Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Language

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Literary Arts: Definition, Functions, and Genres

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Definition of Literary Arts

Literary manifestation is an art whose raw materials are the units of language. The writer manipulates these units to produce an aesthetic and emotional effect on the receiver. In other words, it includes texts that have been developed with an artistic intention.

Defining Elements of Literature

  • Fiction: Refers to the peculiar relationship that literary works have with reality, verisimilitude.
  • Aesthetic language: Used for creating impressions and emotions in the reader.

Functions of Literature

  • Diversion/Entertainment: Reading is one of the usual distractions for many people.
  • Transmission of Ideas/Didactic: Throughout history, literature has transmitted many ideas and has served speculative thought for improving society.
  • Cause
... Continue reading "Literary Arts: Definition, Functions, and Genres" »

Company Branding and Visual Identity

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Brand Identity and Company Image

A company's design reflects its technical and economic philosophy, and its image reveals its character and defines its mentality. The designer acts as the company's philosopher, visualizing its essence and highlighting its differentiating attributes within a consistent visual management system. Effective communication sets a company apart from the competition, leading to market gains.

Creative Design Process

To achieve a design solution, we'll follow Bruno Munari's problem-solving approach:

  1. Problem Definition
  2. Problem Elements
  3. Data Collection
  4. Data Analysis
  5. Creativity
  6. Materials & Technology
  7. Experimentation
  8. Models
  9. Verification
  10. Construction Drawings
  11. Solution

Defining Identity

Identity encompasses the unique and non-transferable... Continue reading "Company Branding and Visual Identity" »

Antonio Machado's Life and Poetic Inspiration in 'El Olmo Viejo'

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Life and Work of Antonio Machado

  • Location
    Antonio Machado was born in Seville in 1875. He spent his youth in Madrid and studied at the Free Institution of Education. After a stay in Paris, he spent five years in Soria as a French teacher at the Institute. There, he discovered and identified with the Castilian landscape. He married Leonor there, and she died at a young age. He then moved to Baeza, Segovia, and finally Madrid. When the Republican army was defeated, he moved to France and died in Collioure, a small town near the Spanish border, in 1939.

Campos de Castilla (1912) signifies an encounter with Castile, the landscape of the highlands where he projected his state of mind and found expression in the national and historical reality of Spain.... Continue reading "Antonio Machado's Life and Poetic Inspiration in 'El Olmo Viejo'" »

Analyzing Opinion Pieces: Structure and Language

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Analyzing Opinion Pieces

(Titled) ... (publication and date). Journalistic genre: Opinion subgenre. Item to be presented subjectively, allowing us to understand the author's (name) thesis.

Signed Article/Summary

Communication elements are present, though unilateral (not occurring simultaneously with the issuer's message, but when the reader receives it).

Therefore, we consider that (title text) responds to the characteristics of expository-argumentative texts. Its internal structure corresponds to the typical organization of such texts:

  • Introduction: The author introduces the facts on which to display their position and the focus of the discourse.
  • Conclusion: The author closes the linguistic discourse with a summary of views developed in the text
... Continue reading "Analyzing Opinion Pieces: Structure and Language" »

Linguistic Sign Characteristics: Essential Properties

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Linguistic Sign Characteristics

The following are key characteristics of linguistic signs:

  1. Solidarity: The signifier (sgte) and signified (Sgdo) mutually require each other. A string without an associated Sgdo is not a linguistic sign. Conversely, a Sgdo cannot exist without a sgte. They are interdependent.
  2. Arbitrariness: The connection between a signifier and its signified is unmotivated and based on agreement among users. The sequence of sounds forming the sgte has no inherent relation to the concept it evokes. Therefore, an alternative sgte could have been chosen.
  3. Articulated: Linguistic signs are composed of smaller units and are divisible. Martinet described this as a double articulation:
    • Units of the 1st articulation: Signs can be divided
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Spanish Literature & Language

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Expressions of Opinion

When expressing opinions, use phrases like "In my opinion" or "My point of view," or first-person verbs such as "I believe" or "I think."


