Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Design and Engineering

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Baby Talk Milestones: Stages of Language Development

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Initial Vocalizations (Birth - 2 Months)

At this stage, baby's sounds are primarily reflexive, related to their physical state, such as discomfort, hunger, or contentment.

Coos and Smiles (2 - 4 Months)

Baby's vocalizations expand, often including cooing and gurgling sounds, particularly velar sounds like "ga". Smiles begin to accompany these sounds.

Vocal Play (4 - 6 Months)

Babies begin to produce sounds voluntarily, experimenting with their voices. This is a sensory-motor activity, similar to exploring movement with their hands and eyes.

Canonical Babbling (6+ Months)

Syllables emerge, typically in two structures: CV (e.g., "pa") and VCV (e.g., "ata"). Two types of canonical babbling are observed:

  • Reduplicated babbling: Repeating similar syllables,
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Food Service Systems: Types, Distribution & Sensory Tools

Classified in Design and Engineering

Written at on English with a size of 2.93 KB.

Food Service Distribution Systems

Centralized Distribution

Preparations are served in a location attached to the place of manufacture. No transportation is needed.

Decentralized Distribution

Preparations are portioned in a distant area from production and can be transported in cars or thermal coolers.

Food Service Types


À la carte: Customers choose their dish from a menu, which offers several options.

Self-service: The dishes are displayed on mobile thermal units (refrigerated or not) that can be table stands or counters, and the customer serves themselves.

Service Modalities

Self-Service: The customer goes to the table or buffet and serves themselves according to their preference, regarding variety and quantity. This service can be charged... Continue reading "Food Service Systems: Types, Distribution & Sensory Tools" »

Motor Skills: Classification, Analysis, and Task Regulation

Classified in Design and Engineering

Written at on English with a size of 2.61 KB.

Classifications of Motor Skills

A motor skill is any competence acquired by an individual to perform a particular task. It involves solving specific motor problems efficiently and economically to achieve a precise objective. Motor skills are learned and depend on the individual's ability to adapt their responses.

System of Classification and Analysis

Motor skills and tasks are classified based on perceptual decision-making, implementation, and motion control demands.

Environmental Influence

  • Predominantly Perceptive: Motor execution is mediated by situational changes in the environment.
  • Predominantly Usual: Environmental conditions are stable and predictable.

Poulton's Classification

  • Open Tasks: Require extrinsic feedback.
  • Closed Tasks: Movement is controlled
... Continue reading "Motor Skills: Classification, Analysis, and Task Regulation" »