century Spain" »

Baroque Literature: Themes, Styles, and Poetry

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Literary Baroque Aesthetic

The main themes of the Baroque are:

  • Epic, romantic, and mythological legacy of the Renaissance
  • Religious-political and moral disillusionment removed from the Baroque
  • Picaresque and satire, social withdrawal or disenchantment
  • Historical or legendary national

Differences Between Renaissance and Baroque


  • Joy of life and reality of this life
  • Exaltation
  • Optimism in the world and of man
  • Harmony, natural elegance, and simplicity
  • Balance and life as simplicity


  • Problem of fugacity and the shelf
  • Anxiety and pessimism
  • Devalues human life and human nature
  • Contrast and exuberance
  • More difficulty and complexity
  • Dynamism and movement

Conceptismo and Culteranismo

Conceptismo: Cares more about content with rhetorical figures such... Continue reading "Baroque Literature: Themes, Styles, and Poetry" »

Rosalía de Castro's Poems: Analysis of Structure & Themes

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Poem 17: Pain's Constant Companionship

This short poem is composed of 8 lines with an irregular combination of 11 and 7 syllables. It features assonance rhyme in pairs, with the odd lines remaining unrhymed. This structure aligns with the metric of the *silva arromanzada* or assonance. The poem emphasizes how, on the shores of Sar, pain always accompanies Rosalía. This suggests that the sufferer, filled with pain, is never truly alone, as pain is a constant companion. This concept echoes the existential idea, previously explored, that man is a being thrown into the world, unaware of their fate, a fate that nevertheless possesses meaning.

Poem 18: The Transience of Life

This poem features lines of five, six, ten, and twelve syllables, distributed... Continue reading "Rosalía de Castro's Poems: Analysis of Structure & Themes" »

Classical Music Era: Composers, Forms, and Masterpieces

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Characteristics of the Classical Music Era

  • The Realm of Melody: Emphasis on symmetry, with favorite models being 8 measures (divided into periods of 4 and sub-periods of 2) and 6 beats (3+3).
  • Tonal Language: Tonal hierarchy featuring I, V, and IV chords.
  • Harmonic Filling: Use of harmonic tones to emphasize scales, arpeggios, etc.
  • Alberti Bass: Accompaniment featuring a broken chord or arpeggiated figure, where the notes of the chord are presented in a specific order, usually low, high, middle, high.

Key Composers of the Classical Period

Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

A master of character and aristocratic taste, despite drawing inspiration from popular works. He composed oratorios, including The Creation and The Seven Last Words of Christ, and 104 symphonies.... Continue reading "Classical Music Era: Composers, Forms, and Masterpieces" »

Romanticism in Music: Characteristics and Evolution

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Romanticism in Music

Romanticism feels a passion for everything that is distant, magical, and unreal. Romantic music, leaving the balance of classicism for a direct and passionate expression of feelings and emotions. Music occupies a place of honor in this period; it is more abstract than others.

Musical Forms

  • Vocal Music: Opera, Mass, Oratorio, Lied.
  • Instrumental Music: Symphony, Symphonic Poem, Sonata, Concerto, Trio, Quartet, Quintet.

Symphonic Poem

A symphonic poem is a work of a genre that develops from a fact of imagination.

The Orchestra

Instruments: Percussion, drums, trumpets, horns, trombones, tuba, harp, clarinet, bassoon, oboe, violins, and basses.

The Lied

A Lied is a song in a romantic style and with a very stylized German language, interpreted... Continue reading "Romanticism in Music: Characteristics and Evolution" »