Boral Derex: Regulating Labor Relationships and Worker Rights
Classified in Law & Jurisprudence
Written at on English with a size of 2.56 KB.
Boral Derex: Labor Relationship Regulation
This document regulates the relationship arising from the provision of services in Boral Derex, addressing both intellectual property (Estatuto Work of the Mind) and worker rights (TRBAJADORES).
Activities and Worker Categories
- Regular Work: Standard employment activities.
- Personal Implication Work: Includes volunteer work, organizational roles, and employee-management relations within the company (EMPRESAIO).
Professional Categories
- Senior management
- Family home workers
- Professional athletes and artists
- Trade representatives
- Workers with disabilities (MINUSVALIDOS)
- Staff and volunteers
Excluded: Public officials and those with benefit obligations.
Hierarchical Structure and Dispute Resolution
A ranking rule (jerarkia)