Opinions should be supported by arguments. Use causal conjunctions like "It seems inappropriate because..." or "Because..."

Arguments can be strengthened with adjectives that express an evaluation of reality.

The Verb Phrase

The verb phrase acts as the predicate of a sentence, and its core is a verb.

Verbs indicate actions (studying, running, laughing) or states (being, seeming) and express time.

  • Verbal moods include indicative, subjunctive, and imperative.

Clarín's Stories

Clarín, the pseudonym of Leopoldo Alas, wrote the novel The Judge's Wife.

He also authored articles set in... Continue reading "Spanish Literature & Language" »

Analysis of Lorca's 'Sin City Dream' and Salinas' 'The Soul Had'

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Federico Garcia Lorca - Sin City Dream

Topic: Lorca describes a New York night, focusing on the city's skyscrapers, which he finds monstrous and unfamiliar. This perception characterizes Lorca's tendency to anthropomorphize buildings, blurring the lines between the built environment and the animal world. The poem highlights the dehumanization prevalent in the city that never sleeps, where constant activity and a sense of modernity lead to a monotonous existence, with residents seemingly waiting for death without hope. The subtitle, 'Night of Brooklyn Bridge,' reinforces the theme of a sad city devoid of rest.


The poem is written in free verse, with rhythm achieved through repetition of ideas, words, and sentence structures (e.g., 'whip!... Continue reading "Analysis of Lorca's 'Sin City Dream' and Salinas' 'The Soul Had'" »

Verb Conjugation, Propositions, Advertising, and Syntax

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Verb Conjugation: Regular and Irregular Forms

Conjugation refers to all the forms a verb can take, encompassing all tenses and moods.

Regular Verbs

Regular verbs maintain the same root in all forms and use the same endings as their model verb.


  • Singing ........ cant-o ......... cant-é ......... é sing ....

Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs do not maintain the same root in all forms and do not use the same endings as their model verb.


  • Be ..... est-o ..... est-uve .... ....... be-é

Propositions and Coordinated Clauses

Coordinated propositions are at the same syntactic level; none depends on the others. They can become independent clauses if the connecting links are removed. Coordinated clauses can be of several types:

  • Copulative: Express
... Continue reading "Verb Conjugation, Propositions, Advertising, and Syntax" »

Textual Analysis and Critical Evaluation

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1. Item

This paper focuses on...

2. Thesis

The author's central thesis posits that...

3. Summary

This paper aims to convey... (Provide specific details in five lines or less.)

4. Organizational Scheme

The text's structure can be characterized as: Analyisand: The thesis is presented initially, followed by explanations, expansions, and refutations of counter-arguments. Inductive: Progresses from concrete examples to abstract ideas, culminating in the central thesis. Parallel: All ideas hold equal importance. Framed: The central idea bookends the text. Circular: The text consistently revolves around the central idea.

5. Location of Main Ideas

The main idea is primarily located...

6. Paragraph Descriptions

(Provide descriptions for each paragraph.)

7. Author'

... Continue reading "Textual Analysis and Critical Evaluation" »

Understanding the Communicative Act and Linguistic Variation

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Understanding the Communicative Act

The communicative act is a deliberate and complex process between a speaker (transmitter) and a listener (receiver). It involves establishing contact within a context of a communicative purpose, determined by space-time coordinates.

The Theme

The theme is the central idea within the text, the assumed topic of conversation.

The Intent

The intent is the purpose that gives rise to the communicative act. Purposes are many and varied, including informing, influencing, regulating social life, and congratulating someone. They are classified as subjective or objective. The speaker's distance or participation determines the degree of subjectivity or objectivity.

The Channel

The channel is the medium for transmitting the... Continue reading "Understanding the Communicative Act and Linguistic Variation" »