Understanding Hardware and Software in Computing Systems
Classified in Electronics
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[Ch-1] Hardware = [Physical](iPhone) - vs - Software -- (iOS) = [Programs with instructions] -- [Layers of a Computing System] - (C.A.O.P.H.I) Communications -> Applications -> Operating Systems -> Programming -> Hardware
Information -- Abstraction - [a mental model that removes complex details] - Applies to (Miller's Law) [the average person can hold in working memory about seven items] Internal View = car engine, while Abstract View = driving -- Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England 3000 BC to 2000 BC -- Abacus - [early device to record numerical values] - Blaise Pascal - [Mechanical device for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division] -- Joseph Jacquard - [Loom, punched card], Charles Babbage - [Analytical engine] -- Ada Lovelace... Continue reading "Understanding Hardware and Software in Computing Systems" »