Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Law & Jurisprudence

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Boral Derex: Regulating Labor Relationships and Worker Rights

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Boral Derex: Labor Relationship Regulation

This document regulates the relationship arising from the provision of services in Boral Derex, addressing both intellectual property (Estatuto Work of the Mind) and worker rights (TRBAJADORES).

Activities and Worker Categories

  • Regular Work: Standard employment activities.
  • Personal Implication Work: Includes volunteer work, organizational roles, and employee-management relations within the company (EMPRESAIO).

Professional Categories

  • Senior management
  • Family home workers
  • Professional athletes and artists
  • Trade representatives
  • Workers with disabilities (MINUSVALIDOS)
  • Staff and volunteers

Excluded: Public officials and those with benefit obligations.

Hierarchical Structure and Dispute Resolution

A ranking rule (jerarkia)

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Labor Law: Dismissal Types, Worker Rights & Collective Actions

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ITEM 7: Types of Dismissal

Collective Dismissal

Concurrent economic, technical, organizational, or production reasons.

  • Companies with fewer than 100 employees: Minimum of 10 dismissals.
  • Companies with 100 to 300 employees: Minimum of 10% of the workforce.
  • Companies with 300 or more employees: Minimum of 30 dismissals.

Objective Dismissal

  • Worker's inability to perform their duties.
  • Lack of worker adjustment to job requirements.
  • Amortization of jobs.
  • Truancy.
  • Lack of budget.

Disciplinary Dismissal

  • Repeated and unjustified absences or lateness.
  • Insubordination or disobedience.
  • Verbal or physical abuse towards the employer.
  • Violation of contractual good faith.
  • Continued decrease in work productivity.
  • Habitual drunkenness.
  • Harassment based on race or other protected
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I is correct ii is correct

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Accuse to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal or unkind
Acquit to find a defendant not guilty in a criminal trial
Allege To say, declare, or charge that something is true even though it isn't proved yet.
Appeal take a court case to a higher court for review
Arrest If the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask them about a crime which they might have committed
Award to give money following an official decision by a court or by arbitration
Charge to formally accuse of a criminal offense
Claim If you claim something, you try to get it because you think you have a right to it.
File to officially give a paper to a court clerk.That paper becomes part of the record of a case.
Overrule to decide that a precedent should no

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Understanding Locke's View on State, Power, and Resistance

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According to Locke, the state is a necessary entity comprised of institutions such as the legislative, judicial, police, and military. While the state possesses significant power, ultimate authority resides with the citizens. The legitimacy of the regime hinges on its ability to serve the public good.

However, legislative power is not absolute. It cannot seize a citizen's property without their consent. State spending is funded through tax revenues.

In addition to the legislature, there must be an executive branch responsible for implementing and enforcing laws. Locke also distinguishes a third entity, a federation (akin to a ministry of external affairs), which represents the community in its relations with other individuals and external entities.... Continue reading "Understanding Locke's View on State, Power, and Resistance" »

Legal Practices and Regulations: Hierarchy, Definitions, and Delegation

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Legal Practices: Sources of Law

Sources of Law: Law, regulation, decree-law, local ordinance, legislative decree, directive, community regulation, custom, general principles of law, international treaty, Constitution.

Principle of Competence and Notification of Organic and Ordinary Laws

Principle of Competence: Each law has its competence and cannot invade the other's.

Hierarchy of Legal Sources

Hierarchy of Legal Sources:

  1. Constitution
  2. Law, regulation, custom, and general principles of law


a) Formal Laws: All legislative provisions emanating from the legislative body.

b) Regulatory Provisions: Rules that are dictated by the government and have the force and value of law.

c) Executive Regulations: Those that develop and complement a law.


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Understanding Pleadings in Civil Suits: A Comprehensive Guide

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Understanding Pleadings in Civil Suits

What are Pleadings?

Pleadings are the foundation of any civil suit, consisting of formal written statements that outline each party's claims and defenses. They are essential for initiating and progressing a civil case.

Types of Pleadings

The two primary types of pleadings are:

  • Plaint: Filed by the plaintiff to initiate the lawsuit and present their claims.
  • Written Statement: Filed by the defendant to respond to the plaintiff's claims and present their defense.

Importance of Pleadings

Pleadings serve several crucial purposes:

  • Define the scope of the dispute and identify the key issues.
  • Provide a roadmap for the litigation process.
  • Determine the burden of proof for each party.
  • Establish the boundaries of admissible
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Concept of education

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Capacity of expression (oral and body).

Positivism and constructivism.

Ability to develop personal relationships with members of the group.

Ability to interpersonal conflicts do not mix with the group.

Ability to deal with criticism.

Ability to motivate and encourage.

Development of techniques and games for use at appropriate times.

Ability to improvise.


The crowd, also called a mass, is characterized by a group of more than 50 individuals, with little connection between them and whose purposes are not always clear. Feelings and beliefs are dormant and emotions are transmitted quickly. Example can be a big camp.

The band: Formed by a few individuals with a search for similarities between them. The similarity is the basis of... Continue reading "Concept of education" »

Corporate Operations and Notarial Acts: Tax Implications

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Corporate Operations

Taxable Events: Corporate Transactions Subject to Tax

Corporate transactions are considered subject to tax in the following cases:

  • The creation, increase, and decrease of capital, merger, division, and dissolution of companies.
  • The sums paid by the partners to replenish losses.
  • The move to Spain of the place of effective management or the registered office of a company, when they were not previously in EU countries or were not subject to a similar tax.
  • The undertaking by entities of operations in Spanish territory through branches or permanent establishments.

For the purposes of Impuesto sobre Transmisiones Patrimoniales (ITP), the following are also considered as companies:

  • Non-corporate legal persons, profit-making.
  • Contracts
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Water Rights Registration: Procedures and Regulations

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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The functions of the conservative form of appointment and the procedures to be supported are regulated in the Courts Organization Code (Articles 446-452), the Civil Code (Articles 686-699), and the Conservatory Real Estate Registration Regulations. These rules, under the provisions of Articles 112 and 121 CC, apply extra to the specifications stated in the CA.

It is conservative jurisdiction that is set forth in Article 118: in whose territory the intake channel matrix is located in the natural channel, reservoir, or well, and, in your case (see article). Exception: as noted in Article 1 transitional, item 2, CA, where appropriate.

The registration of water is composed of... Continue reading "Water Rights Registration: Procedures and Regulations" »

Multiple Choice Questions on Tax Law

Classified in Law & Jurisprudence

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Multiple Choice

1. According to the effects of the summons, the taxpayer may include:

D) All of the above:

  • The IBS is consistent with the statement of the taxpayer.
  • The situation is at that point putting an end to control.
  • IBS: Disagree with sustained by the taxpayer and must be liquidated.
  • The effect of increasing the statute of limitations in three months (art. 200).

2. According to the study, subjects are likely to claim:

G) Only A, B, D, and E:

  • a) Resolutions SII that affect the payment of taxes or elements that form the basis for determining it.
  • b) Rotation, order of income.
  • d) Settlement of taxes.
  • e) Reliquidation of taxes.

3. As we have studied, the stages of the general complaints procedure are:

E) All of the above:

  • a) Pre-test step.
  • b) Discussion
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