Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Electronics

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Understanding Hardware and Software in Computing Systems

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[Ch-1] Hardware = [Physical](iPhone) - vs - Software -- (iOS) = [Programs with instructions] -- [Layers of a Computing System] - (C.A.O.P.H.I) Communications -> Applications -> Operating Systems -> Programming -> Hardware

Information -- Abstraction - [a mental model that removes complex details] - Applies to (Miller's Law) [the average person can hold in working memory about seven items] Internal View = car engine, while Abstract View = driving -- Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England 3000 BC to 2000 BC -- Abacus - [early device to record numerical values] - Blaise Pascal - [Mechanical device for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division] -- Joseph Jacquard - [Loom, punched card], Charles Babbage - [Analytical engine] -- Ada Lovelace... Continue reading "Understanding Hardware and Software in Computing Systems" »

English Grammar: Verb Tenses and Adjectives

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  • Present Simple: pronoun + present form of verb.
  • Present Continuous: pronoun + am/is/are + verb + -ing.
  • Past Simple: pronoun + second column.
  • Past Continuous: pronoun + was/were + verb + -ing.
  • Past Perfect: pronoun + had + third column.
  • Present Perfect Simple: pronoun + have/has + third column.
  • Present Perfect Continuous: pronoun + have/has + been + verb + -ing.


  • Extreme Adjectives: totally, completely, and absolutely.
  • Normal Adjectives: very, extremely, rather, and quite.
  • Both: really.
  • Vocabulary: u1 arrogant, bossy, calm, cheerful, clever, confident, friendly, funny, hard-working, impatient, lazy, nervous, nice, patient, quite, reliable, selfish, serious, shy, talkative, tidy, unfriendly, untidy. u2 break down, check in, get
... Continue reading "English Grammar: Verb Tenses and Adjectives" »

English Verb Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Future

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Presente simple

Afirmativa: persona + verbo (3a sg -s)(He, She, It) I play Yo juego

Negativa: persona + don't/doesn't(3a sg) + verbo You don't play

Interrogación: do/does(3a sg) + persona + verbo Does she play?

Presente continuo

Afirmativa: persona + to be (am, is, are) + verbo (-ing)I am playing Yo estoy juego

Negativa: persona + am not/ isn't/ aren't + verbo (-ing) You aren't playing

Interrogación: to be + persona + verbo (-ing) Is he playing?

Pasado simple

Afirmativa: persona+ verbo (-ed/ 2ª columna irregulares) I played Yo jugué

Negativa: persona + didn't + verbo He didn't play

Interrogación: did + persona + verbo Did you play?

Pasado continuo

Afirmativa: persona + to be en pasado (was/were) + verbo (-ing) I was playing Yo estaba jugando

Negativa:... Continue reading "English Verb Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Future" »

Wind and Solar Power: The Future of Energy?

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The Energy of Tomorrow

Wind Power: A Solution?

It is generally accepted that we will not be able to use oil and gas to power our homes forever. These energy forms contribute to pollution, and as a result, alternative, clean energy sources will be relied on more in the future. One of the most common alternative sources is wind power, but does this solve our energy problems?

It is well known that wind energy is a clean energy source. Not only is it sustainable, but it is also cheap. Furthermore, wind turbines perform reliably and are adaptable; they are perfect for both the city and the countryside. In countries such as Spain, more than 20% of the electricity used is already generated by wind turbines.

Disadvantages of Wind Power

However, there are... Continue reading "Wind and Solar Power: The Future of Energy?" »

Aircraft Electrical Systems

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Alternators and Generators

1. Alternators vs. DC Generators

Alternators produce a usable voltage level at lower RPMs than DC generators because alternators have more field poles.

2. Delta Wound Three-Phase Alternator Stator

The windings wired in relation to each other in a delta-wound three-phase alternator stator are in series.

3. Generator Output

Generator output is expressed in the number of amps at rated voltage.

4. AC 43.13 Electrical System Design

The AC 43.13 suggests that the electrical system of an aircraft be designed so that when all systems are operating, no more than 80% of generator capacity can be exceeded.

