Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Geology

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Catalonia and Andalusia: Geography and Relief of Key Regions

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Catalan Coastal Mountain Range

The Catalan Coastal Mountain Range extends from the Pyrenees to the Ebro Delta, in a northeast-southwest direction. The sector with siliceous material is formed by the rest of the Catalan-Balearic solid. The southern sector includes Montseny. The sector with calcareous materials includes the mountains of Montserrat and Montsant.

Ebro Depression

The Ebro Depression, with a northwest-southeast direction, originates in the Cantabrian Mountains. However, it mainly flows through the Pyrenees and the Iberian System, leading to the Catalan Coastal System in the northeast and forming the main delta of the peninsula. The relief of the depression is derived from eroded material from the surrounding mountains. In turn, erosion... Continue reading "Catalonia and Andalusia: Geography and Relief of Key Regions" »

Solar Radiation and Earth's Climate: Key Factors

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Solar Radiation and Its Impact on Earth

The energy produced in the interior of the Sun is emitted in all directions into space. This is solar radiation. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the greater the quantity of energy it receives.

Earth's Atmospheric Layers

  • Troposphere: The lowest layer. It contains most of the atmospheric gases. Clouds and all meteorological processes occur in this layer.
  • Stratosphere: Contains the ozone layer, which absorbs ultraviolet rays.
  • Ionosphere: A thin layer (up to 600km).
  • Exosphere: Gradually transitions into outer space; there is no sudden change.

Albedo and Absorption

Albedo is the portion of solar energy that is immediately reflected back into space and does not heat the Earth's surface. Another part of the solar... Continue reading "Solar Radiation and Earth's Climate: Key Factors" »

Plant Biology: Photosynthesis, Structure, and Reproduction

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Plants: An Introduction

Plants are living, autotrophic organisms, meaning they produce their own food. They are not fixed to the substrate and are capable of moving actively. The primary substance that allows plants to use solar energy is called chlorophyll. Plants incorporate water, carbon dioxide, and mineral salts, which serve to reproduce them. They transform inorganic substances into organic energy, and this process requires sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis.

Plant Organs

  • Root: The part that anchors the plant into the soil and absorbs water and mineral salts.
  • Stem: The aerial part of the plant where substances circulate from the root to the leaves.
  • Leaves: Expansions that grow from the stem, where photosynthesis primarily occurs.
... Continue reading "Plant Biology: Photosynthesis, Structure, and Reproduction" »

Plato's Life, Philosophy, and the Academy: A Deep Dive

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Plato's Life and Times (428-347 BC)

Plato was born and lived during a period of social and political upheaval, marked by wars between the peoples of Attica (Athens) and the Peloponnese (Sparta). This era witnessed political corruption, including the tyrannical period of the Thirty Tyrants, who staged a coup in 404 BC. Even during the democratic period, Plato harshly criticized the government, deeming it ignorant and driven by misguided opinions. He saw injustice in the oligarchic order and errors in democracy, leading him to seek a more rational and just system. He expressed these views in his *Letter VII*, a fundamental document for understanding the authenticity of his writings.

The Allegory of the Cave: A Critique of Society

Plato masterfully... Continue reading "Plato's Life, Philosophy, and the Academy: A Deep Dive" »

Pampas Region: Agriculture, Industry, and Livestock

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Agricultural Activity in the Pampas Region

The Farm Act enabled the expansion of agricultural development. Currently, agricultural production aims for self-sufficiency in the domestic food market and forms the basis of the main export complexes. The balance depends on balancing commercial products and cultivated area per year. Modernization in recent years has incorporated new technologies, varied seed varieties, and fertilizers, increasing productivity and improving competitiveness in exports. Organic products are expensive, targeting a market sector with high economic levels. Changes in land use, from agriculture to livestock farming, increase the cultivated area for livestock. This development is favored by:

  • Flat terrain suitable for machinery.
... Continue reading "Pampas Region: Agriculture, Industry, and Livestock" »

Soil Types and Coastal Ecosystems: Characteristics and Classification

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1. Zonal Soils

Zonal soils are primarily influenced by climatic factors.

