Romantic Music: Melody, Rhythm, Texture, and Genres
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Melody: Expressive and Emotional
The melody is the predominant element in Romantic music. Composers explore all expressive possibilities, conveying personal feelings and emotions to the listener.
Rhythm: Tempo Rubato
Tempo rubato consists of momentarily changing the speed of the heartbeat for expressive purposes.
Texture: Melody Accompanied
The most commonly used texture is melody accompanied, which can be more or less complex depending on the instrumentation.
Genres of Romantic Music
Religious Vocal Music
Composers used similar methods as before but with a more operatic approach.
Secular Vocal Music
Triumph and growth in operatic realism. Wagner introduced a new concept of opera, integrating all arts and engaging the spectator. The lied, where music... Continue reading "Romantic Music: Melody, Rhythm, Texture, and Genres" »