Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Electronics

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Vocabulary Acquisition and Teaching Resources

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Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage in the Classroom

1. The Dictionary: An Indispensable Tool

The dictionary is a crucial element in acquiring necessary vocabulary. It makes students aware of the possibilities afforded by consultation. It's an indispensable tool for learning vocabulary and language in general, and it should always be present in the classroom. It provides the student with a high degree of autonomy. It is essential to know how to handle it properly, and we must not abuse its capabilities.

2. Vocabulary Games: Engaging and Effective

Word games, misunderstandings, and jokes are common in everyday language and are part of our popular cultural heritage. They serve to teach how to use a word at the right time and to practice mental agility... Continue reading "Vocabulary Acquisition and Teaching Resources" »

Transistors, Amplifiers, and Electronic Components

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NPN and PNP transistors function as amplifiers or switches. They are used to amplify, control, and stabilize electrical signals. There are two main types: Bipolar and Single pole. Transistors are formed of P-type and N-type materials. The three legs are: emitter, base, and collector.

Operation of an NPN Transistor

If the base-emitter junction is forward biased, the transistor works in the active region. Electrons from the emitter are repelled by the negative pole and move towards the positive pole. When they reach the base, some are attracted, forming the base current (IB). The rest are attracted to the positive collector, forming the collector current (IC). The emitter current (IE) is the sum of the base and collector currents:... Continue reading "Transistors, Amplifiers, and Electronic Components" »

Analyzing Audio Frequencies with Oscilloscope and Telephone Capsule

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This document details an experiment to understand the listening experience using a telephone receiver capsule.

Experiment Setup

We used a telephone receiver capsule (voice-call) with a signal generator and an oscilloscope. The connections were made as follows:

  • Connect the oscilloscope CH1 tip to the telephone capsule terminal.
  • Connect the oscilloscope black reference to the signal generator output.
  • Connect the signal generator red claw to the same terminal as the oscilloscope tip on the capsule.
  • Connect the signal generator negative grip to the other end of the capsule and the oscilloscope.

The oscilloscope is used to analyze the wave and determine the frequency our ears can perceive. By varying the frequency, we can find the minimum audible frequency.... Continue reading "Analyzing Audio Frequencies with Oscilloscope and Telephone Capsule" »

Understanding Curriculum: Definition, Sources, and Types

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The curriculum is the totality of the phenomena occurring in the educational process. It encompasses all that the school provides for achieving educational goals. Walker, D. (1983) defines it as "a continuum from the rhetoric of the statements, aims, and ideas, to practice, so that it has been defined as a theory of practice." Stenhouse (1987:38) states, "Curriculum, from my perspective as a teacher, is a proposal that clearly specifies a set of content/methods, which holds the rank of suggestion as to what my class can be valuable and can teach and learn."

Curriculum Purposes

Gimeno Sacristán, J. (1985) outlines the following purposes of the curriculum:

  1. To provide a vision of the culture that is transmitted in schools.
  2. To serve as a curriculum
... Continue reading "Understanding Curriculum: Definition, Sources, and Types" »

Essential TV Antenna and Satellite Concepts

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Antenna Amplifiers

Number of amplifier types: Two main types for typical antennas: Monochannel (single channel) and Wideband.

Noise Figure: Indicates the noise level entering the amplifier's signal input.

Signal Quality

Ideal Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N) for a perfect image (dB): 57 to 80 dB, with 46 dB being the minimum for acceptable TV viewing.

Standard TV Antenna Impedance: Typically 300 ohms.

Types of Amplifiers

Single-channel amplifiers:

  • Amplifier with one input and two outputs.
  • Amplifier with two inputs and two outputs.

Power Amplifier Function: Amplifies the signal, allowing for small variations in channel amplification.

