Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Computers

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Workshop Workload and Production Capacity Management

Classified in Computers

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Workshop Planning and Control


Planning aims to coordinate workload with available resources and equipment to perform the required services in production, or the quantity and quality required, at the lowest cost and meeting the deadline.


Methods, order, time > budget OR > acceptance > delivery term.


The workload is the amount of work available for the workshop, consisting of the OR already issued and accepted by clients.

Production Capacity

Production capacity is the amount of work that the workshop can perform based on available operators, equipment, and facilities.

The workload can be defined in a working or time to implement and scale, or are uncertain about working with an open OR work involving a diagnostic... Continue reading "Workshop Workload and Production Capacity Management" »

Understanding Fuzzy Logic and Backpropagation in Neural Networks

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Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic extends Boolean logic, allowing intermediate values between TRUE (1) and FALSE (0), such as MAYBE (0.5). A fuzzy logic value can be any value within the range of 0 to 1. This logic incorporates statistical concepts, especially in inference. Fuzzy logic implementations enable control devices to handle indeterminate states, allowing for the evaluation of non-quantifiable concepts. Practical examples include evaluating temperature (hot, warm, medium), happiness (bright, happy, apathetic, sad), and the veracity of an argument (absolutely right, right, counter-argumentative, inconsistent, false, totally wrong).

Fuzzy logic is a research area focused on uncertainty treatment and a family of mathematical models dedicated to... Continue reading "Understanding Fuzzy Logic and Backpropagation in Neural Networks" »

Vijeo Designer HMI XBT-G Configuration

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1) Entering Configuration Screen

To enter the configuration screen from runtime mode:

  • It depends on the configuration of the last application downloaded.

2) Dip Switch Settings

According to the dip switch settings shown in the figure:

  • Starting from the CF card is disabled, you can download, and forced closure is disabled.

3) Screen Ventilation

To facilitate the ventilation of the screen, the manufacturer recommends a minimum distance of 100mm from any adjoining structure or equipment.

4) XBT-G LED Indicator

If the LED on the right side of the XBT-G screen lights orange, this means:

  • Backlight is off.

5) COM1 Connector (SUB D25)

The female SUB D25 connector, COM1, of the XBT-G screen is used for:

  • Serial communication with the PLC.

6) XBT-G Back Protection


... Continue reading "Vijeo Designer HMI XBT-G Configuration" »

Understanding Graphics Cards: Components and Functionality

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The Graphics Card

1. What are Graphics Cards?

A graphics card is the hardware component of a computer that generates the image displayed on the monitor. The graphics card has evolved from a mere interface between the microprocessor and the display, which simply translated information consisting of an 80x24 character screen into an analog signal compatible with the monitor, to managing images with resolutions of 1024x768 pixels or more, with millions of possible colors and refresh rates over 70 Hz.

Current graphics cards have their own dedicated CPU for graphics operations and their own RAM, whose capacity is approaching and may even exceed that of the system.

2. Components of a Graphics Card

A graphics card has three main components:

  • The graphics
... Continue reading "Understanding Graphics Cards: Components and Functionality" »

Mastering GIS Operations: Essential Techniques and Troubleshooting

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Activating the Buffer Function in GIS

If you want to implement the buffer function and it is not active, what must you do to activate it? You must designate the units as follows:

  • View -> Properties

Cartographic considerations must be made before an operation. The influence or buffer area must be activated as units are working.

Modifying Erroneous Values in a GIS Database

How can you modify an erroneous value in a database?

  1. Table / Start Editing
  2. With the pen tool, change the invalid data.
  3. Table / Stop Editing

Deleting a Field in a GIS Database

How do you delete a field in a database?

  • Edit / Delete Field

Deleting a Record in a GIS Database

How can you delete a record in a database?

  • Edit / Delete Records

Invoking the Clip Command

What is required to invoke... Continue reading "Mastering GIS Operations: Essential Techniques and Troubleshooting" »

Understanding Computer Systems: Hardware, Software, and Key Concepts

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1. Computer System

The set of physical elements (Hardware) and software (Software) that allow information processing.