High Latitudes (Tundra)

Characterized by undeveloped, poor vegetation due to extreme climatic conditions. The ground is frozen (permafrost), with a thawed surface layer called mollisol.

Mid-Latitude Cold Climates

  • Podzols (or Spodosols): Have well-differentiated A, B, and C horizons. They are acidic soils with organic matter from coniferous vegetation, which acidifies the soil.
  • Brown Forest Soils: Exhibit differentiated A and C profiles, with a less defined B horizon. Rich in humus due to deciduous vegetation. High rainfall leads to leaching (lixiviation).
  • Gray Soils (of Continental Climates): Contain a high amount of sand. They are intermediate soils between steppe and temperate
... Continue reading "Soil Types and Coastal Ecosystems: Characteristics and Classification" »

Rousseau: Historical and Philosophical Context of the 18th Century

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Historical Context

In the 18th century, France maintained the structure of the Ancien Régime. The economy was primarily agrarian, with little industrial or artisanal development. The main source of wealth was trade with the Americas. Society was rigidly divided into three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners. The ruling class wanted to politically exclude the Ancien Régime, as it was a hindrance to them. The bourgeoisie promoted ideas of individual liberty and legal equality. The enlightened monarchies transformed into enlightened despotism. This led to an expansion of education and science, new forms of production, and a decrease in the privileges of the clergy. This stage was characterized by the nobility and the Enlightenment.... Continue reading "Rousseau: Historical and Philosophical Context of the 18th Century" »

Automotive Transmission: Components and Function

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The transmission's mission: It is a set of organs formed by different mechanisms: the clutch, gearbox, differential, reducer group, etc. Its mission is to transmit the engine's rotation to the wheels, adapting it to the needs of the vehicle's driving conditions.


  • Couple and uncouple the engine's rotation.
  • Reduce or increase the engine's torque output.
  • Transmit the output torque from the gearbox to the wheels through the transmission shafts, differentials, conical groups, and semi-shafts.


  • Rolling resistance: (Caused by the vehicle's weight on the wheels, the type of terrain, the dimensions of the vehicle, and the tire's displacement).
  • Air resistance: (Largely dependent on the vehicle's size, the speed of the vehicle, and the
... Continue reading "Automotive Transmission: Components and Function" »

Network Protocols: CRC, MAC, Token Ring, and Bridging

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Fabric Description and Techniques

This document describes fabric techniques.

Data Link Layer and Network Delimitation

The data link layer is based on data flow. It transmits data and uses key methods. It also uses the physical MDIO method and character account. It includes the insertion of special characters and bit insertion for code violation.

CRC16 and Error Correction

What is CRC16?

CRC16 is used to verify and correct errors. It is used for:

  • No errors with odd bits.
  • Bursty errors with a length of 16 or inferior.
  • Very high bursty errors percentage of greater length.

MAC and Link Layer

Keys Exist When the MAC?

The link layer is divided into two sublayers:

  • LLC (Logical Link Control): Performs functions typical of the data link layer.
  • MAC (Medium Access
... Continue reading "Network Protocols: CRC, MAC, Token Ring, and Bridging" »

Understanding External and Internal Geological Processes

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External geological agents: External agents, which "destroy" the relief by wearing down the mountains and filling the lower parts of the terrestrial surface. They include: the atmosphere, wind, living organisms, and water (in all its forms: rivers, streams, rain, glaciers, oceans, etc.). External geological processes are: erosion, transportation, and sedimentation.

Physical and Chemical Processes: Changes in temperature, frost, the action of plant roots, wind, and water movements.

Sediments: These are the eroded materials that are deposited when there is no further transport occurring.

Internal Geological Processes: Earthquakes and volcanoes.

External Geological Processes: Wind, ocean tides, rivers, ice, temperature changes, atmospheric components,... Continue reading "Understanding External and Internal Geological Processes" »