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"entirely belongs to" shareholding

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Services

3.1. Service Terminology Service

a service is a software program that makes its functionality available via a technical interface, called a service contract.


Figure 3.1. The symbol used to represent an abstract service.

Service Contract

The symbol used to represent a service contract is displayed in Figure 3.2.


Service Capability

A service contract can be broken down into a set of service capabilities, each of which expresses a function offered by the service to other software programs.


Figure 3.4. A Purchase Order service contract with four service capabilities.

Service Consumer

A service consumer is software program when it accesses and invokes a service—or, when it sends a message to a service capability


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10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

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1. Visibility of System Status

The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within a reasonable time.

2. Match Between System and the Real World

The system should speak the user's language, with words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.

3. User Control and Freedom

Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.

4. Consistency and Standards

Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions... Continue reading "10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design" »

Computer Hardware and Operating System Fundamentals

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A microprocessor is an integrated circuit with millions of tiny transistors that process instructions and data from memory.

  • Clock rate: The microprocessor's speed.
  • Number of bits: The amount of data a computer can process at once.


  • RAM: Main memory for temporary data storage.
  • ROM: Memory for startup programs and diagnostics.
  • Cache: Stores frequently used data for the microprocessor.


  • Hard disk: Device for permanent information storage.

Operating System

The operating system is a set of commands and programs that control basic computer processes and enable other programs to run.

  • Manages the microprocessor, coordinating computer work.
  • Manages memory and storage systems.
  • Provides a user interface.
  • Enables communication between applications
... Continue reading "Computer Hardware and Operating System Fundamentals" »

Exploring Basic Linux System Calls

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Problem Statement

Explore the usage of basic Linux system calls.

Process Management System Calls

The system calls to manage processes are:

  • fork(): Used to create a new process.
  • exec(): Executes a new program.
  • wait(): Waits until the process finishes execution.
  • exit(): Exits from the process.

System calls used to get process IDs are:

  • getpid(): Gets the unique process ID of the process.
  • getppid(): Gets the parent process's unique ID.

Stat System Call

The stat system call retrieves information about files, specifically from their inodes. For instance, to get a file's size and name, you would typically use stat. Let's illustrate with a C code snippet (src/ls1.c):


struct dirent *dptr;
... Continue reading "Exploring Basic Linux System Calls" »

Java Programming Concepts and Examples

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  1. Start
  2. Read the string
  3. Calculate the length of the string
  4. Initialize rev
  5. Initialize i=length=1
  6. Repeat until i>=0
    1. rev=rev+char at position I of the string
    2. i=i-1
  7. If string=rev:print “palindrome”
  8. Else print “not palindrome”
  9. Stop

import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Scanner; class Test { public static void main(String args[]){ Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter the String:"); String str = sc.nextLine(); int flag = 0; int len = str.length(); for(int i=0;i


  1. Create a class employee with given variables and method print the salary
  2. Create two sub classes of class employee named officer and manager include the variable specilaization in officer class and department in manager class
  3. Create a class with main
... Continue reading "Java Programming Concepts and Examples" »

Understanding Operating Systems: Functions, Performance, and Multithreading

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WEEK 1: Software that Manages Computer Hardware

Operating System as an Abstract Machine, Service Provider, and Resource Manager. OS Objectives: Convenience, Efficiency, and Ability to Evolve.


Performance Indices

Arrival Time, Service Time, Turnaround Time, Normalized Turnaround Time. First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling Policy.

Microprocessor and DMA Activity

Impact of Microprocessor Bus Configuration and DMA Activity on System Speed.

Memory System and Cache

Cache and Main Memory Access Time, Average Access Time Calculation.

A colorful bar chart with numbers  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

iOS and Android

Similarities and Differences between iOS and Android.

Job Execution and CPU Utilization

CPU Utilization for Uniprogramming and Multiprogramming.

Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Coordination, Memory Operations Completion,... Continue reading "Understanding Operating Systems: Functions, Performance, and Multithreading" »

Web Design & Development Glossary: Terms and Definitions

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Web Design & Development

Common Terms

Web Design

Is the act or practice of determining how a website looks.

Web Development

Is the act or practice of determining how a website works.


Is the act of using and finding things on a website.


(Cascading Style Sheets) is a simple language that decides how a web page looks.


Is the programming language that makes up a website.


Is how easily people find a website using search engines, based on how many other websites link to it.


Is how easy it is for a person to use a website.


Is the material on a web page, including text and graphics.


Is how a web page looks.


Is the ability of different elements of a website to work together.

Programming Languages


Is... Continue reading "Web Design & Development Glossary: Terms and Definitions" »

REST Architectural Style: Statelessness, Caching, and Layered Systems

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Chapter 3: Statelessness

This means that each request from a service consumer should contain all the necessary information for the service to understand the meaning of the request. All session state data should then be returned to the service consumer at the end of each request.

Figure 5.2. Statelessness ensures that each service consumer request can be treated independently by the service.



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This principle requires the person or agency in control of the personal data to implement organizational and technical measures to ensure the data is secure. It requires the controller to offer protection against:

  • Unlawful destruction or accidental loss
  • Alteration
  • Unauthorized disclosure or access
  • All other form of unlawful processing

In particular when the data is transmitted over a network. If the controller is not doing the processing themselves they must provide guarantees that the specified security measures are being carried out.

Pre Processing a Biometrics Image for Feature Extraction:

Case Study: Finger Prints:

Fingerprint ID is often based on minutiae and or the location or the direction of fingerprint of the ridge endings and bifurcations... Continue reading "eyes" »

Security Essentials: Certificates, Identity, and Access Control

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1. Cookies: Temporary data stored on the client-side, encrypted if SSL is used.

2. Types of Certificates:

  • Site
  • Personal
  • Software Vendor
  • Anonymous

3. Identity: Used for:

  • Authentication
  • Accountability
  • Identifying principle

4. Principal: A unique identity. Identity is used to identify the principal, which is a computer representation of an entity.

5. Goals of a Certificate Regarding Identity: To bind the correct identity to a distinguished name.

6. Malicious Logic: A set of instructions that cause a site's security policy to be violated.

7. Predictable Computer Usage Patterns: Yes, my usage is statistically predictable. I often work from home, so the patterns between work and home are similar. I check email, run the browser, run Visual Studio, NetBeans, a... Continue reading "Security Essentials: Certificates, Identity, and Access Control" »