TV Antenna Installation

Essential Elements for Successful TV Antenna Installation:

  • Antenna
  • Cable
  • Amplifiers
  • Filters / Separators /
... Continue reading "Essential TV Antenna and Satellite Concepts" »

Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, and Transformers: A Comprehensive Overview

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Types of Resistors

Charged Carbon Resistors


  • Low stability values
  • Robust mechanical and electrical properties
  • Strong overload support
  • Temperature coefficient: C ±100ppm
  • High noise
  • Tolerances above 5%

Pyrolytic Carbon Film Resistors


  • Very stable resistive element composed of carbon and insulation
  • Reduced noise
  • Widely used
  • Good heat support
  • Features similar to carbon composition resistors

Metal Film Resistors


  • Composed of Ni-Cr, Au-Pt
  • Tolerance > 0.1%
  • Poor heat support
  • Good thermal stability
  • Very sensitive to frequency and voltage variations
  • High price



  • Ohmic value
  • Power dissipation
  • Linearity
  • Tolerance
  • Angle of rotation
  • Stability
  • Insulation resistance
  • Minimum resistance
  • Temperature coefficient
  • Noise
  • Resolution
  • Moisture
... Continue reading "Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, and Transformers: A Comprehensive Overview" »

Hydraulic Systems: Principles and Applications in Fluid Power

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Hydraulic Systems: Principles and Applications

Introduction: The hydraulic method is chosen for tasks that involve the transmission of large forces. This method is used to create and control forces and movements with pressurized fluid.

Advantages of Hydraulic Systems

  • Great Efforts: Ability to transmit substantial forces.
  • High Power-to-Weight Ratio: Efficient performance relative to system weight.
  • Precision: Accurate positioning of heavy loads.
  • Smooth Movement: Regular and smooth operation.
  • Accurate Speed Control: Precise control over operational speeds.
  • Starting Under Maximum Load: Capability to start under full load conditions.
  • Easy Overload Protection: Simple mechanisms to protect against overload.

Oil Hydraulic Fluid Circuit

Oil Hydraulic Fluid Circuit:... Continue reading "Hydraulic Systems: Principles and Applications in Fluid Power" »

Child-Centered Learning: Activities, Methods, and Play

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Interest-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education

Interest-based learning is a pedagogical method that organizes educational content around a core based on the needs and interests of children. This approach focuses on presenting activities in various situations, motivated by the environment. For example, introducing the concept of fruit through engaging activities.

Organizing Activities for Success

Activities are organized to encourage children to think and pursue success. Choosing an axis of interest that sparks their curiosity is crucial. This method can be implemented with children as young as 18 months old.

Learning Corners: A Key Pedagogical Resource

Learning corners are a valuable pedagogical resource that involves creating organized play... Continue reading "Child-Centered Learning: Activities, Methods, and Play" »

Transformer Short-Circuit Test: Measurement and Analysis

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The short-circuit test involves shorting the secondary winding terminals and applying a reduced primary voltage (Ucc) to allow rated current flow in the primary winding.


Fundamentals of the Test

This test determines nominal copper losses, as short-circuit iron losses are negligible due to the low applied voltage (Ucc). Iron losses are roughly proportional to the square of the magnetic flux density (B), which is significantly reduced at low voltage. If Ucc = 5% U1n, then Bcc ≈ 0.05B, where:

  • B = maximum flux density at nominal voltage
  • Bcc = maximum flux density during the short-circuit test

Therefore, PFECCAS = (0.05)2 ⋅ PFe = 1/400 ⋅ PFe, where:

  • PFe = nominal iron losses
... Continue reading "Transformer Short-Circuit Test: Measurement and Analysis" »

Electric Circuits: Components and Function

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Atomic Structure and Electric Charge

The following table summarizes the structure of an atom:

ComponentSubatomic ParticleMass and Charge
CoreProtonsMass = 1, Charge = +
CoreNeutronsMass = 1, Charge = Neutral
CortexElectronsNegligible Mass, Charge = -

Electric charge is the excess or deficit of electrons in a body. It is measured in Coulombs.

Electric Current

Electric current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. A conductor material contains many free electrons. Materials that do not have free electrons are insulators. For current to exist, there must be free electrons and a potential difference. Current can be of two types:

  • Direct Current (DC): Electrons move in the same direction.
  • Alternating Current (AC): Electrons change direction periodically,
... Continue reading "Electric Circuits: Components and Function" »