5. Reverse Current Cutout Relay

The main function of a reverse current cutout relay in a generator system is preventing motoring of... Continue reading "Aircraft Electrical Systems" »

Effective Classroom Management & English Language Learning

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The classroom space is used properly. Everything is very well positioned, and all areas are well-utilized. The classroom is organized into distinct corners:

  • Library corner
  • House corner
  • Building corner
  • Computer corner
  • Puzzles corner
  • Artistic corner
  • English corner

Children are responsible for keeping these corners tidy and for playing appropriately, respecting the rules in each area. When children finish playing, they collect and put away all the elements of the corner.

The teacher manages the class by directing the children's attention to pictures or objects. She speaks softly, sometimes telling them she is going to share a secret, which prompts the children to lower their voices and pay attention. She also uses rapid transitions between activities to... Continue reading "Effective Classroom Management & English Language Learning" »

WIAT-III, KTEA-3, and WJ IV Achievement Tests Compared

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WIAT-III, KTEA-3, and WJ IV: A Detailed Comparison of Achievement Tests

Reading Skills Assessment

WIAT-III: Early Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension, Word Reading (called Letter and Word Recognition on KTEA), Pseudoword Decoding (nonsense words), Oral Reading Fluency.

Comparison with KTEA-3:

  • Instructions are in a book rather than on the back side of the easel.
  • KTEA Age Range: 4-25
  • WIAT Age Range: 4 years - 19 years 11 months

WJ IV Achievement: Letter and Word Recognition (Identify and read letters and words), Passage Comprehension (read the word(s) and identify picture/complete sentences), Word Attack (read nonsense words), Identify pictures/letters that begin with a specific sound, Sentence Reading Fluency (read the questions and circle yes or... Continue reading "WIAT-III, KTEA-3, and WJ IV Achievement Tests Compared" »

Introduction to Informatics and ICT

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Lesson 11: Informatics and ICT

What is Informatics?

Informatics is the science that studies the techniques and automated processes that act on data and information. The word "informatics" comes from the fusion of the terms "information" and "automatic".

What is ICT?

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. It is classified into three groups:

  1. Networks: Broadband, Television, Radio, Satellites
  2. Terminals: Television, Computers, Mobile Phones, Audio Players
  3. Services: Radio, Online Banks, Electronic Commerce, Messenger Services

Distinctive Features of ICT

  • Immateriality: Handling a lot of information in a small space.
  • Interactivity: Users can communicate practically.
  • Instantaneity: Linking processes are faster.
  • Innovation: Continuous update of
... Continue reading "Introduction to Informatics and ICT" »

Language and Communication Vocabulary: English-Spanish

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Unit 1: Language and Communication

Key Vocabulary

  • Accent: acento
  • Bilingual: bilingüe
  • Cognate: cognado
  • Comment on: opinar sobre
  • False friend: falso amigo
  • Fluently: con fluidez
  • Idiom: idioma
  • Keep in touch: mantenerse en contacto
  • Meaning: significado
  • Mother tongue: lengua maternal
  • Proverb: proverbio
  • Saying: dicho
  • Second language: segunda lengua
  • Slang: argot
  • Speak in public: hablar en publico
  • Spread a rumour: extender rumor
  • Synonym: sinonimo
  • Translation: traduccion

Internet and Social Networks

  • Blogger: bloguero
  • Chatroom: sala de chat
  • Cookies: galletas
  • Cyberbully: cyberbully
  • Delete an account: eliminar cuenta
  • Follower: seguidor
  • Go online: navegar online
  • Hacker: jaqueador
  • Internet addiction: adicto a internet
  • Log off: desconectarse
  • Post an update: publicar actualizacion
  • Post online:
... Continue reading "Language and Communication Vocabulary: English-Spanish" »

Finite Automata: Understanding Input Tape and Symbols

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New Terminology of Finite Automata

  • We call the part of the FA where the input string resides while it is being run the Input Tape.
  • The Input Tape must be long enough for any possible input. Since any word in a* is a possible input, the Tape must be infinitely long.
  • The Tape has a first location for the first letter of the input, then a second location, and so on.
  • Therefore, we say that the Tape is infinite in only one direction.

A New Format for FAs

  • The locations into which we put the input letters are called cells. (See the table below)
  • Name the cells with lowercase Roman numerals.






  • The Δ is used to indicate the blank.
  • Input string is aab.
  • Input tape parsing.
  • As the Tape is processed on the machine, we read one letter at a time and eliminate each
... Continue reading "Finite Automata: Understanding Input Tape and Symbols" »