Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Language

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Miguel Hernandez: Life and Death in His Poetry

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Life and Death in the Poetry of Miguel Hernandez

Death, a Part of Life

The poetry of Miguel Hernandez is a poetry of experience, developed at a time when there was talk of experience as an experience of life, love, and death. These are the three great themes of Hernandez's poetry, as seen in Song and Ballad of Absences and Winds from the Town. In his work, we see successive phases of individual growth, from the babbling and naivety of childhood to moments of contemplation and fascination with the natural environment, religion, and love. We also see the fight for ideals and the clash against adversity, with death ever-present.

Thus, poetry, life, and death are joined in two ways:

  • One, in the existentialist sense: man is a being born for death.
  • Another,
... Continue reading "Miguel Hernandez: Life and Death in His Poetry" »

Understanding Text: Structure, Types, and Linguistic Features

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Text is the maximum linguistic unit. It consists of content that has the same purpose and is linked together. It may also be formed by a single word. A text is a set of statements, words uttered in a certain tone. It differs from a sentence because it does not have to have a subject and predicate structure, such as "HELP!" or the sign of a pharmacy.

  • Cohesion: The statements are related by linguistic mechanisms that create a union.
  • Coherence: This is a property of text where there is a union between its component statements. This is achieved through thematic unity (all parts address the same subject) and a logical spatial arrangement. Everything has to be ordered.

Expository texts are specialized texts directed at expert readers. They... Continue reading "Understanding Text: Structure, Types, and Linguistic Features" »

Understanding Spanish Sign Language: Key Features and Grammar

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Alexander Graham Bell and the Tipping Alphabet

Alexander Graham Bell utilized a manual alphabet known as the Tipping Alphabet, which can also be found in Dalgarno's work (1680) and was cited by Fortich (1987). This alphabet identified letters using internal areas of the hand. A glove with letters written on it could also be used.

Positive Recruitment

Individuals experiencing positive recruitment go from not hearing a sound to experiencing discomfort. Their auditory perception does not increase proportionally with the stimulus, as described by the Weber-Fechner Law. They begin to hear more intensely than usual, and the perceived intensity increases disproportionately, reaching the threshold sooner than a healthy ear. This phenomenon is associated... Continue reading "Understanding Spanish Sign Language: Key Features and Grammar" »

Góngora's Poetic Style, Themes, and Textual Analysis

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Góngora's Poetic Characteristics

GÓNGORA, for aesthetic reasons, is characterized by:

  • Pictorial sense.
  • Landscape. The reason is the nature of his work, describing landscapes, objects, animals, flowers, fruits...
  • Cultism and popular mix of cultured and popular elements.
  • Satire and panegyric: He cultivates two contradictory types of poetry: satire, in which he criticizes, and panegyric, in which he praises nobles and heroes.

Góngora's Main Topics

TOPICS: Love, satirical, moral, philosophical, religious, laudatory, and funeral.

Góngora's Style

STYLE: The most obvious feature is the difficulty. He employs learned words, metaphors, and hyperbaton.

It is characterized by the use of: learned words: He uses words of Latin origin in order to get away from... Continue reading "Góngora's Poetic Style, Themes, and Textual Analysis" »

Mastering Study Techniques and Life Planning

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Identity and Organization

Evaluating Study Techniques

Evaluate the domain level the student has achieved in study techniques.

Life and Career Plan

Promotes self-evaluation of one's life purpose and finding meaning in life.

Life in its Fullness

Begins when one defines what they truly want.


Time is divided into three parts: past, present, and future.

Personal Diagnosis

Is essential to start good life planning.

Abraham H. Maslow

Maslow said psychology shouldn't just cure illness, but also promote self-help. He identified two types of needs: 1. Deficit needs (bodily needs) and 2. Development needs (the more they are satisfied, the greater they become).

Universal Values

Love and justice are universal values.

