Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Language

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Analysis of a Newspaper Editorial

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This document analyzes a newspaper editorial, examining its communicative intentions, discursive form, language use, and stylistic devices. The editorial addresses a topical issue, reflecting on it with a moderate tone and offering solutions.

Communicative Intentions and Discursive Form

The editorial exhibits a dual communicative intention: reporting and commenting. This duality is reflected in the discursive form, which blends argumentative (subjective) and expository (objective) elements. Objectivity is achieved through the use of third-person pronouns, declarative sentences, specific adjectives, and factual data. Subjectivity is evident in the use of evaluative lexis, notable emphasis, and the emergence of first, second, and third-... Continue reading "Analysis of a Newspaper Editorial" »

Exploring Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs in Language

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Kinds of Nouns

Common Nouns

Words for realities that form classes.

Proper Nouns

Words used to identify and refer to individual beings.

Concrete Nouns

Show realities that may be perceived by any of our senses.

Abstract Nouns

Designate things not perceived by the senses but only by the mind.

Collective Nouns

Singular words that refer to sets of individuals of the same nature.

Individual Nouns

Refer to each of the elements within a set, opposing groups that do not presuppose the existence of a set.

Uncountable Nouns

Realities that do not support designating numerals.


Morphological Viewpoint

Adjectives have morphemes of gender and number, allowing them to agree with the nouns they accompany. They can be derived or compound.

Semantic Viewpoint

Adjectives... Continue reading "Exploring Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs in Language" »

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - A Detailed Summary

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Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - Summary

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a novel by Patrick Süskind, narrated in the third person, that tells the life of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille.

Grenouille was born in 18th-century France amidst the most obnoxious odors imaginable. Abandoned by his mother, he barely survived. However, he possessed something special from birth: an extraordinary sense of smell. This gift, coupled with his lack of a personal odor, drove him to become a murderer with a singular goal: to create the most exquisite human scent.

This obsession led him to commit heinous crimes, extracting the most exquisite fragrances from his victims' bodies, culminating in an unexpected and surprising ending.

The Development of Odors in the Book

The... Continue reading "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - A Detailed Summary" »

Evolution of the Galician Language Since the 19th Century

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Galician Popularization in Portugal

The great writers were concerned about the lack of written rules in common, which would be a priority goal. In Galician, we distinguish the following steps:

Precursors and writers belonging to the *Renacemento* (Renaissance). It is characterized by Castilianisms, dialects, and vulgarisms in speech, such as the use of Spanish to resolve lexical deficiencies. There is some interdialectal talk; it does not merely reflect the speech of the area. Eduardo Pondal's writing is cultured and refined; he takes into account Portuguese and makes use of cultism in spelling. The use of Spanish was something that they knew well. The best writing of the 19th century uses single quotes to represent contractions. An institution... Continue reading "Evolution of the Galician Language Since the 19th Century" »

Understanding Dialogue, Exposition, Argumentation & Language

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Dialogue is a text type in which two or more people share the use of words. It is the most frequent form of communication in daily life. Dialogue can be conducted directly or through other means.

Kinds of Dialogue

  • Unplanned: These are spontaneous, impromptu, and without preparation, such as a conversation.
  • Planned: Prepared in advance, such as a party, debate, or interview.


Exposition is a text that presents or explains a topic.

Structure of an Exposition

  • Introduction: The topic is introduced.
  • Body: Paragraphs in which the subject is developed.
  • Conclusion: A final summary of the main ideas.


Argumentation is a text that defends an idea.

Varieties of Language

Verbal language is communicated through words.

  • Oral: Spread by word
... Continue reading "Understanding Dialogue, Exposition, Argumentation & Language" »

Poetic Forms and Figures of Speech

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Types of Stanzas

Two-Line Stanzas

Paired: Artful, with or without assonance or consonance (aa / AA).

Three-Line Stanzas

Tercet: Three lines with an ABA rhyme scheme.

Soleá: Three lines with an aba assonance scheme.

Four-Line Stanzas

Quatrain: Four lines with an ABBA rhyme scheme.

Quatrain: Four lines with an abba rhyme scheme.

Serventesio: Four lines with an ABAB rhyme scheme.

Copla: Four lines with a 7-5 assonance scheme (aa-5).

Redondilla: Four lines with a 8-syllable abab rhyme scheme.

Cuarteta: Four lines with an abab rhyme scheme.

Seguidilla: Four lines with an assonance scheme (ababaa).

Octava Real (8-line stanza): Eight lines with an ABBAACCA rhyme scheme.

Five-Line Stanzas

Limerick: Five lines with varying rhyme and meter.

Quintet: Five lines with... Continue reading "Poetic Forms and Figures of Speech" »

Style and Narrative Techniques in Unamuno's Work

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The Style and Narrative Techniques in Unamuno's Work

The content, style, character in the novel, ideological and conceptual, determines the style of the text. It is permeated with narration. The terminology is abstract, full of paradoxes, antitheses, metaphors, metonymy, and symbols. In addition, the style is determined by the presence of a fictional narrator: a 50-year-old woman, who, in writing her memoirs, recalls past events. There are digressions and reflections—some with an ironic tone—of the narrative thread, with exaggerations and reiterations.

Narrative Techniques

All the novel is reconstructed on the literary device of the found manuscript. Using the found manuscript, Unamuno strengthens the intended verisimilitude, making the reader... Continue reading "Style and Narrative Techniques in Unamuno's Work" »

Spanish Narrative: Existentialism and Renewal 1940-1970

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Novel Experimental: Renewal of the Novel

Most Important Innovations:

  • Argument: Loses significance in some novels and completely disappears in others.
  • Characters: The individual character returns, but always in conflict with itself.
  • Structure: The external structure disappears, and the chapter introduces the sequence in internal chronological order.
  • Point of View: The omniscient narrator returns and shares digressions. It reproduces the interior monologue of a character's thoughts as they arise in their consciousness. Digressions are comments the author makes about some fact or character.
  • Language and Style: The imposing baroque language is inadequate to the poor reality the author tells. Concerning the style, the features are:
    • Risk variety of languages,
... Continue reading "Spanish Narrative: Existentialism and Renewal 1940-1970" »


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After the catastropheNobody will forget the misfortunes that happen in Haiti. The 12 of January had a strong earthquake in Haiti, where many people end dead. Haiti is a very poor country that hasn´t money for help to the people. People are thrown in the floor, there is many blood, many shouts and the entire world are in total shock. The survivors are very frightened. Haiti is receiving much helps but it will never remove the pain of the Haitians for their families. The earthquake has reached 7.3 in the scale of Richter, it´s as three nuclear bombs. This catastrophe is very difficult of forget especially for the Haitians.

Journalism Genres: News, Opinion, and Hybrid Forms

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Interpretative Journalism

The News

Objective stories without comment or intervention of the issuer (impersonal), novel facts or events of general interest. Narrative. Variable length, short or long.


  • Body of Headlines: Minor (title only) and highest (pre-title or subtitle). Summarize objectively.
  • Input: The first paragraph, the key event. The 6 Ws, six questions to which the first paragraph has to answer. Sometimes highlighted with capital letters.
  • Body of the News: Data development. Can take two forms:
    • Inverted Pyramid Structure: Data or ideas in order of importance, 1 being the most interesting.
    • Chronological Narrative: Progress chronologically from the beginning to the end.
    • Mixed Story: Mixture of the above.

The Feature

Broad, informative,... Continue reading "Journalism Genres: News, Opinion, and Hybrid Forms" »