Schubert's "The Miller's Beautiful Daughter": Analysis
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The Walker "Lied No. 1 Cycle" La Bella Molinera.
Rhythm is a binary rhythm, regular and constant in quadruple time, whose unit is a quarter note. Speed display does not figure in German and in Italian, reflecting the assertion that German Romanticism was doing one's own culture. The equivalent would be a mässig Geschwind Allegro moderato, is moderately fast. In his left hand, continuous eighth-note rhythm breaks whose function is to emphasize the rhythm, which, together with the incessant bustle of sixteenths on the right, suggests the purposeful stride of a person walking briskly. Although the pace is easy, worth noting the slight rhythmic counterpoint introducing the right hand section A, since the introduction, the two notes forming... Continue reading "Schubert's "The Miller's Beautiful Daughter": Analysis" »