Decision-Making Criteria

Proposed criteria to guide... Continue reading "Mastering Study Techniques and Life Planning" »

Literary Devices: Metaphor, Antithesis, Personification

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A metaphor identifies a word with another, replacing an idea with a more expressive one. If a comparison uses a comparative link (such as "like" or "as"), it becomes a metaphor.

  • The cypress is a water fountain.
  • The sigh escaping from your strawberry mouth. (Strawberry = red and sweet.)

Sometimes, the actual term of the metaphor appears; this is a pure metaphor.

  • The sweet mouth that invites you to taste a joke among distilled pearls...

"Pearls" is a metaphor for "teeth".


Antithesis relates two words that oppose each other.

  • Sleep was yesterday; tomorrow is land!
  • Shortly before, nothing, and shortly after, smoke!

It was - is, sleep - land, yesterday - morning, shortly before - shortly after. Opposing words are used to attract attention.... Continue reading "Literary Devices: Metaphor, Antithesis, Personification" »

Understanding Text Properties and Types of Speech

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Vocabulary and Text Properties


Clusters of words uttered in a tone different from prayer because they have a subject-predicate structure. For example, "Help!" is a statement.


A linguistic unit that is maximum, is formed by the same content, has the same purpose, and its parts are linked. Texts can have only one word.


A property of texts that adjusts to the circumstances of the communication (the receiver, the location, channel, etc.). It is also the piece of text that consists of all statements that are related by linguistic mechanisms that favor the union.


The property of the text that creates a union between the statements they contain and is assumed by thematic unity: they all speak the same logical arrangement... Continue reading "Understanding Text Properties and Types of Speech" »

Eminem's Early Life and Career: From Detroit to Stardom

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Family and Childhood

Marshall Mathers, known professionally as Eminem, developed a strong bond with his grandmother, Betty Kresin. His relationship with his mother, Debbie Mathers, was a constant source of conflict. Debbie accused him of lying and drug addiction, and blamed his frequent relocations on her inability to find steady work. Meanwhile, Betty told the BBC that she "spoiled" her grandson, who did not leave home until he was twenty years old.

Eminem has a fifteen-year-younger brother, Nathan. He was also close friends from childhood with his uncle, Ronnie Polkingharn, who was the same age as him. In the early nineties, Ronnie, who suffered from depression, committed suicide. This incident caused a final rupture in Marshall's relationship... Continue reading "Eminem's Early Life and Career: From Detroit to Stardom" »

Nouns and Pronouns: A Comprehensive Guide to Grammar

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Definition: A noun is a grammatical category that represents things belonging to a class. It designates realities conceived as existing or potential entities, not qualities applicable to other entities. Nouns have inherent gender and can function alone or with a determiner, often as the subject of a sentence. A noun consists of a root (lexeme), morphemes of gender (masculine/feminine), and morphemes of number (singular/plural).



  • Abstract: Not tangible realities, not appreciated by the senses.
  • Concrete: Realities that materialize.


  • Individual
  • Collective
  • Common
  • Proper
  • Animate
  • Inanimate
  • Countable
  • Uncountable

Grammatical Gender:

  • Heteroclitic: Different lexical roots for gender variations.
  • Ambiguous: Undefined grammatical
... Continue reading "Nouns and Pronouns: A Comprehensive Guide to Grammar" »

The System of Language: Grammatical Competence in Education

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1 - What is Grammatical Competence and its Application in Education?

Communicative competence (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) encompasses various skills, including grammatical competence. Grammatical competence is not just about the rules of a language but also the practical application and strategies for learning. Canale (1985) defines four dimensions of communicative competence: grammatical, sociolinguistic, discursive, and strategic/pragmatic.

Components of Grammatical Competence:

Here's a summary of the components:

  1. Phonology: Pronunciation aspects like elisions, speed, intonation, and emphatic contrasts.
  2. Spelling: Conventions of writing, including spelling, segmentation, and punctuation.
  3. Vocabulary:
... Continue reading "The System of Language: Grammatical Competence in Education" »