2. Physical Subsystem

Commonly known as hardware.

3. Logical Subsystem

Referred to as software.

4. Computer

An electronic device capable of processing data, performing load, arithmetic, and logic operations without human intervention.

5. Informatics

The science that studies the automatic and rational treatment of information.

6. Automatic and Rational

  • Automatic: Tasks are performed by machines.
  • Rational: Processes follow human reasoning.

7. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Responsible for implementing programs and comprises the main memory, control unit, and arithmetic-logic unit.

8. Supercomputer

A specialized machine designed for tasks requiring... Continue reading "Understanding Computer Systems: Hardware, Software, and Key Concepts" »

Communication Modes, Data Circuits, OSI Stack, and Network Types

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Communication Modes


  • Simplex Communication: Clearly defined transmitter and receiver functions. Transmission occurs in one direction only. Example: a TV broadcast using a single physical channel and a single unidirectional logical channel.
  • Half-Duplex Communication: Two-way communication where sender and receiver roles are interchangeable, but transmission is not simultaneous. When one device sends, the other must receive. It uses one physical channel and a bidirectional logical channel.
  • Full-Duplex Communication: Bidirectional and simultaneous communication. Sender and receiver roles are not strictly defined.

Data Circuit Components

Circuit Data:

  • Data Terminal Equipment (DTE): The source or destination of information.
  • Data Circuit-Terminating
... Continue reading "Communication Modes, Data Circuits, OSI Stack, and Network Types" »

Image and Sound Processing, Networks, and Digitalization

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Image Processing

Imaging Technique

  • Bitmap (Raster): Formed by pixels, each with a color. Programs: GIMP, Photoshop. Formats: GIF, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PCX (Paintbrush), RAW, TGA, PSD (Photoshop), XCF (GIMP).
  • Vector: Obtained using lines. Programs: Corel Draw, Draw, AutoCAD, QCad. Formats: DXF, CDR, DWG, ODG/SXD, SWF, AI, SFHx.
  • 3D: Three-dimensional figures. Widely used in games. Programs: Virtual Hammer.

Memory Cards

  • SD
  • MMC
  • XD
  • Memory Stick

Image Properties

  • Color Depth: Total number of bits used to encode an image. More depth means more shades.
  • Brightness: Related to light intensity emitted over a given area.
  • Contrast: Brightness difference between the maximum and minimum brightness.

Color Specification Systems

  • RGB (Red, Green, Blue): Used
... Continue reading "Image and Sound Processing, Networks, and Digitalization" »

Understanding Computer Fundamentals: FAQ

Classified in Computers

Written at on English with a size of 3.72 KB.

What is a Computer?

A computer is an information processing machine capable of storing a large amount of data.

What is an Abacus?

The Abacus was a device capable of performing automatic calculations.

What is the Computer's Brain?

The computer's brain is the microprocessor.

What is Multimedia?

Multimedia is the ability to use images and sound through the computer.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a network that allows access to information stored on computers.

What is Compatibility?

Compatibility refers to the ability of different components or software to work together.

What is a Power Supply?

The power supply is a component that connects your computer to the electric current.

What is the Motherboard?

The motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer,... Continue reading "Understanding Computer Fundamentals: FAQ" »

Key Computer & Software Terms: Definitions & Concepts

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Key Computer and Software Terms

1. Text Editor: It is a program through which we can enter text without a specific file format.

2. Word Processing: It serves not only to write, but also to format the text and offer a better appearance.

3. Document: A data file with a specific format that is interpreted by the processor.

4. Book: An entire document with all its pages.

5. Section: An organizational unit of the document that may implement a number of characteristics.

6. Paragraph: An organizational unit below a section.

7. Style: A way of sorting, identifying, and storing a set of formatting and other features.

8. Index: A part of the document, usually found at the end.

9. Table of Contents: An index with page layout format which summarizes the contents... Continue reading "Key Computer & Software Terms: Definitions & Concepts" »