Calculate Salaries, Commissions, and Financial Data in Excel
Classified in Mathematics
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Practice 4: Salaries, Overtime, SSO, PHL
Basic Salary
- = (Additional Table at $[$D$24] * Time Worked)
Total Overtime
- Fx = IF(logical test = E10 [Overtime] > 40)
- True-Value: E10 - 40
- False-value: 0
Triple Overtime
- Fx = IF Function
- Logic Test: Total Overtime [G10 > 8]
- True-Value: G10 - 8
- False-value: 0
Payment of Extra Time Triple
- Triple Overtime (H10) * Pay Per Hour (D24) * 3
Double Overtime
- = G10 (Total Overtime) - H10 (Triple Overtime)
Payment of Extra Time Double
- = J10 (Double Extra Time) * D24 (Pay per hour) * 2
Compulsory Social Security (SSO)
- = (F10 [Basic Salary] + I10 [Payment of Triple Overtime] + K10 [Payment of Double Overtime]) * 5%
Housing Policy Act (HPL)
- = (F10 [Basic Salary] + I10 [Payment of Triple Overtime] + K10 [Payment of Double Overtime]