Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Design and Engineering

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Influence Lines, Virtual Work, and Structural Analysis Methods

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Influence Lines and Structural Analysis

Influence lines (IL) and their use in structural analysis. Methods of IL construction.
Internal forces and bending moments caused by moving loads can be solved with the help of influence lines. Influence line S graphs the variation of a quantity S at a specific point x on a beam or truss caused by a unit load F=1 placed at any point u along the structure.
Methods for constructing the influence line:

  • Analytical method (creating equations using equilibrium conditions)
  • Kinematic method (Müller-Breslau Principle; using principal of virtual work)
  • Combination of above-mentioned methods
  • Numerically (based on definition, i.e. tabulation of the influence values for multiple points along the structure)

Virtual Work and

... Continue reading "Influence Lines, Virtual Work, and Structural Analysis Methods" »

Understanding Robot Kinematics: Parameters, Joints, and Links

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Robot Kinematics


Euler’s Rotation Theorem

Any rigid body motion that leaves one point fixed can be represented by a single rotation about an axis through the fixed point.

Chasles’ Theorem

Any rigid body motion is the translation of a designated point & a rotation of the whole body about that point.

Kinematic Parameters

These parameters are associated with the kinematic configuration of each link and joint of the robot arm. There are four main kinematic parameters:

Joint Parameters

The relative position and orientation of two successive links can be specified by two joint parameters:

  • Joint Angle (θk): The amount of rotation about zk-1 so that Xk-1 is parallel to Xk.
  • Joint Distance (dk): The amount of translation along the Zk-1 needed to make
... Continue reading "Understanding Robot Kinematics: Parameters, Joints, and Links" »

Understanding Beams, Poisson's Ratio, and Hooke's Law

Classified in Design and Engineering

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 simply supported beam is a structural element supported at both ends, typically resting on supports that allow notation but prevent vertical olisplacement. It is is free to bend under applied loads and is commonly used in bridges and buildings///continuas beam is a structural element that extends over multiple supports, with more than two supports along its length. It distributes loads. Mare evenly, reducing bending moments and deflection compared.//////Overhanging beam An overhanging beam is a beam that extends beyond one or both of its supports, creating a cantilevered section. This type of beam combines characteristics of both simply supported and cantilever beams, experiencing bending moments and shear forced in the overhanging portion.... Continue reading "Understanding Beams, Poisson's Ratio, and Hooke's Law" »

Key Terms in Production and Inventory Management

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Inventory Management

Safety Stock: The amount of inventory carried in addition to the expected demand.

Stock Keeping Unit (SKU): A common term used to identify an inventory item.

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

Available to Promise: A feature of MRP systems that identifies the difference between the number of units currently included in the master schedule and actual (firm) customer orders.

Bill of Materials (BOM): A computer file that contains the complete product description, listing the materials, parts, and components, and the sequence in which the product is created.

Closed-loop MRP: The use of actual data from the production system to continually update the MRP system. This feedback is provided so that planning can be kept valid at all... Continue reading "Key Terms in Production and Inventory Management" »

Human-Computer Interaction: Sensory Actuators and Semiotics

Classified in Design and Engineering

Written at on English with a size of 18.75 KB.

Can also be including labels of actuators
•– Light
•– Sound
•– Vibrators
•– Solenoids
•– Servos
•– Heat/cool pads
& of Sensors
•– Heartbeat
•– Temperature
•– Skin conductance
•– Pressure and bend sensors
•– Accelerometer
•– Microphone
•– Light sensor
•– Distance
•– Gaze (eye-tracker)
•– Buttons
•– Faders

•Galvanic Skin Response (conductivity)
-offers fast response, but only changes have meaning
-- facial expressions directly convey emotional states, but for mobile applications it would be difficult to mount a camera…
-- intonation, rhythm, lexical stress, and other features in speech can be used effectively, but universal affect interpretation difficult
... Continue reading "Human-Computer Interaction: Sensory Actuators and Semiotics" »

Git, Project Management, Linux, and Regex Essentials

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Git Commands and Concepts

Git key commands and concepts:

  • add (stage changes)
  • commit (with a message)
  • head (most recent commit)
  • branch (alternative history)
  • checkout (enter/exit branch)
  • merge (combine into master)
  • stash (save without commit, -u for untracked files; latest stashes (0) at the top)
  • pop (retrieve a stash)
  • fork (copy code from the source into a repository)
  • pull (pull remote changes and merge into master)
  • revert (undo commits and create a new commit)
  • log (history with most recent commits first, -p for patch details)
  • rm (--cached to remove from staging)
  • fetch (get changes from a remote repository to a local repository without merging them; useful for reviewing changes)
  • pull (fetch + merge)
  • rebase (create a clean/linear commit history by moving commits
... Continue reading "Git, Project Management, Linux, and Regex Essentials" »

Angular Data Binding and Lifecycle Hooks

Classified in Design and Engineering

Written at on English with a size of 6.1 KB.


One Way Binding


Two Way Binding
Property Binding
Attribute BindingOk
Class Binding

Style Binding

Component Binding
Directive Binding
Event BindingSave

Lifecycle Hooks

OnInitexport class Customer implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {}
OnChangesexport class Customer implements OnChanges {
ngOnChanges() {}
AfterViewInitexport class Customer implements AfterViewInit {
ngAfterViewInit() {}
OnDestroyexport class Customer implements OnDestroy {
ngOnDestroy() {}


Upper Case

{{ | uppercase}}

Lower Case

{{ | lowercase}}


{{orderDate | date:'medium'}}

Date Format

{{orderDate | date:'yMMMd'}}


{{price | currency}}


{{taxes | percent:

... Continue reading "Angular Data Binding and Lifecycle Hooks" »

Human performance

Classified in Design and Engineering

Written at on English with a size of 5.14 KB.


What are main strength and Strain material parameters characterising    material performance during at Tensile loading?

-Young’s modulus

-Yield strength,


-Reduction in area

-Ultimate tensile strength

-Fracture strength

2.What equations describe the Strain hardening stage on true stress- true strain curve above yield strength And before reaching the necking?

-Holomon equation

-Ramberg-Osgood equation

3.What is Hall -Petch equation And what is the meaning of the main parameters in this equation?

-correlating the material Behaviour with yield strength

-Decreasing the grain size, increase the yield strength

-Increasing si (Stress acting against Dislocation movement), increase  the Yield strength.

4.What are main mechanical testes Applicable

... Continue reading "Human performance " »

Linear Programming Constraints and Variables: Definitions and Effects

Classified in Design and Engineering

Written at on English with a size of 2.44 KB.

Binding Constraint: LHS equals to RHS at optimal ;  Non-binding constraint: LHS is not equal to RHS at optimal

Shadow Price: Amount by which OFV changes if RHS is increased by one unit

Basic Variable: A decision variable which has non-zero value at optimal ;  Non-basic Value: A decision variable which has a value of zero at optimal

Reduced cost: Amount by which the objective function coefficient needs to be decreased before the variable becomes basic

  • Basic var: "Final Value" >0 and "Reduced cost"=0; With allow inc/dec, optimal solution (Final Value) doesn't change, OFV change by (change)*(Final Value); Beyond allow inc/dec, optimal solution and OFV changes by RESOLVE.
  • Non basic var:  "Final Value"=0 and "Reduced cost"≠0; In a MIN,"Reduced
... Continue reading "Linear Programming Constraints and Variables: Definitions and Effects" »

Port Sizing and Operations: Key Factors and Considerations

Classified in Design and Engineering

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Port Sizing: Key Factors

Physical Factors

1. Oceanographic and Meteorological Conditions

These conditions define navigational restrictions. Wind conditions are classified as:

  • Soft: Up to 36 kph
  • Moderate: 36 - 63 kph
  • Severe: 63 - 108 kph

2. Vessel Dimensions

Design vessel dimensions (LOA, breadth, freeboard, draft) are crucial for port design.

3. Vessel Maneuverability

  • High: Light war vessels, cruises, bulk carriers, Ro-Ro vessels, first-generation containerships
  • Medium: Modern war vessels, oil carriers (T-2), bulk carriers, second-generation containerships
  • Low: Aircraft carriers, VLCC tankers, third and fourth-generation containerships, older or damaged vessels

4. Vessel Squat

Two main effects:

  • Vertical movement (sinking)
  • Longitudinal rotation

5. Vessel Movements

Tide... Continue reading "Port Sizing and Operations: Key Factors and Considerations" »